Viernes, 17/3/2017: Dances of Esmeraldas, Rains make road impassable, Tour guides

Mar 18, 2017 | 0 comments

Hola, Todos –

Pagina cultural –

Today’s (Fri.) agenda events  –

A teaching concert by the OSC
A crafts workshop using recyled materials
Traditional childrens’ games
A bolero show

Concierto – the Symphony Orchestra of the U. of Cuenca honored the Congregación de Religiosas Oblatas Fri. in the Templo de Todos Santos.

Teatro – The Tecla theater group will present “Strombolina  ¡Qué buen viaje!” (Strombolina ¡What a great trip!) was Fri. and Saturday at 11:00 in the sala “Alfonso Carrasco.”

Correction – The ceramics exhibit in CIDAP is not “Canto de vida al barro,” but “Canto de Barro a la Vida.” (The Song of Clay to Life).  (No wonder it was so hard to translate the misnomer.)

Articles about –

Ley de Cultura – The law established the Registro Único de Artistas y Gestores Culturales (RUAC – Single Registry of Artists and Cultural Managers) on which artists and arts organizations need to be listed in order to receive benefits from cultural support institutions, and to vote for officers of the CCE.  Some 400 have registered in Azuay, but there have been complaints about the difficulty of using the web site.

Tour guides – Tour guides from Quito and Cuenca took a course to introduce them to the attractions in southern Ecuador.  One attendee finally saw a shrunken head.  (If you’re like me, I went to the Museo Pumapungo the first time I came here and saw the shrunken heads, too.)

Hermano Miguel – A film about his life will be shown in the Catedral Vieja this coming M-F at 9:00, 11:00, and 15:00. Because of the size of the venue, make reservations at 2834-636.  Hermano Miguel or San Miguel Febres Cordero, was born in the house that is the current Curia of Cuenca, died in 1910, and was canonized in 1984.  He was a member of the order of the Christian Brothers de La Salle who were educators.  (So now you know why there’s a street named Hermano Miguel.)

City monuments – A study is under way about the condition of some 90 public monuments and their conservation.  So far, 4 monuments – to Emiliano J. Crespo, José Peralta, Víctor J. Cuesta and Carlos Cueva Tamariz, have been worked on. (The photo shows commemorative pedestal holding a bust of Manuel J. Calle who is topped with two pigeons.  I think the reporter/photographer did that deliberately. What could be so hard about shooing pigeons off a statue?)

Otras cosas – 

Titular – Vía se deteriora más (Route deteriorates more) – Various stretches of the vía Cuenca-Girón-Pasaje are almost impassable due to recent rains.

Llacao – Part of a road to Reina de La Paz collapsed and affected one house, with two more at risk.  The photo shows a chunk of the downhill lane 10-12′ lower than the rest of the road which doesn’t look wide enough to hold a car.  Neighbors assumed that cracks in a main sewer pipe caused the slide. Since last Fri, other slides have been reported in Baños, Sidcay, Octavio Cordero y Pumallunga. Repairs will happen after the rainy season so as not to disturb already unstable soil.

Foreign Trade Ministry – The ministry will be going to the US in early May to talk about exports and will close trade negotiations with Venezuela.  Minister Juan Carlos Cassinelli highlighted an agreement with Nicaragua which will allow the improvement of “white line” (Appliances? – from back when you could have any color you wanted a long as it was white, to paraphrase H. Ford.) exports, similar to an agreement with El Salvador.  The MInistry is in the 3d round of negotiations with EFTA, countries not members of the EU, such as Switzerland, Norway, Iceland, and Lichtenstein which represents a large potential market for Ecuador.

Intercultural page – “Andesmanta” danza “desde los Andes” (“Andesmanta” dance from the Andes) – There will be a festival that will include “Marimba tierra negra” from Esmeraldas on sábado 25/3 at 20:00 in the Pumapungo.  (Not exactly Andean, but I think they’re branching out.)

Amenidades –

Movies – as usual, go to for show times and locations.  The following movies open this week.
2D & 3D La bella y las bestia . Esp.
2D Fragmentado – Esp. & Sub.
2D Kong: isla calavera – Esp. & Sub.

The following movies are continuing.
2D Logan – Esp. & Sub.
2D Moonlight – Sub.

Internacional –

Venezuela – Pres. Maduro extended the “emergencia económica” for the 6th time. This will allow the President to dispose of resources without parliamentary control (and if I read this right), including goods and merchandize of private businesses to guarantee supplies.  (But if I thought that there wasn’t anything to buy anyway, since pictures always show empty shelves in stores.)

Perú – The country is suffering flooding and nationally, 62 people have been killed. There are states of emergency in 11 of the 25 regions in the country with Tumbes, Piura and Lambayeque the hardest hit.

And that´s all for today so Hasta Domingo –



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