Tranvía – bus integration will take time, director says; Tranvía ticket price reduced; Chordeleg seeks ‘magic’ title; Minor driving infranctions will receive warning

Oct 2, 2020 | 3 comments

Jueves, 1/10/2020

Hola, Todos –

Actividades –

Otras cosas –

Titular – Crédito para pagar deudas (Credit to pay debts) – See Wednesday’s CHL story for the IMF loan to the country.

Unificación de tarjetas Movilízate no será completa (Unification of Movilízate cards will not be complete) – Carolina Ormaza, director of the Unidad Ejecutora del Proyecto Tranvía (UEPT) said that they have been working hard to reach a unified card, but that is not yet possible. The Tranvía has fares of $.30, $.35 & $1.00 and the bus has 2 fares of $.30 and $.12 (or $.15?). Each has its own collection system and to reach interoperability, various activities have to occur. The first, which has been done, was to share information about both transportation systems and analyze each system’s Movilízate card. This will allow defining what can be integrated and what can’t since the Tranvía has 3 ways to pay and the buses only one. Ormaza pointed out that integrating tram systems in other countires has taken 2, 4, and up to 5 years. She asked for patience from citizens. <What did I say about “by the end of the year” being similar to “mañana?” Now the time frame is out to 5 years. I wouldn’t be surprised if the system has fallen apart due to lack of money for maintenance by then.>

Cartoonist Joaquín Salvador Lavado (“Quino”), creator of Mafalda, died Wednesday in Buenos Aires.

Single tranvía ticket price reduced – The municipal council voted Thursday to reduce the price of a single tranvía tricket from $1 to 30 cents. tranvía. According to councilman Diego Morales, the $1 was intented for tourists but since there are no tourists in town, the cost was reduced to accommodate local users. The prrice reduction will remain in effect until December 31.

Internos donarán pupitres (Inmates will donate desks) – Inmates at the Centro de Rehabilitación Social at Turi are back to making desks which will be donated to students with limited means, especially in rural schools. This is a way for the inmates to support society during their rehabilitation process and is an opportunity to learn a trade. In the womens’ wing, prisoners are making clothing to order. Another main project is the making of masks and face protectors. <License plates?>

Mafalda sobrevivirá “Quino” (Mafalda outlives “Quino”) – <If you don’t know who Mafalda is, you haven’t been living in Latin America long enough.> Joaquín Salvador Lavado (“Quino”), creator of the beloved cartoon character, died in Mendoza, Argentina yesterday at age 88.

Chordeleg aspira a “Pueblo Mágico” (Chordeleg aspires to be “Magic Town”) – Cordeleg is working with the Ministerio de Turismo (MINTUR) to be designated as the “Pueblo Mágico del Ecuador” for its filigree jewelry making workshops. It is hoping that this designation will boost tourism and the economy. The city already is a “Ciudad Creativa” which was granted by UNESCO in 2017.

Revisión de pensiones aumenta por pandemia (Alimony review increases due to pandemic) – About 40% of fathers have stopped paying alimony through the SUPA system, and requests for revising the amount of monthly payments has increased by 50% due to the economic crisis brought by the pandemic and salary reductions by private and public businesses. City records indicate 20,000 jobs were lost as of agosto, and the Ministerio de Trabajo said about 6.000 businesses at a national level have reduced salaries.

La EMOV advertirá infracción a choferes (EMOV will warn drivers of infractions) – La Empresa de Movilida (EMOV EP) is starting the phase of reminding and warning drivers about traffic violations to promote respect for the laws. Traffic agents will give out a warning paper to inform drivers who commit minor (5th, 6th, & 7th class) infractions about the sanction for their offense. The driver will be entered into a data base and if the driver repeats the offense, a sanction will be applied. EMOV will continue with controls and sanctions for serious offenses such as driving drunk, speeding, and endangering one’s own and others’ lives. Examples of minor offenses include using a phone while driving, driving the wrong way against normal traffic, not pulling over for emergency vehicles when their sirens are sounding, parking or stopping in prohibited locations, drivers and passengers not using seat belts <What about all those taxis without rear seat belts?>, driving while carrying a person, an animal or other stuff in your arms, not yielding to cyclists, and motorcyclists carrying more people than the capacity permitted to the bike. <No more family outings on the moto.>

Descuentos y compras –

ETAFASHION – All dresses for $22.95 – 20% off for semana de belleza (beauty week) with special prices from $3.95 and a gift for your purchase.

And that´s all for today so hasta la próxmia semana –



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