Viernes, 4/11/2016: Weekend events, U.S. denies Ecuadorians special status, Donkey races, Music for romantics

Nov 5, 2016 | 0 comments

Hola, Todos – 

Pagina cultural –

Today’s (Fri.) agenda events – chl jeanne logo

Festival Internacional de Danza – The performance, organized by the Professional Dance Academy Tersícore, el Centro Místico Cultural and Gato Alado Project, was Fri. in the Teatro Pumapungo.

Exposición – “Convergencias” (Convergences) is a collective show of painting and sculpture by artists from 4 countries. It opened Fri. at Calle Larga 1-209.

Charlas – There will be talks on Andean bears, condors, raptors in free flight and more at the zoológico Amaru (Amaru Zoo).

Articles about –

CIDAP – Artisans from 8 countries are showing at CIDAP which was started 14 years ago to expose the innovative and fine crafts of the continent.  The crafts exhibition grew, and CIDAP is now proposing a “pabellón de deseño” (design pavilion).  As part of the Festival of American Crafts, there is an Original Peoples’ Pavilion dedicated to the “Chachis” in Esmeraldas and the “Tsáchilas” in Santo Domingo.

Puente Roto – The Artists of Puente Roto are showing their work under the bridges arches and in the adjacent house.

Orquesta Sinfónica de la Trabajadores (Workers Symphony Orchestra) – The orchestra performed its first concert in Ecuador last Tuesday to bring attention to the goal of eradicating child labor.

Jewelry and painting – Two jewelers, Juan Neira y Adriana Landívar are showing painted silver jewelry at the 3d Festival CIOFF Ecuador.  Their workshop is at Padre Aguirre 9-81.

Fiestas de Cuenca – partial agenda

sábado, 5/11

Festival de Danzas Interparroquiales (Interparish Dance Festival) – Portal Artesanan      de Cuenca – Bolívar y Huayna Cápac – 14:00
Concierto de Artistas (Concert of Artists) – Plaza del Otorongo – 14:00
Festival de Cultura Urbana (Urban Culture Festival) – Parque Guatana, all day.
Concierto los romanticos del ayer (Concert of the romantics of yesterday) – Otorongo – 19:00

domingo – 6/11

Ruta Recreativa (Recreational Route) – Pase 3 de Noviembre – 8:00
Esposición de pintura y escultura internacional (International exhibit of painting and      sculpture) – Calle Larga 1-209
La gran Retreta, Glorieta del Parque Caldeón – 19:00

Otras cosas –

Titular – Revela alternativa para cubrir déficit del tranvía (Alternative to cover tram deficit revealed) – Mayor Cabrera announced that Pres. Correa decided to give the city part of the property of the Brigada de Artillería Portete (Cayambe) to sell and use pay for the tranvía.  (See Friday’s article in CHL for the details).

TPS – The US has denied Temporary Protected Status to Ecuadorians living in the US.  The status is given to people whose native countries have suffered temporary and substansive changes affecting the conditions of life.  The US said it grants the TPS to citizens of countries unable to guarantee basic security to its citizens.  (Maybe the US figured since the earthquake, Ecuador has put itself back together just fine.)

Bills – The Banco Central del Ecuador changed $3.4 million in deteriorated bills that were being taken out of circulation by request of the Federal Reserve which also noted the “rápido desgaste” (rapid wear and tear – your words for the day – maybe 3 out of 10 on the usefulness meter) on bills in Ecuador.  Now the only bills that get into circulation that won’t be accepted are those patched with excessive tape – where the denomination isn’t even visible  (Do you think people patch with duct tape?).

Jorge Glas – The Diario Estrella de Panamá published supposedly secret information that Panamanian officials leaked insinuating that the VP was involved in acts of corruption.  The Attorney General said that the the Asistencia Penal de Panamá (Penal Assistance of Panama – what a confusing name – what do they do?  Assist criminals?) has not related Glas to the Petroecuador Case.

Pastaza – Families were evacuated in this Oriental Province when the Puyo River overflowed.  Sewers collapsed and streets and houses were flooded.  Machinery was sent in anticipation of land slides.  (No wonder the roads usually get cleared pretty fast – sounds like the equipment is standing by where it will be needed.)

Parades – La Morlaquía Parade was organized by the Province of Azuay with contingents from different neighborhoods marching from San Blas along Bolívar to San Sebastián.  The Civic/military parade went down Huayna Cápac.  (The accompanying photo shows soldiers dressed in the mottled green uniforms  – and one dressed in what looks like the same uniform that’s been put through a shredder. Is that for super sneaky jungle warfare where you really need to look like bush?)

Chola Cuencana – Karla Escobar was elected as the Chola Cuencana 2016-2017. She is from the community of Llactón in Nulti.

Public announcement – The Sixto Durán Ballén Bridge in Chlluabamba will be closed starting 7/11 for a period of 10 weeks.  Traffic on the bridge will be completely stopped, and the vía rápida Cuenca-Azogues will be partially closed.  The lane to Cuenca will be shut and light traffic routed right to the off and on ramps, and heavy vehicles will be routed to the left and share the lanes leading to Azogues.  (Even on the little sketch, it looks scary.  Nothing between you and that sleep deprived trucker or bus driver but a traffic cone.)

Circo Moda – The 4th edition of Circo Moda is taking place in the El Vado sector.  27 fashion designers are participating and the festival includes a fashion parade at 19:00 every day to domingo. There are also artists exhibiting in the Casa Museo la Condamine.

Azogues – celebrated its 196 years of independence today with (you guessed it) parades, music, and the 5th Cuy Fair.

Amenidades – 

No movies listed.  (Why?  Everyone’s at the Fiestas.)

Deportes –

News for the politically correct – Yesterday’s activities included wooden car races and burro races.  The cars look like nicely built go-carts and seem to have been piloted by a child plus adult team.  The Carrera de Burros (Burro Race) was replaced by the Cabalgata del Pueblo (People Ride) in which contestants dressed like burros.  Real burros weren’t raced after an animal protection organization threatened to report “presunto maltrato animal” (alleged animal abuse).

And that´s all for today so Hasta Domingo –



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