Viernes, 22/1/2016: Ecuador & Brazil talk about cross-continent highway, Carnival agendas available, Anti-noise campaign

Jan 22, 2016 | 0 comments

Hola, Todos –

Pagina cultural –

Concierto – by the U of Cuenca’s Musical Arts students with chorus, guitar and mixed (not sure what the mixed referred to) Fri at 19:00 in the Catedral Vieja.chl jeanne logo

Teatro – “El Invertido” will be presented Fri at 20:00 in el Central Cultural Sono (Pres. Borrero 6-83). $5.00

Sinfónica – the second concert of the season under the direction of Cristian Vallejo will be Fri at 20:00 in the Teatro Pumapungo.

Articles about –

Success in comics starts with the script. There was a workshop Fri about the “guión” (script or story board) and how it’s applied to stories. There will be another workshop Sat. on “Diagrama tus propias publicaciones” (Chart your own publications) from 15-19:00 in Lakomuna (Coronel Tálbot y Pres. Córdova – escalinatas (stairs) to Otorongo Plaza.)

A municipal project to start a “biblioteca inclusiva” (inclusive library) for the visually impaired (For most people my age that would be large print books and arm stretchers (akin to a lumber stretcher. You never heard of a lumber stretcher? I guess you never worked on a carpentry crew. It was always the newest apprentice’s job to get the lumber stretcher.) which will start with a braille printer and recording equipment to make audio books.

DJs of the 80’s and 90’s who reunited to form an organization or guild. They want to hold events to demonstrate how music was mixed on vinyl, an art no longer seen or heard. (Another profession killed by computers.)

OSC prepara su tercer cd de música nacional (Orquesta Sinfónica de Cuenca is preparing its 3d CD of national music) such as Noviecita Blanca, Angel de Luz, Chola Cuencana and more, all arranged for symphony. You can get a copy for a nominal sum in the symphony offices behind the Museo Pumapungo.

Gamers tournament Sat. at 14:30 in León Emperador Burgers y Hot Dogs (Doce de Abril 2-71 y Guayas). The “Super Smash Bros. Melee” tournament is a video game with various characters from Mario Bros. This is the 4th tournament organized by Club Smash Bros. Cuenca and will be played on the Nintendo Game Cube and is open to the public. Bring your own controls. The cost depends on the number of competitors, but is usually $1.00.

Otras cosas –

Titular – Objeción a projecto para rehabilitar Plaza (Objection to Plaza rehab project) – Vendors at SF Plaza don’t like the new plan (if it wasn’t good enough for my folks, it’s not good enough for me.) and will present a counter proposal in a couple of weeks. The plan that was presented would improve surrounding streets, eliminate construction of a parking lot and the vendors would be itinerant – their stalls would be movable.

Weather – winter is here – take precautions due to rising rivers. The forecast is for 70% chance of rain Friy; 40% chance of “chubascos” (which Google has helpfully translated as several types of liquid precipitation anywhere from showers to heavy rain and which my paper dictionary says is a downpour or squall.) tomorrow; 40% chance of chubascos Sun. afternoon; and next week a tendencia (trend) towards light rain. (So even when there is a forecast, it’s pretty waffley. Best to just keep your umbrella with you at all times including at night if what I’ve heard about roof leaks wasn’t exaggerated.)

Police seized – 1.5 tons of cocaine bound for Europe. It was hidden in jute sacks of a primary ingredient for making clay. And in Spain, gang members who were going to import cocaine in heavy machinery from Cuenca, were arrested. (Just in case you also wondered what kind of heavy machinery Ecuador could ship to Spain, it was heavy plastic moulding machinery.

Ecuador and Brazil – are meeting to talk about a project to link Manta-Manaos which would connect the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans through the Amazon. (Wonder how they plan to get over the Andes? Gondolas shuttling cargo containers over the mountains?) (Oops, should have read further before reacting.) The connections would be land, river and air (you could stretch the definition of air and include gondolas).

Sweden – is analyzing sending a new request to interview Assange after Ecuador rejected last week’s request. (Think about it like this – you pissed and moaned when the visa office threw out your application for being too messy. But you got the same treatment the government of Sweden is getting. When was the last time besides your visa where you got treated the same as a sovereign nation?)

Thematic map – a Cartografía Temática del Ecuador y Geoportal will be presented in the Hotel Crespo this coming Tues. It will give current information on the 122,000 square km in the country.

Debris management – if you’ve got debris to get rid of, call EMAC at 139 to coordinate disposal. Do not dump it in or near the river.

Cock fighting – supporters took to the streets Thurs to protest the new Ordenanza de Protección de Animales Domésticos. They want the ordinance to allow, or better yet, to recognize cock fighting as an ancestral cultural activity.

Anti-noise campaign – is ready to start. Promotional materials have been stored around the city although there is no date for the actual roll-out. The city had a study done that shows areas with the highest levels of noise. It also found that 70% of the noise in the city is from vehicles. (And that’s without whistling mufflers, wheelies at intersections, and cars with a trunkful of giant bass speakers.)

Carnaval agendas – are ready. An on-line version is at (I think the link may be at the very bottom of the home page. The November agenda was there.)

II Taita Carnaval 2016 – in Tañiloma in Tarqui parish on 31/1 at 9:00. It will have a gastronimic festival, carros alegóricos (floats), and carnaval comparsas from the community and agricultural producers.

Intercultural –

Sumak Kawsay – is the principal of living in harmony – with society, nature, the gods, and the protective spirits of all things living on the earth.

Pushka (hilo in Spanish, thread in English) is a program about traditional clothing which started Fri. It will end tomorrow with lectures at 9:00 in the Sala Pumapungo and a demonstration of dances at 12:00 in the Plaza Pumapungo from different indigenous pueblos. 30 pieces of clothing are being exhibited in the Casa de las Posadas.

Amenidades –

Movies – as usual go to for show times and locations. The following movies open this week.
2D 5th Wave/Quinta Ola – Esp &Sub.
2D Creed – Esp
2D Big Short /Apuesta – Sub.
2D Room / Habitación – Sub.
(The paper is giving the English title with the Spanish translation)
The following movies are continuing.
2D Alvin 4 – Esp.
2D Transporter refueled – Esp.
2D Snoopy la pelicula – Esp.
2D Star Wars 7 – Esp.
2D Legend – Sub.

Internacional –

Argentina and Israel – Macri and Netanyahu agreed to strengthen diplomatic and commercial ties between the two countries.

México – there was a 6.5 magnitude earthquake in the coastal state of Jalisco with no injuries or damage reported.

Venezuela – Henry Ramos Allup, opposition President of the Assembly said the economic emergency decree proposed by Pres. Maduro “es más de lo mismo” (more of the same.).

And that´s all for today so Hasta Mañana –




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