Viernes, 24/2/2017: Carnaval schedule, Election criticism, Car registrations deferred, Road reopens, Fun for the dogs

Feb 25, 2017 | 0 comments

Hola, Todos –

Pagina cultural –

Today’s (Fri.) agenda events –

Music festival – Groove Hunters and Mayu (Paseo 3 de Noviembre y Puente Juana de Oro) presented a musical festival Fri. with two ambiances:  the first is carioca, jello-shots and beer pong (I’m sorry, but that sounds revolting.  I don’t think you’d want carioca (spray foam) suds in your beer.) and the second is Dj DUB Steve, Fancesca SOUND with Hip-Hop-Salsa-Cumbia-Reggae and Indie (sounds much better.)

Articles about –

OSC – The Cuenca Symphony Orchestra performed Fri. in the teatro Pumapungo, Adriana Tanus directing.  The 4 works on the program were the Concierto para violín y orquesta No. 1 by Max Bruch; La Hija de Pohjola, a symphonic poem by Jean Sibelius; the Intermezzo from the opera Manon Lescaut by Giacomo Puccini; and El amor brujo by Manuel de Falla.

Art book – The book, “Gigantes y derivas” documents the giant sized works in the site specific art exhibit shown in the old mens’ jail last octubre.  Each of the 20 artists has 5 pages with photos and text. The book has 220 pages with the photos in b & w. If you’re interested, ask for it in the Dirección Municipal de Cultura.

Cocktail Band – There was a review of their Tue. & Wed. night shows.  The writer made special notice that the soprano, Vanessa Freire, sang in English perfectly and from memory. (Well, hey, I can do that too – not the singing part, but the English part, and again, maybe not the memory part.)

Ad for Carnaval Orquídea Azuay 2017 by the Prefectura del Azuay –

Sábado, 25/2: Cuenca –  Parque San Blas – 9:30 – Desfile de Carnaval (parade – your word for the day and probably for last year, too) – from San Blas to San Sebastián
Gualaceo – San Juan – 10:00 – Desfile de Carnaval – Orquesta Vatova Internacional
Nabón – Nabón Centro – 19:00 – Jorge Baddy, La Sonora Dinamita

Domingo, 26/2: San Fernando – Laguna de Busa – 13:00 – Show de Carnaval, Orquesta Los del Río
Gualaceo – Jadán Centro – 15:00 – Show de Carnaval, Orquesta Vatova Internacionál

Santa Isabel – Mercado de Transferencia – 15:00 – Lizandro Meza
Sígsig – Guel – 19:00 – Election of the Carnaval Queen, Oraquesta Vatova Internacional

Lunes, 27/2: Paute (El Cabo) – 10:00 – Desfile de Carnaval, Orquesta Los del Río, Savhara Internacional

Guachapala – 19:00 Show de Carnaval – Lizandro Meza, Orquesta Los Fabulosos

Sígsig (San Bartolomé) – Playas Sol y Agua de Pamar Chacrín –  14:00 – Orquesta Vatova Internacional (big week for this orchestra).

For the full carnaval schedule of events, click here.

Otras cosas – 

Titular – ¡Qué bonito es Carnaval! (¡How beautiful Carnival is!) – The party in parque Calderón started about 16:00 with kids and teens foaming each other followed by a show with folk dance group Sizarima, Víctor Jara, and then the Compadre del Carnaval 2017 (Godfather of Carnival 2017), singer, Fausto Miño.  The party was enjoyed by young North American Cherrie W. and her friends Mark y Debi C.

Matriculación – Long lines of cars formed at the Technical Inspection Centers, and ANT announced that owners who could not get their cars registered could do it in marzo without paying a fine.  (Combination of a short month and a holiday at the end of it.  If you have a choice, start your matriculation early in the month.  And if you have to matriculate your car next month – plate number ending in 2 – you’ll be competing with the febrero vehicles.)  Another problem EMOV has is the reduction of 3,700 matriculations in Cuenca between 2015 and 2016 which represents a reduction in income to the municipality.  Drivers are going to other cantons such as Paute and Girón to matriculate.

Post election blues – The Pres. of the CNE, Juan Pablo Pozo, was questioned why he announced a run-off election while the results were still not complete.  At the close of the issue, 22 provinces had completed counting with Morona Santiago and Guayas still not done.  (He probably did it to avoid a riot outside the CNE offices.) CNE has started getting ready for the run-offs – printing the ballots and other things. The campaign period will be from 10-30/3.

Election observers – The Misión de Observadores of the Organización de Estados Americanos demanded that the candidates act with “responsabilidad y prudencia.” Another conclusion in the 4 page report was that the results of the exit polls were used as tools for political ends, and that some candidates proclaimed themselves winners based on the polls.

