Viernes, 26/8/2016: Night bike ride, Drive on bald tires, go to jail, Year of the cuy, Hydro plant dedicated

Aug 27, 2016 | 0 comments

Hola, Todos –

Pagina cultural –

Friday agenda events – chl jeanne logo

Sono – Today’s activities at Sono (Borrero 6-83) include the presentation of the catalogue for the Encuentro Arte y Comunidad (Meeting of Art and Community) AL ZUR-ICH 2015 at 18:00, exhibit of Memes by Diego Muñoz at 19:00, and Guerra de Djs (Battle of the DJs) and a fiesta for independent management at 21.00.  Cost: $3.00.

Ceremonia – A ceremony and seed exchange in Cañar started out at 8:00 in the iglesia de San Antonio.

Concierto – Paulina Tamayo will give a concert, “Cuenca le canta a la vida” at 19:00 in the Mall del Río.

Artesanías – A new space for artesans, the Feria Pajsaje Artesanal (Bolívar 4.30) was opened today at 10:00.

Música – H.O. y Los Bicivoladores will play today at Estévez de Toral 8-31.  Cost: $5.00.

Upcoming agenda events –

Godard – The Godard festival continues this Sun. in República Sur (Pres. Córdova 5-55).  This week’s films will be La week-end at 16:00 and Respire at 18:00.

Libro – The book, “Salud Inc.: Monopolio, ganancia y asimetrías de la información en el asguramiento privado de la salud en el Ecuador” (Health Inc .: Monopoly, gain and information asymmetries in private health insurance in Ecuador) by Pablo Lenín Dávalos, Ph. D. is in circulation.  (Does that sound like a thesis?  It sure doesn’t sound like it would have a wide audience so don’t hold your breath waiting for the movie.)

Articles about –

Centro Musical Santa Cecilia – The students of this music center gave a recital yesterday after finishing 30 hour courses in guitar, requinto, synthesizer and accordion.  The centro offers year round courses.  Call 409 8202, 288 7628, 098 599 6964 or 099 835 0293 or go to for more info.

Catalogue – A catalogue of Juana Córdova’s recent show at MMAM will be presented tonight.  The artist uses paper in many of her sculptures.

Harvest rituals – Jahuay, an ancestral ritual, is performed by indigenous in the central sierras during July and Aug. when communities in Chimborazo and also Azuay and Cañar come together for the harvest.  The ritual includes chanting, playing the churo and bocina, drinking chicha de jora and making haystacks for later threshing, sorting, drying and packaging of the cereal crops such as barley.  La Cervecería Nacional (National Brewery) is planning to highlight these customs.

“Ruta Francesa” – The specialized publication, “Clave – Turismo Ecuador” includes a photo report of French architecture in El Centro.  There was an economic boom in the early 20th Century when several families were exporting quinine.  (I guess they did what rich people often do, and built stuff in the style of the day.)

Film pre-premier – Sebastián Cordero’s new film, “Sin muertos no hay carnaval,” will show tonight (Fri, for those of you who didn’t read the title of this article) at 20:00 in the Teatro Casa de la Cultura.  The film addresses difficult social themes and starts with a stray bullet, the death of the child of a German tourist, and a wealthy young man who is trying to evict 250 families squatting on land inherited from his father. The film also involves land traffickers, leaders of football clubs, use of the people for political ends and corruption.  It takes place in Guayaquil.  (Sounds like a good movie, but complicated enough that I’d need subtitles.)

Otras cosas – 

Titular – Advierten que ajuste financiero lo pague Cuenca (Warning that cost overruns will be paid by Cuenca)  Pres. Correa reiterated that the government will not pay the $35 million cost overruns on the Tranvía project.  Cuenca recieved a $60 million dollar loan from CAF (LatinAmerican Development Bank) and Pres. Correa said that $30 mil should be used for the Tranvía.  This loan was originally to be used for public works projects in the neighborhoods such as street paving, sewers, potable water and parks, and the ex-president of the Federación de Barrios is opposing its use for the Tranvía.

Sopladora – The hydroelectric plant was inaugurated yesterday and is for sale.  The plant will generate 487 megawatts supplying 13% of the nation’s electrical demand – the equivalent of the consumption of 1.8 million families.  The plant will save $280 million annually from not having to import fuel used to generate electricity.  (Is this savings before or after the sale?)

Año del Cuy (The Year of the Cuy) – Cuy producers are promoting that 2017 be named el Año del Cuy.  710,000 families are involved in cuy production.  In the Andean region, 90% of the producers are rural women.  This savory, crispy treat can be gotten at restaurants along Don Bosco in Cuenca.  A plate of cuy con papas (cuy with potatoes) runs $14-19 and for most Ecuadorians, is too expensive to be more than an occasional treat.  It’s consumed more by tourists.  (But from what I’ve heard, not that many gringos.)

Bridge restriction – The Sixto Durán Bellén bridge in Calluabamba over the autopista Cuenca-Azugues has dropped on one side.  Cracks were found in the beams on one side.  The bridge has been restricted to one lane and only light and passenger vehicles.  (There are big rocks on one side to prevent use of the lane.  So now you have to look up, too, while you’re driving to make sure that a bridge isn’t falling on you.  That’s in addition to watching for other drivers, pedestrians, dogs and livestock using the roads in unexpected ways.)

Acuerdo con UE – An Agreement with the EU has  a target date of 11/11 to be signed.  The Minister of Foreign Trade announced that 60% of the issues worrying the EU has been resolved and the other 40% is being analyzed.  (I know that you grammar cops out there will tell me if I got that wrong.)  If the agreement is not signed this year, preferencial tarrifs applying to Ecuadorian products imported into the EU will expire.

Bald tires – If you’re cought driving on bald tires or tires in bad condition, the sanction is 5-15 days in jail and loss of 5 points off your license.  (If you don’t have a license to lose points from, you probably won’t be sleeping at home for quite a while, and your bank account will be a lot smaller.)

Amenidades –

Movies – as usual, go to for show times and locations.  The following movies open this week.
2D Hugo fantasma travieso – Esp.
2D Kubo busqueda samurai – Esp.
2D Club madres rebeldes – Esp.

The following movies are continuing, all in Español with 1 exception.
2D & 3D escuadron suicida
2D Cuando las luces se apagan
2D El buen amigo gigante
2D Ben Hur – Esp. y Sub.
2D Con alas pa volar
2D Miedo profundo

Deportes –

NIght bike ride – Cicloruta Ecuador is planning a night ride of 13 km to the Las Monjas hill.  It will start this Sat. at 18:00 from km. 6 of the Panamericana Sur, and should take “una hora y 180 minutos.”  (Remember – I don’t try and second guess what’s written – I type it as I see it so quit your bitchin about inaccuracies.)  Enter until 14:00 on Sat. at Cicloruta Ecuador (Remigio Crespo y El Oro).  Entry limited to 100 cyclists.  Cost: $15.00.  Call 098 424 2176 or 281 0799 for more info.

And that´s all for today so Hasta Domingo –



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