UN will assist with tram project, Unemployment rate drops, Garbage pick-up schedule, Acrobatic arts
Miércoles, 17/1/2018
Hola, Todos –
Pagina cultural –
Today’s agenda event –
Alianza Francesa – The Alianza presented its schedule for the year and officially launched the Fiesta de la Música 2018. The year’s activities include over 20 events with both local and international artists in the areas of music, plastic and scenic arts and more. Festivals will include the Festival de Cine and the Festival de Culturas.
Upcoming and ongoing agenda events –
CD launch – “Tonos del Niño Cuencano, Siglo XIX” (Tones of the Cuencano Child, 19th Century) will be presented Thurs. a las 19:00 in the Casa de la Provincia. The CD is a research project by pianist Janeth Alvarado. Free.
Auditions – The Coro Polifónico (Polyphonic Choir) of the U of Cuenca will be auditioning new members el viernes a las 17:00 in Classroom 113 of the Facultad de Ares. Aspirants should be ready with a song, should be able to read a score or manage basic concepts of reading music (not mandatory), and preparar (prepare? – unless there’s another meaning in musicspeak.) the score of the Ave Verum of Mozart and others.
Articles about –
Red de Museos – The Network of Municipal Museums and Cultural Centers is planning for this year. The spaces will mount an exhibit every two months with an educative component which will be in conjunction with the Universities of Cuenca, Azuay and Politécnica Salesiana. Another aspect is to involve the neighborhoods surrounding each space. All of it is part of the Agenda 21 for Pilot Cities and to position Cuenca as an urban leader in culture by 2030.
Book launch – “En Otras Lenguas: Semiopraxis Popular-Intercultural-Poscolonial como Praxis Crítica” (In Other Languages: Popular-Intercultural-Postcolonial Semiopraxis as Critical Praxis – straight from Google Translate.) <I have no idea what that means or what this book could possibly be about – theories about the practical?> by José Luis Grosso will be presented mañana a las 18:00 in the Museo Remigio Crespo Toral. This book, the product of 10 years of research, is the first to circulate in the collection “Nela Martínez,” a scientific and editorial project of the Universidad Nacional de Educación.
“País Cassava” – This book with 6 stories will be presented Thurs. a las 20:00 in the Pálier Café-Libro. The stories by 3 Ecuadorian and 3 Nigerian writers, were compiled by Juan Romero Vinjueza and Kimrey Anna Batts who translated it into English.
Otras cosas –
Titular – PNUD dará asesoría a construcción de tranvía (United Nations Development Program will advise on tram construction) – The mayor signed an 18 month agreement ayer (Tuesday – was this a word you were supposed to remember?) for a technical advisor to the tranvía project. The tranvía can transport the equivalent of 174 cars, has the passenger capacity of 3 buses and runs on non-polluting electricity. <As long as the rivers keep running.> At the meeting, also attended by Pres. Moreno, the mayor asked the president to guarantee the provision of a higher quality diésel for the new bus fleet. The tram route goes from Control Sur to the puente Fabián Alarcón, a distance of 10.2 km. The system will have 14 trains of which 12 will be in service and 2 in reserve. Each train has a passenger capacity of 285. <That would mean each bus can carry 95 people which is like when the high schools get out and the students stuff themselves on.>
Employment – According to INEC (Instituto Nacional de Estadistica y Censos (ACAY), unemployment fell from 5.2% in 2016 to 4.6% in 2017 with underemployment unchanged in diciembre of 2017 at 20.0% for men and 19.6% for women.
Hormigón (concrete – your word for the day) <not to be confused with “hormiga” or ant> – After water, concrete is the material most consumed in the world. 2.5 cubic meters of concrete is produced for every person in the world, and concrete production accounts for 8% of the emissions globally. A Cuban professor spoke at the Regional Symposium on Cement and Concrete Technology held at the Facultad de Ingeniería a the U. of Cuenca. He said that substituting clinker for calcined clay could reduce the cost by 15% and reduce CO2 emissions as well.
Garbage collection – Put out your garbage on the days scheduled for collection in your neighborhood. Garbage out on the wrong days can get you a $10-$100 fine.
Matriculación – You can register your car on-line at www.emov.gob.ec and get the registration at home, at work, or at the office in parque De La Madre. Get your appointment for the vehicle inspection at the same web site. Vehicles with plates ending in #1 need to register this month. You can also register early if you want.
Amenidades –
Festival de Artes Aéreas (Air Arts Festival) – This festival with air dancing and trapeze will be este jueves y viernes a las 19:00 in the teatro Sucre. It is organized by the Academia Aerial Cuenca and its Challuabamba branch. There will be 200 performers including a team of professors and a DJ mixing electronic music. <a la Circo Soleil?>. Tickets available at the academy on El Oro 3-37 entre Remigio Crespo y Galápagos. Cost: $10.00. El sábado a las 19:00 at the Puente Roto, there will be another free show with a gastronomic festival.
Internacional –
Perú – A second death from the 6.8 magnitude earthquake el domingo pasado in Arequipa has been reported. The quake was centered in the ocean 56 km. from the coastal district of Lomas at a depth of 48 km.
Paraguay – Over 1,000 families have been evacuated from neighborhoods on the banks of the río Paraguay due to flooding which started el domingo.
Descuentos y compras –
And that´s all for today so Hasta Mañana –