Viernes, 19/8/2016: Gov’t. shuts down teachers union, Photo exhibit, Businesses are hurting

Aug 20, 2016 | 0 comments

Hola, Todos –

Pagina cultural –chl jeanne logo

Upcoming agenda items –

Revista – The Aug-Sep issue of  El Observador Magazine is in circulation with articles about politics, the rights of Mother Earth and an interview with Alexandra Kennedy.

Grimorian Fest – The event to promote new bands with space for poetry, short stories and more will be tomorrow at 17:00 in the teatro Casa de la Cultura.

Gastronomía – A Vietnamese supper will be offered Sat. from 19:00 in the Salón Café bar (Luis Cordero 6-75 y Pres. Córdova).

Fotografía – A photo exhibit, “Cuenca Profunda y Vivencial” (Deep and Experiencial Cuenca) is showing at the Salón del Pueblo.

Pintura – “Zoología Fantástica” (Fantastic Zoology) by surrealistic painter Iván Peña Cordero is at the Salón del Pueblo.

Today’s (Fri) agenda events –

Rueda de prensa – A press conference by spokesmen for the Plataforma Autónoma de Arte y Cultura (Autonomous Platform for Art and Culture) was held today at 10:00.

Sono (Borrero y Pres. Córdova) – will present a catalogue of the meeting of Arte y Comunidad (Art and Community) at 18:00, an exhibit of memes at 19:00  (I’m shaking my head and rolling my eyes.), and a battle of DJs at 21:00.

Articles about –

Luz María Guapisaca – After 34 years, the director of the National Archives of the History of CCE is retiring.

Christian music concert – “Cuenca le canta a la vida” (Cuenca sings to life) will be on Fri, 26/8 at 19:00 in the convention center at the Mall Del Río.  Tickets available in the Centro de Literatura Cristiana (Bolívar between Tarqui y Juan Montalvo) and Almacenes la Victoria (in El Centro, Monay Shopping and the Estadio sector).  The concert will benefit 2,000 people in the Provinces of Guayas and Santo ¨Domingo de los Tsáchilas (Iglesia del Nazareno).  Cost:  $15.00, VIP $12.00, and preferred $10.00.  (I write what I read so keep your comments to yourself.)

Bienal – The city has received $200,000 from the state (as in feds) for the Bienal which is also hoping for private support.  The organizers thank their past sponsors, Diners Club and the Alianza Francesa for their continued support.

Art financing – Artists and cultural managers met in the Centro Cultural Sono to discuss how to finance cultural activities (Day jobs?) and how to maintain independence in relationships with public entities that support the arts.

Otras cosas –  

Titular – Acaban con 66 años de la UNE (Unión Nacional de Educadores ends after 66 year)  The Ministry of Education dissolved the teachers’ union which was founded in Apr., 1950 and has maintained a “férrea” (steely – your word for the day) opposition to Correa’s government for non-compliance with the Reglamento para el Funcionamiento del Sistema Unificado de las Organizaciones Sociales y Ciudadana (The words are almost all cognates and would it really help if it were in English?)

Elections – The Consejo Nacional Electoral (CNE) approved 70 organizations for the Feb. elections.  (Remember you’re in Ecuador and elections aren’t in Nov.)  16 of the organizations are national of which 7 are political parties and 9 national movements. The other 54 are provincial organizations.  In addition, there are 84 cantonal and 14 parish political organizations.

Carpas – Tents for the new Itinerant Vendors Platform in Narancay (Control Sur) are being set up.  775 informal merchants from El Arenal and the Narancay sector will be housed there. The opening date for this market is unknown.

Matricula vehicular – Aug. is the month to register your vehicle if your license plate number ends in 7.  You can get your vehicle inspected in Capulispamba and Mayancela and do the paper work there and at the Terminal Terrestre and in the parking lot at parque De La Madre.

Your sliver of life article for today – is about cedulas for Ecuadorians over 100.  The Civil Registry will sent someone to your house if you’re over 100 and need to renew your cedula. Most of these oldest citizens in Azuay live in rural parishes like Sayausí and Turi.  And there are ancianos like Alberto Vele who came into the office accompanied by his great grandson who is himself over 70.  (How old would that make Sr. Vele – even if all of them had children at 13 or 14?)  A 103 year old woman from Pelincayu in Pucará Parish attributed her longevity to her diet of corn, potatoes and other crops she grows as well as the most “sana constumbre” (healthy habit) of a “draquesito” (a little drink – I think) every day.  (However, that doesn’t mean sitting at a bar sucking up beer from opening to closing every day.  Her little drink probably followed a day of hard physical work.)

Bus fleet – Representatives of the Cámara de Transporte de Cuenca (CTC) met with GE executives.  They have met with International, Hino and Agrale and will meet with Isuzu to decide on what to buy to renovate the fleet.  They are planning to buy 10-12 new buses with Euro III technology that meet lower emissions standards that govern in Europe.  (Hope that means we can stop holding our breaths when the buses go by.)

Encuesta – A survey of businesses in Ecuador showed 65% reducing their staff, 33% keeping the same numbers, and only 2% increasing in the 2nd quarter.  For sales, 5% increased, 10% stayed the same, and 85% went down.  The survey also covered imports, exports, production, profitability and attitudes about the current economy and expectations.

Amenidades –

Movies – as usual, go to for show times and locations.  The following movies open this week.
3D & 2D Ben Hur – Esp
2D Ben Hur – Sub.
2D Cuando las luces se apagan – Esp y Sub.
2D Miedo Profundo – Esp.
2D Con alas pa volar – Esp.

The following movies are continuing.
3D & 2D El buen amigo gigante – Esp.
3D & 2D Escuadron suicida – Esp.
2D Vida secreta de mascotas – Esp.

Internacional –

Brasil – The impeachment proceedings against Pres. Dilma Roussef will continue to the final phase from 25-29/8 when she will appear before the Senate and will be removed if 2/3 of the Senate votes to impeach.

Deportes –

Game tonight – Deportivo Cuenca vs River Ecuador – 20:00 – in the Estadio Alejandro Serrano Aguilar – tickets are $4.00, 8.00, 12.00, y 20.00.

Discuentes y compras-

Gran mercado de pulgas (Big flea market) – from 19-21/8, 9-17:00 – Patios de Pasamanderia S.A., Sebastián de Benalcazar across the street from the bus exit from the Terminal Terrestre.  (I bet if you go you’ll be the only gringo(s) there.) – thread, elastic, rope, screens, cloth, home things, furniture, decorative items, electric motors, reducers, sewing machines, transformers and more.  (Hey – it’s a flea market – all sorts of stuff gets sold.)

And that´s all for today so Hasta Domingo –



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