Tram contractors investigated, Virgen del Cisne pilgrimage schedule, Immigration law change proposed, Two food festivals, Tax collections
Miércoles, 31/7/2019
Hola, Todos –
Actividades –
De la pagina cultural –
XIV Bienal catalogue – The bi-lingual, 540 page catalogue for the last Bienal held from 23/11/2018 to 3/2/2019 will be presented el jueves, 8/8 a las 19:00 in the Museo Municipal de Arte Moderno auditorium (Sucre y Coronel Tálbot).
Espacio Nómada – 8 art collectives are active in this space which is on the lower floor of the CCE (next to the Bomberos). Francisco Aguirre and his Teatro de las Mil Puertas will stage a performance of “El Loco” el viernes y el sábado a las 20:00. Each collective can submit a proposal for the space, and proposals are being taken from other artists. The events will be from jueves a sábado a las 20:00.
Tribute – There will be a posthumous tribute to Cuencano composer Esteban Iñiguez este viernes a las 19:30 in the teatro Pumapungo.
Del cuerpo del periodico –
Festival gastronómico – The 4th yuca and meat gastronomic festival will be el próximo 4/8 inn the parque Ecuador Amazónico in Sucúa. From Cuenca, you can take 2 routes: Paute-Guarumales-Méndez-Sucúa and Gualaceo-Limón Indanza-Sucúa.
Festival de cangrejos – There will be a crab festival in Naranhal, Guayas este domingo. There will be 40 stands where you can sample foods including cangrejo criollo and a crab burger. You can also learn how to catch a crab and how to prepare it. Naranjal is about 2.5 hours from Cuenca. <Bring a bib.>
Otras cosas –
Titular – Constructoras del tranvía, indagadas (Tram builders, investigated) – 3 firms that participated in the construction of the Tranvía Cuatro Ríos are being investigated by the Dirección Nacional de Contratación Pública and the Comptroller’s Office. The Attorney General is also analyzing a packet of at least 40 contracts between public agencies and various businesses, including Odebrecht, which are being questioned about corruption.
Romería a El Cisne – The police in the Cuenca and Loja cantons have a security plan for the 75 Km. pilgrimage for the Virgen de El Cisne that starts in El Cisne el 17/8 and ends in Loja el 20/8. The pilgrimage starts in El Cisne and will arrive in San Pedro de la Bendita about 13:00. On the 18/8, the walk will go to Catamayo, arriving about 13:00. On the 20th, walkers will go to Loja and arrive about 16:00. The 3 legs of the pilgrimage will be closed on midnight of the day of the walk. San Pedro-El Cisne will be closed el 17, San Pedro-Catamayo el 18, and Catamayo-Loja el 20. There are alternate routes for transit: Loja-Gualel-Chuquiribamba-Chantaco-Taquil; El Cisno-Ambocas; Catamayo-El Tambo-Malacatos-Loja. The walkers will be provided with security on the vía Panamericana. <Drive carefully – I bet there aren’t a lot of crimes you could commit that would be worse than running over a pilgrim.>
Tax collection – The Municipality of Cuenca collected $48,983,347 in taxes in the first 7 months of the year. This is about 67% of the amount expected to be collected this year, and is similar to collection rates in past years.
Dean retires – The Dean of the School of Medicine at the U. of Cuenca submitted his resignation in compliance with a request from the Rector of the University. He will return to teaching. Entrance exams for the Medical school were leaked before the exam.
Reforms to control ingress of foreigners – The Minister of the Interior and the Sec’y of State submitted a proposal to the pres. of the Asamblea Nacional to reform the Ley de Movilidad Humana. The main changes would be to speed up paperwork to deport foreigners who commit crimes in Ecuador, and to eliminate the Temporary UNASUR Visa. Instead, citizens of former UNASUR countries would get other visas. In the case of Venezuelans they could get humanitarian visas, and from other countries, they can have free access for up to 180 days.
Mundo –
Brasil – The number of deaths from an amotinamiento (riot – your word for the day) last Monday in a Brazilian prison in Pará in north Brasil rose to 57. 16 of the victims were decapitated and 41 suffocated from smoke inhalation when a rival gang closed off rooms and set fires. Authorities are transferring 46 prisoners to other jails to isolate them. 30 are going by land and the most dangerous 16 are being flown. <Wonder how many of them will accidentally fall out of the plane?>
And that’s all for today so Hasta ? –
Editor’s note: Jeanne’s Periodico is a translated digest of news from the Cuenca daily newspaper El Mercurio. If details, such as event dates and times, do not appear in the translation, they did not appear in the newspaper. The text between the carrots, or guillemets (< … >), is Jeanne’s personal opinion and not part of the news translation.