Vicente Corral Hospital will treat virus victims, Police budget increased, African movies at Alianza Francesa, Corruption at Citizen Guard?

Mar 4, 2020 | 0 comments

Martes, 3/3/2020

Hola, Todos –

Actividades –
De la pagina cultural –

Festival del Sombrero de Toquilla – “La mujer y la libertad” is the name of the “Panama” hat festival este viernes, 6/3, sábado, 7/3, and domingo 8/3 in the Catedral Vieja and organized by the Economuseo del Sombrero. There will be a showing of the different styles and models of hats, an exhibit of the work of the association of weavers and students of the workshops.

Cine – The Alianza Francesa de Cuenca (Tadeo Torres y Solano) will present 5 movies from African countries in their original languages with Spanish subtitles este marzo. The free films will be shown each martes a las 19:00.

Del cuerpo del periodico –

Talk on the first image of a agujero negro (black hole) – The Cruz del Sur astronomy club will present a talk el viernes, 6/3 a las 19:00 in the Planetario.

The Vincent Corral Hospital will treat coronavirus patients in Cuenca.

Sculpture exhibit – An exhibit of 10 sculptures of women showing women from the valle de Chota will start tomorrow in the galería de la Alcaldía de Cuenca. The sculptures show the lives of Afro-Ecuadorian women in the country.

Ad for concert – Alejandro Sanz – sábado, 7/3 a las 20:00 – Estadio Alejandro Serrano Aguilar – tickets available at, Mall del Río – Sala de Bolos – 10% discount with your Produbanco debit or credit card.

Otras cosas –

Titular – Por prevención, una joven en cuarentena (For prevention, a young woman in quarantine) – A young woman who was on the same flight as the first coronavirus patient in Ecuador will remain in quarantine in her house although she has tested negative in 2 tests. Her airline seat was also at a distance from the coronavirus patient to make the possiblity of contagion “muy baja” (very low – your words for the day). The young woman took herself to the “Mariano Estrella” hospital in the Lazareto sector. The area of the hospital where she was sitting was sterilized.

ECU911 reported 8 calls yesterday night about the coronavirus – 5 were from people who had traveled out of the country and had flu symptoms, and the other three were to ask for information. The travelers have gone through the cerco epidemiológico (epidemiological fence) and none is suspected of having coronavirus.

The coordinator of Zone 6 said the “Vicente Corral Moscoso” has a special area where coronavirus patients will be taken if <or when?> cases appear in Cuenca. He recommended not self medicating and that only people with flu symptoms should use masks. He noted that the critical cases that have been reported worldwide are in people older than 50 with pre-existing conditions. <Think that describes a big chunk of the gringo population here?> The governor of Azuay <Your civics lesson for today is that he is a different person from Yaku Pérez who is the prefect of Azuay — the governor is appionted by the president while the prefect is elected> reminded people that the only official voice about coronavirus cases is the Ministerio de Salud Pública, and he asked that citizens not circulate rumors about new cases of the disease.

Bus route change – Line 13 which serves the Tejar-Mall del Río route will run along Camino del Tejar, then on calle de la Verbena and then on av. De Las Américas. It will continue on Camino de Las Pencas , av. Remigio Crespo and then along its regular route. The route change started yesterday.

Taxes – If you made over $11,310 in 2019, you need to declare your taxes in marzo according to a schedule depending on the last digit of your RUC. You can be fined if you do not do this on time.

Additional $50 million for police – In a ceremony on the 82nd anniversary of the Policía Nacional, Pres. Moreno announced that the money would be for purchasing uniforms, vehicles and improving cuarteles (quarters/ barracks). Construction will start this year on the Universidad de la Policía Nacional.

Guardia Ciudadana – Yesterday, group of uniformed officers of the Guardia Ciudadana expressed their disagreement with alleged irregularities in the institution’s administration. The group gathered in front of the headquarters on the Panamericana Norte with signs saying “Enough corruption, enough persecution, and enough nepotism.” The major malestar (discomfort) was the inclusion of civilians into the area of control and supervision in spite of an established hierarchy with a career operating chief, career inspectors, and the guardias ciudadanos.

School gardens – 36 rural schools in the Canton of Cuenca have school gardens to produce healthy food free of chemicals. A garden was planted at a minga at the Agustin Carrión school in Nero in the Baños parish. Some students pulled out grass in an area destined for compost while others brought in boards to separate garden beds. The smallest were with their parents (more moms than dads) who prepared the soil with picks. The project is being promoted by the Environmental Management of ETAPA to teach children responsible agriculture. <Alice Waters, move over / ETAPA is taking school gardens city wide.> After the soil was prepared, vegetables and medicinal plants were planted. The end of the project will be when the kids harvest the plants and try the dishes that are prepared from them.

And that’s all for today so Hasta ? –


Editor’s note: Jeanne’s Periodico is a translated digest of news from the Cuenca daily newspaper El Mercurio. If details, such as event dates and times, do not appear in the translation, they did not appear in the newspaper. The text between the carrots, or guillemets (< … >), is Jeanne’s personal opinion and not part of the news translation.


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