Viernes, 1/1/2016: Plans to remodel parque Miraflores, New law for indefinite labor contracts, Driving school is now optional

Jan 1, 2016 | 0 comments

Hola, Todos – 

Pagina cultural –

Exposición de máscaras – an exhibit chl jeanne logoof masks in ceramics and other materials opens Sat. (12/1) at 19:00 in the La Enfrijolada restaurant (Francisco Moscoso y Rafael Torres – in front of ECU911).  Artists include Fausto Bravo, Fabian Chokilla Duran, Irina Aux, Milena Montenegro y Takashi furukawa.

Concierto de rock – “La Inocentada,”  a rock concert to commemorate the Diá de los Inocentes (Day of the Innocents) will be at El Colgado restaurant (Paseo 3 de Noviembre across from the U of Cuenca) on 9/1 at 15:00.  Free.  (They probably figure they’ll make it up in alcohol sales.)

Laboratorio de clown – El Prohibido Centro Cultural will have a laboratory dedicated to clown acting techniques on 14/1. $30.00.

Articles about –

Las máscaras y caretas liberan el ser interior (Masks and masks liberate the inner self .  Your words for today are máscaras – which cover the whole head, and caretas  – which cover only the face.  Fine points in maskmaking not covered in English.  Just don’t liberate yourself so far as to rob a bank – police report that the bank was robbed by Spiderman.) A custom made mask costs about $30 depending on the desired level of detail and the buyer needs to supply face and profile photos of the subject. Caras y Caretas, mask artists, have a stall on Héroes de Verdaloma between Tomás Ordoñez y Vargas Machuga until 6/1, the day of the concurso de mascaradas (mascaradas contest).

The 5 best songs by Ecuadorian performers were Late, Tarde o Temprano, Girl on Fire, No tengas miedo, and Lluvia.  (Beat or pulse, Late or early, Girl on Fire, Don’t fear, and Rain.)

The Alianza Francesa will reopen on Mon. with workshops for French and Spanish speakers.  (What?  You don’t speak either language and feel left out?  Pobrecito.  So learn one of those – given where we are, I’d recommend Spanish.)  You can practice your French pronounciation at Café Akelarre on Thu. from 20-21:30 or take your kids to French movies with subtitles on Sat.  Also the club de teatro meets every Mon. from 20-31:30, and there is a French writing workshop limited to 15 participants. Lastly the Alianza is preparing a Club de Periodismo, times to be determined.  If you’re interested go to their offices at Tadeo Torres 1-92 y Solano or call 2825298. (But you’ll need to use French, Spanish, or hope for an English speaker help you out.)

Otras cosas –

Titular – Bienvenido 2016 (I hope I don’t have to translate this for you. You see it a lot at front doors where you wipe your feet – and no it doesn’t mean clean your shoes off before entering.)

Plans  – are being developed to remodel parque de Miraflores to improve physical conditions, introduce new cultural activities, maintain sports areas and install security equipment.  The proposal has been presented to neighbors for comments.

An interview with – labor lawyer Jaquín Viteri about the new law for indefinite labor contracts which he feels is absolutely unconstitutional. The new law provides for a 90 day probation period after which the labor contract becomes indefinite.  (Does that mean if your cleaning lady steals stuff or refuses to do windows, you can’t fire her?)

Driving school – to get a type B license (non-professional license for driving a private car) is now optional.  You still have to pass psychometric, written and practical tests but only need to go to driving school if you flunk.  The director of ANT said that this does not mean that driving schools will disappear. (The schools should start lobbying for those classes you have to take in the US if you have certain types of infractions – like DUIs. Of course I’ve forgotten what they’re called.  I need to start practicing my English or turn the clock back 30 years to when I had a functioning memory.)

Fresh veggies – Truck farmers in Sayausí are taking advantage of the holiday season to sell direct to the public with roadside stands full of carrots, beets, cabbage, lettuce, radishes and more.  You’ll see them on the vía Cuenca-Molleturo-El Empalme and also in the Biocoredor del Yanuncay next to the vía San Joaquín-Barabón.

Section B – is devoted to the obligatory summary of top stories of 2015.  (You read some of it here, so I won’t repeat them.)

Amenidades – 

Movies – as usual go to for show times and locations.  The following movie opens this week.
2D Bus 657 – Esp y Sub.
The following movies are continuing.
2D y 3D – Snoopy la película – Esp.
2D y 3D – Star Wars Ep. 7 – Esp
2D – Star Wars – Sub.
2D  – En el corazón del mar – Esp.

Deportes –

Club de Andinismo Sangay – 13 mountaineers climbed 6,310 m. high Chimborazo on 4/12.  They published their calendar of activities for 2016 which includes some activities suitable for kids.  (Which would probably still be too challenging for someone in my shape.)  If you don’t have mountaineering equipment, you can rent it at the club for $40-45.  (No contact info given so go to Google if you’re interested.)

And that´s all for today so Hasta Mañana –




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