Viernes, 15/1/2016: Cows to protest on Tuesday, Flood clean-up, Electronic money isn’t catching on with city merchants

Jan 15, 2016 | 0 comments

Hola, Todos – 

Pagina cultural – 

Cine – “Pawn Sacrifice” (El sacrificio del peón – a reverse translation) will show Fri. at 19:00 in the El Prohibido Centro Cultural on El Vado.chl jeanne logo

Música – a concert with Djs Académicos will be today at 20:00 in MMAM as part of the II Festival Internacional de Música Académica Contemporánea.  (The key will be if you can dance to it.  A DJ playing undanceable music is just too academic y no vale la pena (a very handy phrase meaning Not worth it.)

Teatro – the work “Julieta y Julieta” premiers Fri. at 20:00 in the teatro Sucre.  Free.

Articles about –

Iván Petroff, candidate from List 1, is the new president of the CCE-Azuay. Of the approximate 256 (how much more exact can you get? 255-1/2?) members of the Núcleo de Azuay, 173 voted.chl cows

Agenda Cultural 21 – is a process to understand and improve the relationship between culture and sustainable development. Cuenca was one of 8 Latinamerican cities chosen from 250 to participate.  The first phase is diagnostic with 5 workshops or focus groups with the themes of Culture and Patrimony; culture, education and social development; Environment and Territory; Economic Development, and a forum open to the public on Thu. The whole program has 5 phases which will take 3 years.

OSC will play chamber music Friday at 20:00 in the Teatro Pumapungo accompanied by 7 soloists.  On the program will be Vivaldi’s 4 Seasons, and Astor Piazzolla’s “Le grand tango.” (Is that French?)

Otras cosas –

Titular – Frutas maduran antes de tiempo (Fruits are ripening early)  The problem with early ripening due to the heat spell is that the fruit is smaller.

Elections for rector and vicerector of the U of Cuenca are Fri. until 18:00.

A contingency plan – for the aftermath of the rains has been activated.  The Pirincay (smaller than a river, but more than a trickle) flooded La Playa in Ricuarte parish and Patamarca.  (The photo shows a lot of mud on top of what I assume is a road and a backhoe contemplating the mess.  Apparently not enough mud for an excavator.)

Canadian mining company – Lundin Gold is planning to invest $1 billion in the Fruta del Norte gold and silver mine over 3 years. The financial conditions were ratified yesterday with an advance royalty payment of $65 million to Ecuador.  This will launch large scale mining in the country.  The project will be environmentally responsible. (Environmentally responsible mining – would that be an example of an oxymoron?)  It should create 3,000 jobs.  (For people who want to live next to a massive hole in the ground filled with poisons and chemical dependent activities.)

The first woman president – of the Provincial Court of Azuay since its creation in 1822 was elected.  It was unexpected since her name was not in the original list of potential candidates.  (Politicking with a compromise candidate winning?)

Your sliver of life article today – is about ganaderos (cattle ranchers) in Tarqui who will stage a protest on Tues, starting at 8:00.  Dairy farmers are also involved and are asking for a fixed and fair price for milk over the year. The lecheros (dairy farmers – can you see the root word leche or milk?) plan to bring their cows.  (This is an Ecuadorian protest so plan on driving through herds of cars if you head south on Tues. morning.)

Dinero Electrónico (Electronic money) – has not caught on with merchants even though financial institutions are ready.

Amenidades –

Oscar nominees – have been announced.  (And I haven’t heard of any of the movies except Star Wars for something like special effects and Abrazo del Serpiente which screened here.)

Internacional – 

Guatemala – Jimmy Morales was sworn in as president for the 2016-2020 term.

Venezuela – Pres. Maduro will give an “informe anual de su gestión” (annual management report – like the State of the Union speech?) tomorrow at 17:00 to the Asamblea Nacional.

Descuentos –

ETAFashion – up to 50% on selected clothing.

Sukasa – up to 60% discounts on mercandería selecionada (selected merchandise, your words for the day) – from 9-17/1.

Furniture expo – up to 30% off on 2015 designs including decoration, rugs and paintings – 15-24/1 – in the event hall at the airport.

Kia – from $22,990 for a K3000S (Just in case you were in the market for a flatbed truck.)

And that´s all for today so Hasta Mañana –




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