Viernes, 18/11/2016: Temp hits a record 84F in Cuenca, Court okays off-shore accounts referendum, Water cut-off

Nov 19, 2016 | 0 comments

Hola, Todos – 

Pagina cultural –

Today’s (Fri.) agenda events – chl jeanne logo

OSC – The Orquesta Sinfónica de Cuenca performed in the Catedral Vieja.

Teatro – “La Silla que Cura” (The Chair that Cures) starring children diagnosed with cancer will be Fri. at 19:00 and Sat. at 11:00 in the Teatro Sucre.

Exposición – “La comunidad inconfesable” (The unspeakable community) is an exhibit by students in the Universidad de las Artes which opened Fri in the Subsuelo de la Casa de la Cultura.

Cuentos – A new show from “Cuenca en cuentos” (Cuenca in stories) with teatro Barojo was Fri. in the sala “Alfonso Carrasco.

Cine – The CCE showed a movie in the colegio San Luis Beltrán Fri. as part of its program to promote cinema.

Articles about  –

Bienal – Two Canadians are mounting a work that will send images of earth into space as a way to “advertise” earth and also to denounce the overexploitation of the planet by humans.  They took inspiration from a 1972 NASA message sent into outer space about Earth .  (I can’t tell if the Canadians are trying to attract tourists or if they’re telling aliens to not bother coming – we’ve ruined the planet.)

Childrens’ book – “Rogelio Púas” is about an erizo (hedgehog) who goes looking for friends.  The book is published by SM in their “El barco de vapor” (Boat of steam – Steamboat) collection.

Danza – The experimental dance group “Talvez” from Quito is presenting “Cuerpo intuitivo” tonight at 19:00 in the Museo de la Medicina.  “Talvez” and the Compañía de Danza Contemporánea de la U. de Cuenca participated in a workshop on “escucha corporal” (body listening).  The Cuenca company has two performances for the Bienal – one on the 22d and the other on the 25th with choreography by Xavier Pérez and music by the “grupo afro” Taribo.

Alianza Francesa – The organization has offices all over the world and has a campaign to unite 1 million friends of the Alianza and French language on social media sites.  If you are interested in “talking” to other French speakers all over the world, go to  The campaign is also on Facebook and Instagram.

Books – “Cuentos y Leyendas de Selva Adentro” (Tales and Legends of the Jungle Inside) will be launched this próximo lunes (next Monday – your words for the day) at 10:00 in the Parque Ancestral Pumapungo (Paseo Tres de Noviembre).  The students of the Unidad Educativa “Amauta Ñanpi” in Puyo participated in the book which is about the jungle – the plants, animals, living cultures (as in people and not in yogurt) and diversity.  (Might be a good book for learning some Spanish, too.)

Another book – “El camino de un médico, una cautivante aventura” (The path of a doctor, a captivating adventure) will be launched this “próximo lunes” at 19:00 in the ex Escuela Central, now the Museo de la Ciudad (Gran Colombia y Benigno Malo). The book by Dr. Enrique León Delgado is being published posthumously.  He was a radiologist and a cofounder of the clínica Santa Inés among other accomplishments.

Otras cosas – 

Titular – Correa expresa a Xi ‘eterna gratitud’ por créitos chinos (Correa expresses ‘eternal gratitude’ to Xi for Chinese credits). See the viernes CHL article for more details.

“Intenso calor en Cuenca” (Intense heat in Cuenca) – The temperature yesterday afternoon was around 28 to 29 C. after morning lows of of 5C.  (I think you need to ask a Texan if 84 F is a heat wave or a cold spell if it occurs in what would be late spring.) The heat is the result of prolonged drought which is causing the city’s river to run low. The weatherman says that the current dry pattern with intense sun will continue into December.

Elections –

The candidates for the Fuerza Compromiso Social (Social Commitment Force), Iván Espinel and Doris Quiroz registered yesterday with a plank calling for the death penalty for rapists and murderers if it passes a referendum.

Washington Pesántez, a former attorney general, and Álex Alcívar registered yesterday as well with the Movimiento Unión Ecuatoriana ( Ecuadorian Union Movement), and promised amnesty for cases of political persecution.

