U.S. deports Ecuadorians, Festival of sweets, Traditional music in the lobby, Women in the sciences exhibit

Feb 5, 2018 | 0 comments

Domingo, 4/2/2018

Hola, Todos –

Pagina cultural –

Today’s agenda events

“Lirón, Lirón” – Sunday was the last day for artists to submit their proposals for the Theater Arts Festival for Children which will be in Azuay and Cañar Provinces from 7-22/4.

Upcoming and ongoing agenda events –

Taller – There will be a maskmaking workshop mañana de 15:00 a 18:00 in the Casa de la Cultura Núcleo de Auay. Cost: $40.00.

UDA – The U. of Azuay will hold the “Exposición: Mujeres y Ciencia en la Universidad el Azuay” (Exhibition: Women and Science at the Universidad el Azuay) a las 17:00. On jueves de 9:00 a 13:00, there will be a conversation on “Día Internacional de la Mujer y la Niña en la Ciencia” (International Day of Women and Girls in Science).

Articles about –

Libro -“Los Cañaris en el Incario y la Conquista Española del Tahuantinsuyo” (The Cañaris in the Inca period and the Spanish Conquest of Tahuantinsuyo) by Gustavo Reinoso Hermida will be launched “próximamente” (coming soon) <Is próximamente sooner than mañana or later than mañana? I think later than mañana. Have you ever noticed XXX Restaurante – Próximament signs on storefronts? They might stay there a few months before the place opens. I think mañana morphs into nunca long before a few months go by.> The book covers the pre-cañari epochs including the hunter-gatherers from Chobshi and Cubilán, and the Narrío, Tacalshapa, and Chasaloma which were pre-cañari groups. He has a chapter on the physical and cultural characteristics of the cañari, asks where the cañari went during the inca dominion, and talks about the conquest and cañari support of the Spanish. <I wonder if they’re still regretting that decision.>

Poemario – “Sílabas sin ruido” (Syllables without noise) the first book of poetry by Janeth Toledo was launched in Cuenca el jueves anterior.

Lobby music – The Tres Copas will perform pasillos, boleros and other musical styles on 16/2 in the lobby of the CCE. The CCE is planning to turn the lobby into a concert venue once a month.

Otras cosas –

Titular – El futuro del país se decide hoy en consulta popular (The future of the country to be decided in today’s referendum) – See Sunday’s CHL article for the story. See Monday’s article for the results.

Mother’s milk – <I’m not talking about whiskey here.> A mother’s milk bank that was created in a joint project with Ecuador and Brazil has benefitted 56,664 Ecuadorian babies. 29,770 Ecuadorian women were helped and 127,193 donated to the project. The project arose from the demand for mothers milk due to its positive impact on public health and especially for low birth weight premature babies. <Does this make Ecuador a nanny state?>

Deportations – 39 Ecuadorians, mostly from Azuay and Cañar, were deported from the US and arrived el pasado viernes in Guayaquil. For 19 of them, no reasons were given for their deportations. 2 lacked immigration documents, 5 were DUI, 4 for “delitos” (misdemeanors or crimes), and 2 for unreported infractions. The 6 women and 33 men ranging from 19-55 years were met with assistance and kits of food and toiletries. The government also financed travel for 13 people to get back to their home towns. The Ministry of Foreign Relations has a phone app called “Ecuador Contigo.” You can download for free, a list of emergency numbers in various regions of the globe. <I’m guessing that there are some of you expats who would rather call the Ecuadorian embassy or consulate than the US if you had problems abroad.>

Festival de dulces – The “Dulce Tradition” (Sweet Tradition) Festival will be el próximo martes from 10-13:00 in the Portal Artesanal (Bolívar y Huayna Cápac). Sweets made by about 600 kids in the 11 Municipal Infant Development Centers will be on sale. <Cereal or coconut or peanuts gummed together with chocolate and possibly saliva – what else can a preschooler make?>

Free classes – The Casa de la Juventud of the Municipal Social and Economic Development Department is offering free classes for youth from 14-29 in orchestra, folk dance, dance and hip-hop, singing. drums, gymnastics and cheerleading. Register at the Casa de la Juventud (calles Latinoamericana y Brasil in the parque El Ángel which is behind the airplane on Remigio Crespo). The workshops will run until diciembre. For more info, call 409 8467.

Actualidades – As usual, go to www.elmercurio.com.ec if you’re interested in any of the articles.

Parque Nacional Río Negro-Sopladora – This new national park which was dedicated a few days ago is the subject of “Río Negro-Sopladora, El Descubrimiento de un Tesoro Natural” (Rio Negro-Sopladora, The Discovery of a Natural Treasure), a book by Caty Frenkel and Fabián Rodas. The park is part of the Sangay-Podocarpus conservation corridor. Ecuador is one of the 17 megadiverse countries in the world with the most number of species per square km. The Ecuadorian Andes are a hotspot, a region that contains one sixth of the world’s plant species in less that 1% of its area.

Teodoro Jerves – This doctor and Guachapala councilmember wrote “Mi Pueblo y la Tradición Andina” after 5 years of research into the history and legends of Guachapala.

Sexual harrassment – A study by the Sendas foundation found 44,000 women are harrassed on the streets in Cuenca every day. A 2016 study in urban Cuenca and a 2017 study in rural Cuenca found 17% and 11% of women in those zones were harrassed in public spaces. Buses accounted for 26% of the harrasssment.

An essay titled, “Las momias cañaris del uranio del austro” (The cañari mummies of southern uranium) (?).

Sports and Health page – An article on the “método continuo” (continuous method – I don’t know if the literal translation is what that kind of training is actually called) for sports training.

“Carnavalazo Cuencano 2018” – This family Carnaval event will be from 11-13/2 in the Parque Lineal sector, Max Uhle y 24 de Mayo. Activities include childrens’ shows from 10-12, “Traviesito” the clown, music, and a spectacular patio de comidas (food court – your words for the day, and probably already familiar if you’ve eaten at a mall). 5,000 people are expected.

Internacional –

Venezuela – Pres. Maduro asked the Consejo Nacional Electoral (CNE) and the Asamblea Nacional Constituyente to determine the date for the presidential elections, to be done this week.

And that´s all for today so Hasta Mañana –



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