Viernes, 1/4/2016: Orchestra plays in Sigsig, Obesity program, Condors at Cuenca zoo, Apple festival, Animal ordinance, License to drink

Apr 1, 2016 | 0 comments

Hola, Todos –

Feliz Dia de los Tontos.  (Who of us knew that the Lone Ranger was calling his sidekick “Stupid” all these years?  Cultural insensitivity on a par with Chevy’s Nova which never sold in Latin America.  Your words for the day are no va (it doesn’t go.)chl jeanne logo

Pagina cultural – 

Upcoming events –

Introductory class

in Danza del Vientre (Belly Dance) tomorrow (Sat.) at 10:30 in the Gato Alado Project.  Call: 098 487 7149 for more info.  Cost: $5.00.

OSC – will play today (Fri.) at 20:00 in the main church in Jima Parish in Sígsig canton.

Teatro – “Marapez” by “Proyecto Mondo” of Argentina will play today (Fri.) at 20:00 in the centro cultural Imay (El Batán y El Oro).

Articles about –

A childrens’ concert – by a group of about 100 kids from 8-16 who have made their own traditional instruments will be tonight (Fri.) at 20:00 in the Teatro Sucre.  The kids participated in a workshop to make Andean instruments such as the quena and zampoña. (No good as words for the day if there’s no translation.)

La galería Illescas – Miguel Illescas is inaugurating his new gallery (Calle Larga y Jesús Arriaga – about 4 houses before the Museo Pumapungo.) with the show “Testimonios” tonight at 18:30.  The show features work by 5 artists, Alberto Soriano and Máximo Laura from Peru, and Jorge Chalco, Jorge Erazo and Miguel Illescas from Ecuador.  (Some of you know him as the Iguana Man from studio tours several years ago.)

Imre Kertész, Nobel Prize winner in Literature and author of “Sin destino” died yesterday in Budapest.

Otras cosas –

Titular – Medidas económicas para recuadar más (Economic measures to collect more) – taxes will go up on sodas ($.25/liter), cigarettes (1 cent each), and beer ($.13 on a 660 cc bottle) and taking more than $1,098 (3 basic salaries, in case you were wondering how that decided that amount) out of the country.  It also eliminates the 5% exit tax on transactions up to $5,000 (I’m not sure if they mean 5000 transactions or $5000) annually with credit and debit cards.

Inti and Yanita – two condors are at Amaru zoo in an area not accessible to visitors.   The pair is expected to breed.  Condors can have one chick every 2 years.

Cultural survey* – done by several universities in the Americas on what people of different races fear losing.
White – priviledge/power
Black – freedom/respect (loss of life should be high on your list if you’re a     young male in the US)
Latino – family/social support
Asian – security/money
Native/indigenous – harmony/balance

The Coca Codo Sinclair – hydroelectric plant is entering the testing phase. The largest plant in Ecuador, it can generate 1,500 megawatts of power and provide 30% of the national electrical demand.

Animal protection ordinance*  – the debate is continuing with one councilperson pointing out that the high number of stray dogs hurts tourism from the US and EU where people do not often see strays. In those countries, strays are picked up and if not adopted, are euthanized.  He suggested Cuenca use this model of animal control. (So if Fluffy runs loose, be sure she’s got a collar and ID tag.)

New park – in honor of Don Bosco on av. Don Bosco y Felipe II will open on Sun., 3/4 at 12:00.

Obesity increases* – are worrying the public health sector.  IESS will start an incentive program to encourage maintaining healthy weights in the form of a Body Mass Index surcharge for people with BMIs over 25 and 30.  The premium increase is not intended to be punitive and will decrease as the patient’s BMI decreases.  The program will also provide workshops in healthy eating, exercise options, and weight control methods.  (But I bet they’ll be in Spanish.  Going to try talk IESS into covering your stomach band surgery?)

Booze license* – Also worrying the public health sector is alcohol abuse. So they’re talking about a license to buy booze to demonstrate that the purchaser knows how to drink responsibly and can recognize alcohol abuse.  Classes and workshops will be given to high school students.  (Don’t know if they’ll have a tercera edad class, but I bet it would be in Spanish, too.)

Apple Festival – in the community of San José de Aguilán in Azogues on 8,9, & 10/4. The Feria Exposición de la Manzana with about 400 growers will be on Sun at 8:30 with selection of the best apple (best in show?) at 13:00.  (Too bad this isn’t in the US where there would be apple pies for sale.)

Amenidades – 

Movies – as usual, go to for show times and locations.  The following movie opens this week.
2D Norm of the North – Esp.
The following movies continue.
3D Batman vs Superman – Esp & Sub.
2D Batman vs Superman – Esp.
2D Kung Fu Panda 3 – Esp.
2D Divergente: Leal – Esp.

Discuentos –

Sukasa – Drawing for a 10 day, 9 night trip to Croatia for 2, all expenses paid – for every $100 in purchases – from 2/4 to 3/7.

Guillermo Vazquez – Jewelry, watches and accessories – Sale – 1,2, & 3/4 – Mall del Río convention center (Salón Yanuncay II) – 10-21:00.

And that´s all for today so Hasta Domingo –




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