CONAIE (Confederación de Nacionalidades Indígenas – you’re translating that for yourself, si?) – The indigenous movement has approved a document with 7 points for the run-off election.  Their basic stand is “no al continuismo de la dictadura del correísmo ni a la consolidación del capitalismo” (No to the continuity of the dictatorship of Correaism or to the consolidation of capitalism)  (Do they intend to write in a candidate since on the one hand they have an ex-VP of Correa and on the other the epitome of capitalism – a banker.)  The movement plans to have provincial meetings to determine a platform they will deliver to each campaign to incorporate into their agendas.  (OK – they’re putting the candidates on notice not to take them for granted and they have interests to be considered.)

Ecopaís – This 87 octane blend of ethanol (5%) and gas (95%) is available in various cantons in Esmeraldas, and is coming to 8 more provinces.  The ethanol is from sugar cane.

Road opening – The vía Cuenca-Molleturo was opened Thurs. afternoon after 8-10,000 cubic meters of rocky material at km. 91 was cleared and the by-pass at km. 88 readied for traffic even though the paving is still under dirt and rocks.  MTOP recommends driving in the daytime since there are areas where rocks are falling. Alternate routes include Zhud-Cochancay-El Triunfo in Cañar or Cuenca-Girón-Pasaje in El Oro.  (Too bad the reason the roads are undrivable is the same reason the Guayaquil-Cuenca airline won’t land.  So no good road or air connection to the coast.)

Canicros – The Grupo de Operaciones Especiales (GOE) is inviting the citizenry to the “Canicros” competition on domingo, 12/3 in the “Unidad de Equitación y Remonta”  (Mounted Unit) in Control Sur.  A 4km obstacle course has been built. You and your dog can enter in 4 categories – youth between 15-17 years, women 18 years +, men 18 years +, and an élite for active police, armed services and rescue organizations.  Enter on 4 & 5/3 in the office of GOE (Tadeo Torres y José Alvear). Bring your cedula.  Free with 110 spaces.  You can compete with any breed dog at least 1 year old and in optimum physical condition. (Something for those of you with more or less well trained dogs.)

Amenidades –

Movies – as usual, go to for show times and locations.  All movies are in 2D.  The following movies open this week.
La razón de estar contigo – Esp.
Un secreto entre nosotros – Esp.
Rock dog – Esp.

The following movies are continuing.
Lego Batman – Esp.
El aro 3 – Esp.
Cincuenta sombras más oscuras – Esp. y Sub.
La cura siniestra – Esp.
Moana – Esp.
La gran muralla – Esp.
La la land – Sub.

Internacional –

Colombia – Guerrilleras of FARC are trading guns for diapers. (Note that it’s guerrillerAs and not guerrillerOs.)  The 68 babies born and the 80 in gestation are the first generation of the “niños de la paz” (children of peace).  During the civil war, women were deprived of the right of maternity.  (Hard to crawl under a barbed wire fence when you’re 8-1/2 months pregnant.  Or think about getting morning sickness on a patrol.)  FARC is the oldest and largest guerilla force in the Americas with almost 7,000 members now in 26 locations in the country to lay down their arms. Now that the peace agreement has been signed, there has been an “avalancha” of babies.

Perú – The Odebrecht scandal has now involved past Pres. Ollanta Humala.  Leaked information from new confessions from company directors show that Odebrecht donated $3 million to Humala’s campaign in 2011, putting part of the money directly into the hand of Humala’s wife.

Mexico – John Kelly, National Security Secretary, assured representatives of the Mexican government that there would not be massive deporations nor military operations against Mexican immigrants in the US.

Texas (why not – it’s like it’s own country anyway.) – A group of international investors managing $11 billion are asking that Texas withdraw a proposal to require people to use the bathroom corresponding to their sex at birth.  The CEO of Trillium Asset Management said that as professional investors, we know that discrimination is simply bad for business.

Deportes –

Estancia San José – (Years ago someone asked me about rugby in Cuenca.  If you’re still here and interested, this is for you.)  The Estancia San José offers horseback riding, mountain biking and rugby at its Academia de Arte y Actividades al Aire Libre Estancia San José (Estancia San José Open Air Art and Activities Academy).  The estancia is on km. 4.5 on the viá a Racar.  The courses start el lunes, 6/3 for kids from 5-16.  Call 421 3613 or 098 703 4067 for more info.  (Kids don’t have to bring their own horse, but they do have to bring their own bike.)

And that´s all for today so Hasta Domingo –



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