Viernes, 6/5/2016: Tame awaits permission to fly, Animal ordinance

May 7, 2016 | 0 comments

Hola, Todos – 

Pagina cultural – 

Upcoming events – 

Circus – The colectivo “Suryarte” will present various circus acts today (Fri) and tomorrow (Sat.) at 19:00 in the centro cultural Imay (El Batán y El Oro).  (Lions and tigers and bears?  or fleas?)  Cost: $5.00.chl jeanne logo
Articles about

Clown and puppet show – There will be a show today (Fri.) at 20:00 and tomorrow at 16:00 in the Teatro de Bolsillo del Sono (Pres. Borrero 6-83 y Pres. Córdova).

El Primer Encuentro de Cine Experimental “Cámara Lúcida”
(The First Experimental Cinema Meeting ” Lucid Camera”) – Several films were shown Fri. and the meeting will run through Sat..  “Catarcis”, “Nazión”, and “Apuntes para una biografía imaginaria” were shown this morning and afternoon.  At 19:00 in Park Cuenca (Padre Aguirre y Gran Colombia) 3 films by new Cuencano directors will be shown – “Sonata Piscandi” by Cristian Albarracín, “Karma”l by Sebastián Sánchez and “Historia uno” by Alfonso Vallejo Chávez.

Lectura – A reading space has been created next to the library at the Unidad Educativa del Milenio en Victoria del Portete.

“Jovenes talentos 2016” (Talented Youth 2016) – This international classical music competition will run from Sat. to 27/5.  It is organized by the Department of Arts, the Cuenca Symphony Orchestra, and Fronteras Musicales Abiertas (Open Musical Border).  Ecuadorian and foreign children and youth will compete in age categories and by type of instrument. It will start Sat. with the category 10-14 years in the theater of the Facultad de Artes at the U. of Cuenca on the Yanuncay Campus (av. 12 de Octubre y Bonicatti.)  (No time given, so it probably runs throughout the day.)

Otras cosas –

Titular – Autorizan a retomar vuelos (Authorization to resume flights) – Operations at the airport restarted at 12:25 yesterday. TAME is waiting for authorization to resume its flights.  You should consult your airline if you’re flying.  (So are you going to continue flying on TAME?)

Firefighters – The National Assembly thanked 35 countries that provided aid after the quake on 16/4.  Gabriela Rivadeneira, Pres. of the Nat’l Assembly proposed declaring 16 of Abril the “Día de la Solidaridad Nacional” (National Solidarity Day).

Earthquake aid –

Chile – sent a plane with 17 tons of aid including boxes of milk, fruit, and bottled water.  (Hope the fruit gets to the victims before it spoils.)

Guatemala – is sending a delegation of structural and seismic engineers to help with structural evaluations.  Construction characteristics in the two countries are similar.

China – Euadorians living in China have collected $250,000 through solidarity masses, soccer games and gastronomic festivals.  (Maybe all cultures have “bake sales” to benefit worthy causes.)

Cuenca – Inmates at the Centro de Rehabilitacíón Social (CRS) are making tables and benches and doors for the quake victims.

(So what have you done lately?  The collection bins are still at Supermaxi – buy something extra to throw in the bin each time you go shopping.)

Indigenous justice – 3 youths accused of stealing a bicycle were sentenced to pay a fine, perform community service and take part in a healing (cleansing?) ritual in the form of ortiga, agua and a chicote (nettle, water and a chicote).  (If you’ve ever brushed up against stinging nettle, you know being whacked all over with it is nothing to take lightly.)

Restorations – There is a plan to restore 6 historic properties. Work has started on the Centro Múltiple Municipal El Cenáculo and the Casa Jesús Arriaga aka Casa del Arco.  The other 4 are the Casa de la Lira, Casa Palacios Abad and the casas Vázquez and Ullauri.

Animal protection ordinance – A workshop was held today to address concerns of some council members and to go over the ordinance article by article.  After this workshop, the ordinance will be ready to go to the full council.  Scheduling the second and final debate is in the hands of the mayor.

IVA increase – The percentage points to increase IVA is still being debated.  Also being discussed is some sort of vehicle tax.

Amenidades – 

Pimpinela – This Argentinean brother and sister show will be in Cuenca on Fri, 1/7 at 20:00 in the Convention Center at the Mall del Rio.  Tickets available at “La Victoria” stores and cost $45, $70 & $85.  They will also perform in Guayaquil on Sat. at 20:00 in the Convention Center.  (At that price, they must be a big deal.)

Movies – as usual, go to for show times and locations.  The following movies open this week.
2D Milagros del Cielo – Esp
2D La Bruja – Esp (No, this is not a movie about Hillary – and Google Bruja yourself.)
3D Capitán América – Esp y Sub.
2D Capitán América – Esp
The following movies are continuing.  All are 2D and in Spanish.
El Libro de la Selva
El Cazador y la reina de hielo
Tan Distintos
Atrapa la bandera
10 Avenida Cloverfield

Internacional – 

Brazil – “Chao, querido” (Bye-bye, sweetheart) was the subtitle for a photo that went viral in Brazil.  Eduardo Cunha, president of Brazil’s lower house, was caught pouting or scowling in the photo.  The Supreme Court justice Teori Zavascki suspended the mandate of Cunha, who started the impeachment proceedings against Pres. Rousseff.  Zavascki based his decision on the many accusations against Cunha including corruption, receiving bribes, obstructing justice, and converting the Chamber of Deputies into a “balcón de negocios” (Business balcony, trading floor) and his position into merchandise.  (In the Petrobras scandal he wound up putting $5 million into a secret Swiss account.)  He also used his position to undermine open investigations and to intimidate other parliamentarians, culprits and witnesses. (Hardly the type of person you want wielding that kind of political power.)

Descuentos – 

Hosteria Duran – Special Mother´s Day Buffett with live music – Sun, 8/5 – 4 stations with Italian, French, tipica (Ecuadorian) and desserts – Adults: $24.00 plus tax, Children under 10 $12.00 plus tax – call 289 2301 or 289 2302 lor go to for reservations.

Superstock – Mother’s Day specials – clothes, shoes and bags, crockpots, coffee makers, household goods.

And that´s all for today so Hasta Domingo –




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