Referendum – The Corte Constitucional (CC – Constitutional Court) gave the green light to Pres Correa to include a referendum in the elections on 19/2/2017.  The question will be “¿Está usted de acuerdo en que, para desempeñar una dignidad de elección popular or para ser servidor público, se establezca como prohibición tener bienes o capitales, de cualquier naturaleza, en paraísos fiscales?” Si o no. (“Do you agree that, in order to fulfill a dignity of popular election or to be a public servant, it is established as a prohibition to have assets or capital, of any nature, in tax havens?” Yes or no. —says Google Translate.  I’ll say it this way:  Do you agree that, in order to perform as an elected official or a public servant, there will be a prohibition on holding assets or capital of any nature in tax havens?  Yes or no.)  (I think enough of you read Spanish to prefer to read the question in its original language.)  If this passes, those affected will have one year to divest and return the investments to Ecuador.  The government has calculated that more than $30 billion has gone offshore into tax havens.  (I wonder what percentage of that $ belongs to politicians and bureaucrats and what belongs to plain old rich people – or if there are any rich people who are not associated with the government in some way.)

Poll workers – The CNE is notifying people who have been selected to be “Juntas Receptores del Voto (JRV – Voting Receivers Boards).  There will be 14,700 people who were picked in a drawing manning Azuay polling places.  After the workers have been notified, they will receive training at classes from diciembre to febrero.  Once selected, workers will be fined $54.00 for not showing up unless they have an acceptable excuse such as a “calamidad doméstica” (domestic calamity), sickness, living outside the city or physical inability.  (I think you had to sign up for the drawing to be a poll worker.  So you gringos who signed up to vote, relax.  You didn’t sign up to be in the poll worker raffle – or did you?  I think an inability to speak Spanish would be a good excuse.)

Water shut-offs – ETAPA will suspend water service Sat. between 8-18:00 in the following sectors: Urbanización Río Sol, ciuadela Gran Colombia, ciudadelas Bosque de Monay 1 & 2, Eucaliptos, De Los Ingenieros, John F. Kennedy, Tarqui, Cerámica Andina, Urbanización Rieles de Monay and Hospital de IESS.  (My sympathies are with you if you’re going into IESS for one of those tests where you have to drink gallons of water first.)

Parade costumes – Stores are getting ready to rent costumes for the Pase del Niño Viajero and other parades.  The cost depends on the complexity and the size of the costume.  The simplest ones cost $5-10 for the day.  (I wonder how much they charge for a costume for an XXXL gringo if that size even exists?  Maybe they could rent out a costume for a horse?  I can see it now – the big and tall gringo contingent decked out in strings of fruit, candy and beer cans.)   You can rent a horse for $30-60/day.  Only horses with mild dispositions are rented out. (You won’t have to worry about your spooky horse causing a stampede or traffic calamity.)

Amenidades – 

Movies – as usual, go to for show times and locations.  The following movies open this week.

3D & 2D Animales fantásticos – Esp.
2D Animales Fantásticos – Sub.
2D Buscando al Demonio – Esp. y Sub.

The following movies are continuing.  All are in 2D and Español
Doctor Strange
La Chica del Tren

Events –

Tributo – A tribute to the singer Alejandro Sanz will be Sat. at 21:30 in the Bar La Parola (Calle Larga y Hermano Miguel).

Hardcore party – A rock show Sat. at 17:00 in the Sonora Club (av. 12 de Abril y San Roque) with Carne de Cañón, Newen, Puño Ec Ecuador Rapcors, ServeruS, Fraktura Rock, Factor RH and Waiting The Afraid.

Deportes –

Juegos Nacionales de Menores (National Children’s Games) – This sports event for children started yesterday and will end on 11/12.  The first sporting event was the “deporte ciencia de ajedrez” (science sport of chess) which attracted 150 players from 18 provinces.  (Too bad this wasn’t a gym alternative when I was a kid and always last picked for a team – too small and no hand/eye coordination.)

And that´s all for today so Hasta Domingo or Lunes depending on how late I get back from the spay/neuter clinic on domingo.  If it doesn’t end until 8, don’t count on a Sunday translation –



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