Viernes, 15/4/2016: Interactive street maps, Animal ordinance explained, Huayna Cápac artisans center, China air service

Apr 16, 2016 | 0 comments

Hola, Todos – 

Pagina cultural –

Finished events – 

Contemporary dance – in the Museo Universitario (12 de Abril y Solano), Fri at 20:00 as part of the project Danza en los Museos (Dance in the Museums).chl jeanne logo

Show by “Esteman” – Fri at 21:00 in the centro cultural Reública Sur (Pres. Córdova 5-55 y Hermano Miguel).  Cost: $25.00.

Continuing event –

Misión Geodésica – the exhibit “Las Misiones Geodésicas Francesas en el Ecuador”  (French Geodesic Missions in Ecuador) will show in the “Paul Cézanne” gallery at the Alianza Francesa (calle Tadeo Torres y Solano) until 20/5.

Articles about

The museo “Remigio Crespo” – is inventorying its 30,000 piece collection and plans to finish by the end of the year.

A recital – by Ricardo Pita who is introducing his new CD “Amuleto” in Ciuenca on 22/4 at 20:00 in the Teatro Sucre.  He will be performing with 10 other musicians playing wind, string, and brass instruments as well a accordion and bandoneón in a mix of genres including African and Andean rhythms, and jazz. Tickets available from Más Música (Borrero y Pres. Córdova). Cost: $10.00.

The 3d CD – by the Orquesta Sinfónica de Cuecna was presented Fir at the Teatro Pumapungo.  The music in this CD is the most Ecuadorian is available for purchase at the OSC building at the back of the theater (Calle Larga y av. Huayna Cápac).

The exhibit – “Las Ucuyayas, pequeñas esculturas sagradas de la religión Narriana y Simón Bolívar, masón” (The ucuyayas, small sacred sculptures of the Narriana religion and Simón Bolívar, mason) will be in the “José Domingo La Mar” gallery in the Azuay government building.  Artist Ricardo Montesinos shows the Ucuyayas, originally sculpted from spondylus, in 40 pictures. The religion lasted about 4,000 years.  (Longer than Christianity.)

Otras cosas –

Titular – Deslaves causan cierres parciales en carreteras (Landslides cause partial closures of roadways).  A slide at 7:00 blocked the vía Cuenca-Loja at the sector El Chorro for 6 hours. There was another slide on the vía Cuenca-Girón-Pasaje in the sector El Pong.  (Nothing to do with beer, though.)

Portal Regional de Artesanías (PRAC) – The project at Simón Bolívar and Huayna Cápac has been delayed 16 months with the new opening date this July.  The project cost has also increased from $2.4 to $3.7 million.  The center will have 125 parking spaces, exhibit and sales spaces for artisans and restaurant and cafeteria, a banking area (got to make sure those tourists don’t run out of cash), and administrative offices.

Air service to China – The National Assembly signed an agreement with China for direct air service between the two countries, which Brasil, Mexico and Cuba already have.  20,000 Chinese tourists visited Ecuador in 2015. (Tourism can go both ways – so maybe now you can cross the Great Wall and Forbidden City off your bucket list.)

Animal protection ordinance – There will be a workshop on 21/4 at 12:00 to explain the ordinance which should be scheduled for its 2nd debate in the Concejo Cantonal.  There will be a a Feria de Adopción on 24/4 in the parque el Paraíso with all the organizations that support the ordinance.  (The workshop will not be in English – duh.  So bring your facilitator or a tape recorder.)

An interactive map for urban mobility – The “Mapa Colaborativo sobre Movilidad” is now available.  It’s based on the Ushahidi platform and hosted by  The principal function is to report accidents, conflicts, security, infrastructure, environment and more.  Alerts are divided into red, yellow and green and the reports are filtered and verified.  Another platform is OpenStreetMap which creates free, editable maps for walking which details the type of paving (or lack thereof?), if there are sidewalks and zebra crossings and other things that would affect your walk.  It can calculate routes and distances for pedestrians, cars, and bikes.  More info at or on Facebook at  (Just don’t fall into a hole while you’re walking and looking at your phone – I don’t think the program will compensate or inattention or stupidity.)

Amenidades – 

Movies – as usual, go to for show times and locations.

Internacional – 

Deportes –

And that´s all for today so Hasta Domingo –




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