Viernes, 2/9/2016: Symphony begins new season, Fashion Week, Venezuela protests, New cost of living numbers released

Sep 3, 2016 | 0 comments

Hola, Todos –

Pagina cultural –

Today’s (Fri) agenda events –chl jeanne logo

Campamento – There was a free camp Fri. with physical and mental tests, orienting, camping, survival, games and dynamics. More info at 099 530 6564 or 096 728 2154.  (Boot camp?)

Concierto – Mateo Kingman and Paola Navarrete will offer a fusion of Indie Rock and Folk with a pop sound Fri. at 20:00 in the Centro Cultural República Sur (Pres. Córdova 5-55).  (I wonder if that winds up sounding like elevator music.)

Ongoing and upcoming agenda events –

Cuatro princesas – The 4 princesses, Aurora, Rapunzel, Ariel and Beauty will be in a musical in the Teatro Pumapungo. Friday’s performance starts at 19:30, Saturday’s at 15 & 17:00, and Sun. at 15, 17, & 19:00.  Ticket sales at boleterías (ticket offices).

Drag – Until Sat., Dionisios Teatro Drag will play at 20:00 in the Centro Cultural El Prohibido (calle La Condomine, sector de El Vado).  Cost:  $5.00.  (If you miss it don’t worry, las viudas will be blocking the streets on New Year’s Day.)

Cursos – The CCE has opened registration for theater and dance training workshops which start on 12/9.  The courses last 30 hours.  Cost: $40.00

Música – The Centro Musical Santa Cecilia is restarting its classes in accordion, piano, guitar, requinto, percussion and singing.  Classes start 6/9.  Information at Las Herrerias 2-20 or 409 8202.

Libro – Author Eliécer Cárdenas will present his book, “Cabalgata Nocturna” (Night Ride – a story of Paul Revere?) on 8/9 at 19:00 in the Sala de Conciertos in the Casa de la Cultura.

Articles about –

Eliana Bojorque – The Director of the Municipal Department of Education, Culture and Sports is leaving her position after 2-1/2 years.  She leaves a network of galleries and museums, 11 in all and soon to be joined by the Museo de la Medicina and the “Parque de la Libertad” (Liberty Park) on the site of the old jail (Someone named that with their tongue in their cheek).  There are also 8 cultural centers with teaching and dissemination activities. There will be a new center, la Casa de la Cultura del Río, on 1 de Mayo which will provide training in collaboration with the Asociación de Horticultores de San Joaquín to help farming families improve their production.  (Maybe there will be something for you home gardeners as well.)

OCS – The Cuenca Symphony Orchestra’s new director, Michael Miessner, is planning its new season.  Each program will contain one work by an Ecuadorian composer.  The season will start on Thu and Fri of next week at 20:00 in the Teatro Pumapungo and the Catedral Vieja.  The first concert will have Mozart’s Symphony No. 40, Brahms 4th Symphony and the Concierto for Violin by Jorge Oviedo.  The second concert will include the 4th Symphony by Anton Bruchner and “Auroral” by Lojano Salvador Bustamente Celi to celebrate the anniversary of the Battle of Pichincha.

Artistas Independientes – Independent Artists are forming a multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary network with the help of the CCE to establish relations and make cutting-edge projects. Tomorrow (Sat.) there will be a “jam session” at 11:00 in the patio of the Escuela Central.  It will be improvised music on the theme of death with bands, dance, rock, theater and folk music.  (That should be interesting at least. Might not be anything you could dance to, though.)

People of the Sahara – A film and photography festival presented by the embassy of the República Árabe Saharahui, in the north of West Africa, will take place in the Casa de la Cultura starting next Tue. and lasting 4 days.  On Tue. at 18:00, the Ambassador will give a conference about the situation in his country and open a photo exhibit, “Exiliados en la arena.” (Exiles in the sand)  Two films, “Voces del Desierto” (Voices of the Desert) and “Voces del Sahara,” will be shown on Wed., at 18:00.  The film Tribus Nómadas del Sahara” (Nomadic Tribes of the Sahara) will be shown on Thu at 19:30; and “Granitos de Arena” (Grains of Sand), “Sumud, 40 años de resistencia,” and “Imagina dormir en casa” (Imagine sleeping at home) will be shown on Fri. at 18:15. Sat. the films will be “Vuelta a los campamentos de refugios” and Campamentos en Tindouf, Sáhara Conmigo” (Return to camp shelters and Camps in Tindouf, Sáhara with me.  The foto exhibit and films will be in the Sala “Alfonso Carrasco” (Cordero y Pres.Córdova).

Otras cosas –  
Titular – Neymar comandó la goleada (Neymar commanded the thrashing) – Ecuador lost to Brazil, 3-0.

Canasta familiar (family basket) – Cuenca has the highest cost for living expenses in Ecuador.  The national basket of goods is $688.21 and in Cuenca it is $708.70 followed by $706.14 in Quito and 703.45 in Loja.  The national average family income, assuming 1.6 workers, is $683.20.  (So the average income family is not quite scraping by.  And the $800 min. income for foreign retirees is probably pretty tight for living a N. American life style.  I hope IL isn’t still telling their readers they can live like kings on $600/mo.)

City department heads and inspectors – Mayor Cabrera has named 3 new department heads and 7 young architects from the U. of Azuay and Cuenca as inspectors for the Department of Urban Control.  These inspectors will replace those who left or were fired for not citing illegal construction.

Kidnappings – The national police announced that in the past 2 years there have been 13 reported cases of kidnappings, all resolved.  They gave advice on how to avoid getting kidnapped – don’t tell the world about your plans, be aware of your surroundings, vary your daily routine, don’t post your activities in real time on social networks, don’t be flashy, etc.

Amenidades –

Movies – as usual, go to for show times and locations.  The following movies open this week.
2D & 3D Star trek sin límites – Esp.
2D Star trek sin límites – Sub.
2D Sin muertos no hay Carnaval – Esp

The following movies are continuing.  All are in Español
2D Escuadrón suicida
2D Kubo búsqueda samurai
2D Hugo fantasma travieso
2D Buen amigo gigante
2D Con alas pa volar
2D Cuando las luces se apagan
2D Club madres rebeldes
2D Ben Hur
2D Miedo profundo
(Looks like the only movie for you monolinguists will be Star Trek.  I want to see Sin muertes no hay carnaval.)

Ecuador Fashion Week – The 25th Fashion Week will open with a conference on Fri, 8/9 from 10-12:30 in the Centro de Convenciones de Guayaquil.  The ribbon cutting and opening will be on 8/9 at 18:00 and run until Sat, 10/9 from 11-22:00 in the “Los Presidentes” Halls in the Convention Center.

Internacional –

Venezuela – Thousands of Venezuelans marched to demand a referendum to remove Pres. Maduro.  (Read Fri. article in CHL for details.)

And that´s all for today so Hasta Domingo –



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