Visa requirements for Ecuadorians visiting the U.S. to be toughened, embassy says

Feb 2, 2017 | 0 comments

The United States Embassy announced Wednesday that Ecuadorians wishing to visit the U.S. can expect longer waits and more rigorous interviews. The new standards are the result of an executive order signed last week by U.S. President Donald Trump and affects visitors from all countries requiring visas.

U.S. embassy in Quito.

U.S. embassy press officer Johanna Villalobos said Ecuadorian visa seekers should expect significantly longer waiting periods before an interview appointment and a longer, more detailed interview.

She added that some applicants that have previously been exempt from interviews at the embassy in Quito or consulate in Guayaquil, will now be required to appear in person. “The purpose of the changes is to provide better security for the United States,” Villalobos.

Under the new rules, only those under 13 or over 79, or those who have a U.S. visa that has expired within the past 12 months, will be exempt from the interview.

In announcing immigration changes on Wednesday, the U.S. government said it may reinstate visa requirements for citizens of countries currently able to travel to the U.S. with only a passport.


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