Tranvía priorities announced, Quito airport gets upgrade, Foreign ‘pop-up’ writers, Christmas lights

Dec 5, 2017 | 0 comments

Lunes, 4/12/2017

Hola, Todos –

Pagina cultural –

Upcoming agenda event –

Concierto – “Sonidos de Navidad 2017” (Sounds of Christmas, 2017) performed by the Conservatorio Superior José María Rodríguez, will be el martes, 12/12 en el Museo de la Catedral Vieja.

Articles about –

Grupo Spot – A group of foreign writers and their works are at Spot on calle Larga y Tomás Ordóñez. This pop up is open 2 days a week from 10-16:00. (There is a photo with Bárbara S., Joceline B., Karla S., and Susan H. Mentioned in the article are Sara C. and Cathy M. If anyone wants this newspaper issue, let me know via the comments section, and please include contact info.)

Exhibit – A show by Marco Alvarado will open el 13/12 in the Sala Proceso of the CCE. This show was at the Museo de las Conceptas, but was closed. Martín Sánchez, director of the CCE -Azuay, thought the show was closed because it contained a controversial image of Don Bosco. <If anyone goes to the exhibit, tell the rest of us what was so controversial. Something not fit to print in a family newpaper?>

Dictionary – América contributed 20,000 terms to the new panhispanic legal dictionary which was presented in Spain by the Spanish Royal Academy. Ecuador’s contribution included, “Ama Killa, Ama Ilulla, ama shwa,” a quichua expression meaning “no ser ocioso, no mentir y no robar” (Don’t be idle, don’t lie, and don’t steal.) <Is this the reason that most Ecuadorians are such hard workers?>

Fondos Concursables 2017-2018 – This competition to win municipal funding for projects that promote creativity, artistic production, access to culture, the generation and strengthening of spaces and actions, interculturality and inclusion is open. The period for submitting your proposal is 27/11-15/12.

Otras cosas –

Titular – Ambiente prenavideño (Pre-Christmas atmosphere) – Public and private spaces are being lit and decorated for Christmas. Decorated houses include the familia Rodas-Bermeo at av. Loua y Pruerto de Palos and the familia Carvallo-Peralta on av. Primero de Mayo y Felipe II. The Sindicato de Choferes Profesionales del Azuay has a Nativity scene from recycled materials. The Pase del Niño Viajero” parade on 24/12 will be along Simón Bolívar and expected to last 6 hours.

Tranvía – The official schedule of priority work on the Tranvía is ready. From the north, the list includes the bajada de Milchichig, redondel de la Chola Cuencana, and av. España. In El Centro, the first stretches of work will be along La Mar, Mariano Cueva, and Sangurima. From the south the list includes Av. De Las Américas and the bridges over the Yanuncay and Tomebama rivers. <Did that list just make the whole route a priority?> The project is 84% complete and ACTN Tranvía Cuenca has 300 days to finish.

Quito airport – The airport achieved an Category 2 rating with its new Instrument Landing System and other improvements which will allow the airport to operate in bad weather (heavy fog). It allows landings with decision height of 110 feet and visibility of 350 meters. The improvements will avoid flight delays and cancellations due to fog.

II Festival del Cuy – Gualaceo held a well recieved cuy festival. A plate of cuy with mote, potatoes and ají cost $12 <probably the whole cuy> with live cuys selling for $8.00. <Why don’t you get a cuy, keep it as a pet and enter it in cuy contests – fattest, ugliest, best dressed. Short of most delicious.>

El Tahual – The dynamic barrier has been installed and inspected on the highway. The mesh can resist an average of 20 tons of material. <I’m guessing 20 tons more or less evenly distributed. I don’t think chain link is going to hold back a 20 ton concentrated load.> In the next few days, the paving will be repaired where it was damaged by falling rock.

Mushuk Yuyay – This “Asociación de Productores de Semillas y Alimentos Andinos” (Association of Seed and Andean Foods Producers) is over 20 years old. Mushuk Yuyay means “Nuevo Conocimiento” means “New Knowledge.” Communities around Quilloac in Cañar have been combining formal training with traditional knowledge in developing and producing seeds. They have increased their quinoa acreage and are slowly increasing grain production. They now have a savings and credit union capitalized with $14 million. <I think this community would be to Monsanto what garlic would be to a vampire.>

Descuentos y compras –

Areldi Jeans – 50% off all merchandise – 7, 8, 9, y 10/12 – El Centro store only on Bolívar y General Torres, esq. <Remember esq. is for esquina – the corner?>

And that´s all for today so Hasta Mañana –



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