Tree falls off mountain injuring driver, Smuggling blues at local prison, Drug use in public places, Alianza Francesa agenda, Report animal abuse

Jan 23, 2020 | 1 comment

Jueves, 23/1/2020

Hola, Todos –

Actividades –
De la pagina cultural –

Literature App – “Ecuador en Letras” is an Android app, free from the Play Store, where users can read selected bits from Ecuadorian authors and poets.

“Rutas de leyenda” – Legend Routes returns to the Catedral Nueva el viernes a las 19:00. These dramatic tours about the history, characters, and spaces in the city are presented by the Barojo theater collective and promoted by the department of Cultura y Turismo óf the Archdiocese. Friday’s tour of the New Cathedral will include a visit to the crypt, the interior, the choir loft, and terrace with its special view of the city lights. Register at the Curia offices of Cultura y Turismo in the Catedral Vieja (Sucre y Luis Cordero) or call 283-4636, or go on Facebook. <If Jesus were here, would he be on Facebook?>

Alianza Francesa will sponsor Haitian bands in March.

Alianza Francesa – The Alianza Francesa presented its 2020 agenda which starts this month with an exhibit of 3 painters and continues with “La noche de las ideas,” academic debates with the cooperation of the universities. On 6/2 the exhibit “Hidro,” about the culture and aesthetics of water, will open. There will also be a contemporary dance presentation. March will be dedicated to francofonía with an emphasis on African countries. Bands from Congo and Haití will perform and there will be a foto exhibit. Abril will feature gastronomic events <That’s my month.>, mayo will have comics and theater. In junio there will be a short film festival and the Fiesta de la Música on 19 & 20/6. There will be the Fiesta Nacional de Francia <Bastille Day?> in julio; the Urban Culture Festival in septiembre; the Festival Eurocine in octubre; a conference on town planning and the beaujolais wine festival <that one is just for all of you wine guzzling gringos> in noviembre; and the XV Bienal de Arte Contemporáneo and film festival in diciembre.

Del cuerpo del periodico –

Club de Astronomía – The Club de Astronomía Cruz del Sur (The Southern Cross Astronomy Club) was started last year by two civil engineering students and this year they will be organizing events at the Planetario del Municipio de Cuenca. The next event will be a talk on exoplanets Friday a las 19:00 in the Planetarium. <This is for all you stargazers out there. I ought go because this is where someone should finally be able to tell me where to look for the Southern Cross.>

Feria – There will be an informational fair el sábado a las 9:00 in which attorneys from the Centro de Rehabilitación Social (CRS – Social Rehabilitation Center – prison) Sierra Centro Sur and from the public defender’s office will answer questions from families of prisoners. <Probably not what popped into your head when you saw the “Feria” title was it.>

Otras cosas –

Titular – Los informales no quieren salir (Informals do not want to leave) – See the article in the 22/1 issue of CHL for the story.

Drug use – According to a reform to the Códico Orgánico Integral Penal approved in diciembre, 2019, all the cities in the country, including Cuenca are supposed to have an ordinance by 21/6 to control and prevent drug use in public spaces. The Legislature also established a condition for making these ordinances effective: that the ordinances will not apply mechanisms to criminalize consumers. Consumers are defined as people carrying no more than 10 grams of marijuana, 1 g. of cocaine, 2 of cocaine base paste, or .090 of amphetamines. <I wouldn’t want to test that by strolling down Calle Larga smoking a joint, though.> La Merced and 9 de Octubre are two of the sectors which have been identified as areas where drugs are sold and consumed.

Cars in bus lanes – EMOV has sanctioned 80 drivers for driving in the “solo bus” lanes with a fine of 10% of the SBU (Salario Básico Unificado) or $40, and a loss of 10 points off your driving license. The Cámara de Transporte which is composed of the 475 urban buses, emphasized the importance of this lane which allows buses to travel their routes in a timely manner. It is also insisting that EMOV intensifies controls since drivers are not complying with the laws. <An EMOV agent answered my question about how to make a right turn if there’s a bus lane to my right. 3 lefts is the proper method <en serio> since turning across the bus lane can be dangerous.>

Animal abuse – The Comisión Municipal de Gestión Ambiental (CGA – Municipal Commission of Environmental Management) is asking whoever sees animal abuse to report it by calling 4134-900, ext. 1650. You will need to give your name and phone, a brief description of what you saw and where. <Another reason for all you non-Spanish speaking animal lovers to learn the language.> Your personal information will remain private.

Tree hits van – There was an accident on the vía Cuenca-Molleturo in Sayausí when a cypress tree uprooted from a steep slope and fell on a tractor-trailer and a van yesterday afternoon. The van was badly damaged and the driver received head injuries, but the passsengers were OK. The semi was headed towards Guayaquil when the driver heard a rumble, stopped and saw the tree hit the van. The semi was damaged in the area where the cab is attached to the container. The Fire Department and EMAC (garbage company) used motosierras (chainsaws -your word for the day) to clear the tree off the road.

Smuggling stuff into the CRS (prison) – Most prohibited objects found in the jail come in vía 3 ways. In spite of scanners, visitors smuggle phones, drugs and weapons in hidden in their partes intimas (private parts – your bonus word for the day and not one you could use on a daily basis). Method two is people throwing stuff from the public street over sections of low walls <NFL scouts looking for quarterbacks could hang around outside of the jail and see who nails those passes.>. The third method is hiding stuff in supplies such as quintales (100 kilo bags) of rice or sugar to the kitchen and commissary.

And that´s all for today so Hasta ? –



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