Viernes, 6/11/15: Crowns, art walk, Popemobile, 11k or 6k bike or run

Nov 7, 2015 | 0 comments

Hola, Todos – 

Pagina cultural –

Encuentro – a meeting today at 9:00 with artisans from San Miguel de Porotos (Saint Michael of Beans?), Sígsig, Chordeleg and Gualaquiza at the Museo Pumapungo.chl jeanne logo

Programa – an intergenerational program, “El Baúl de los Abuelos” (The Grandparents´ Trunk) will run from 6-22/11 at the Chaguarchimbana Cultural Center from 9-12:00.

Teatro – “Lucas y las fantasmas” (Lucas and the ghosts) will be at the teatro Imay (El Batán 4-70 y El Oro) today and tomorrow at 20:00.  (Sounds like a belated Halloween show.)

Articles about –

Replicas of two crowns of Remigio Crespo, both of which are golden laurel wreaths.  3D printed replicas will be displayed in the Casa Museo Remigio Crespo Toral.  The museum and the Dominicans who were entrusted with the originals are “discussing” the return of the crowns to the city.  (This is the same museum that was in the news a while back for losing stuff. The monks have the crowns in a bank safe deposit box.)

The National Prize for Journalism contest is calling for entries.
(If you´re entering that, why are you reading this translation?)

An app that´s a virtual museum guide.  There will be a “QR” code you can use to get more info on exhibits, galleries and objects. (Will this allow you to go to a museum without leaving your house?  “The Night Watch” – which is the size of a small room – on your phone screen?  Just not the same.)

An art walk with 10 stops in El Centro with performance and plastic artists was today at 17:00.  Each artist had a 5 min. presentation.  The walk´s theme was “el drama de los refugiados” (The drama of the refugees – I think that´ll be your word for the day – not commonly used, but easy to remember.)

Otras cosas –

Titular – Compromiso para proteger El Macizo (Commitment/pledge to protect El Macizo) – at a celebration of International Biosphere Reserve Day.

Two related events – were held yesterday.  The first was to celebrate International Biosphere Reserve Day, and a plaque from UNESCO was received recognizing the Macizo (Massif) de El Cajas as a Biosphere Reserve. The second was a forum on water and gold out of which came two objectives – that the cantonal council debate mining and that eventual exploitation would be medium and not large scale.  (There are two accompanying article that would be worth checking out if you´re interested in environmental issues.)

Taxi meters – are being changed for the increased fare rate.  (I bet the drivers aren´t dragging their feet to get this adjustment done.)  The meter factory techs did find meters that had been altered to run faster.  (How could a driver be so dumb as to not remove the “turbo”?)  Riders are encouraged to ask for the printed factura, especially if they feel that the meter is running fast.

Aerial photography demonstration – tomorrow at 9 in the parque El Paraíso, of new alternates besides drones.

Your snippet of daily life is – neighbors are asking for a stoplight at El Oro y Galápagos which currently has two stop signs.  (Well, we know that Ecuadorians like Hollywood stops or none at all unless there´s a red light and sometimes not even then.)  (Only the street names tell you that this snippet is from Cuenca and not Ames, Iowa.)

The Popemobile – that was assembled in Ecuador will be on display at Metrocar (Remigio Crespo y Federico Proaño) this weekend.  You can take your picture next to the car.

Amenidades – 

Movies – as usual, go to for show times and locations.  The following movies open this weekend:
2D Mientras Somos Jóvenes – Subtitled
2D La Trampa – Español
The following movies are continuing:
2D El Principito – Esp.
2D Hotel Transylvania 2 -Esp
2D El último cazador de brujas – Esp y Sub.
2D Escalofríos – Esp
2D Peter Pan – Esp
2D Vengo volviendo – Esp
2D Actividad paranormal 5 – Esp (Is this the same as that low budget handheld camera movie?  And now they´re up to 5 and probably all Hollywood slick?)
2D VHS Viral – Sub
2D Una Rázon para vivir – Sub

Internacional – 

Marijuana – is being discussed in Uruguay.  (Did that heading catch your attention?) The types of marijuana to be grown and the percentage of THC are being studied with test plants from Spain.  (So the quality control will make sure you won´t get high but will get lung cancer?)

Bolivia – the acting president introduced a law for a referendum on a constitutional amendment that would allow Pres. Evo Morales to run again in 2019.  He did this in the absence of both the Pres. and VP who are both out of the country.  (You leave, you lose.  Or maybe not since Morales seems to be popular.)

Colombia – the constitutional court voted 6 to 2 in favor of letting same sex parents adopt children in the same way as heterosexual parents.

Deportes –

Ciclo-Carrera 11k and 6k – Sun. starting at 9 from the administrative offices of the fire dept (Miguel Heredia y av. De La Americas).  You can opt to bicycle 11k or run 6k. Register at the same offices on Sat. from 8-16:00 “de forma ininterrumpida” (continuously)  (I think this is specified because otherwise people would assume they were closed at lunchtime.) and Sun. from 7-8:30.

And that´s all for today so hasta Domingo –




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