Warning of new Covid outbreak; Catholic U. appeals anti-gay judgment; Correa is a no-show at murder hearing; Theater festival underway; Holiday events

Oct 29, 2020 | 6 comments

Miércoles, 28/10/2020

Hola, Todos –

Actividades –
Del cuerpo del periodico –

Escenarios del Mundo comienza hoy (Stages of the World starts today) – The theater arts festival starts today and ends el 15 de noviembre. This year there will be 10 in-person presentations with reduced capacity, 11 on-line events, and events for 2000 students on-line. The inaugural performance was Wednesday in the teatro Casa de la Cultura with “De la Cal,” a Spanish flamenco show.

Otras cosas –

Titular – Riesgo de rebrotes por feriado (Risk of new outbreaks during holiday) – Confirmed cases of Covid went from 278 in the week ending 11/10 to 401 the following week, alerting the Coordinación Zonal 6 de Salud to a possible new outbreak of Covid. Medical groups are asking to keep the days of rest, but to suspend the movement of people. They listed 3 factors that worry them: crowds, trips to the beach, and family gatherings. <Best to stay at home. Watch Halloween or Alien movies.> Julio Molina, the Zone 6 health coordinator reported that Cuenca’s ICU beds are continuing at 95% full, and at 85% full in Azogues. Health authorities have also reports of family gatherings with Covid patients who have broken quarantine. <If you want to spread the virus this is a good way to do it. Along with unmasked Supreme Court nomination events.> Mayor Palacios called for citizens to take responsibility and to take care of themselves to slow the virus. He did this during the donation of 10,000 rapid tests from the Rotary Club to the Consejo de Salud.

Cuenca’s Theater Arts Festival began on Wednesday and continues through November 15.

Presunta vulneración de derechos en U. (Alleged violation of rights in U.) – The Universidad Católica is appealing a judgement that it violated the rights of a pair of same sex students. The students testified they were subject to harrassment, discrimination and psychological violence from a professor. The rector of the university said that the university started an investigation into the matter, made a public apology in the classroom, and will give talks about sexual diversity when authorities require it. The sentence said the university should restore the students to their course of studies, pay for psychiatric treatment, give them full scholarships, and make public apologies.

Alerta con encuestas electorales (Alert with electoral polls) – To date, only 2 firms have been qualified by the CNE to conduct polls for the 2021 elections in febrero. These are the Centro de Investigación Estudios Especializados (Centroinvest) Cía. Ltda and Clima Social Estudios y Asesoramiento S.A. Both are headquartered in Quito. Results of polls and forecasts can be published by communications media up to 10 days before election day. <Wow – what a luxury. A limited campaign season and a 10 day break from all those numbers and constant chattering. If there was limited campaigning in the US, campaign season TV shows would be 10 minutes long with 50 minutes of political ads.>

Correa no rindió su versión por caso 20-S (Correa did not testify in 20-S case) – Ex-president Rafael Correa did not appear to give his version in the investigation into the killing of a policeman and two soldiers on 30/9/2010 during a police revolt. Correa did not phone in from Belgium nor did his lawyer appear or contact the court.

Agenda – Note all in person events will have limited capacity.

31 de octubre a 3 de noviembre:

9-17:00 – Sistema Municipal de Museos: horario expecial de atención al público (Municipal Museum System: special opening hours for the public) – Museo Municipal de Arte Moderno, Casa Museo Remigio Crespo Toral, Economuseo Municipal Casa del Sombrero, Museo Catedral Vieja, Galería de la Alcaldía, Planetario Municipal.
9-18:00 – Exposición de artes plásticas y libros de poesía: El Galpón del Arte (Exhibition of visual arts and poetry books: El Galpón del Arte) – Calle el Oro 1-75 y El Batán.
10-18:00 – 100% hecho a mano y Punto Emprendedor festejan a Cuenca. Espacio abierto de comercialización y exhibición para artesanos y emprendedores (100% handmade and Punto Emprendedor celebrate Cuenca. Open space for commercialization and exhibition for artisans and entrepreneurs) – Bolívar y Huayna Cápac.

31 de octubre:

8:00 – Cuenca camina: Ruta Francesa-Geodésica, centro hístorico de Cuenca (Cuenca walks: French-Geodesic Route, historical center of Cuenca) – register at dascaribay@cuenca.gob.ec.
10:00 – Inauguración de la exposición artistica de metalistería: Virgenes y pesebres (Inauguration of the artistic metalwork exhibition: Virgins and mangers) by Miriam Carpio – Bolívar y Huayna Cápac,
10-16:00 – Visitas guiadas al Museo de las Conceptas (Guided visits to the Museo de las Conceptas) – Hermano Miguel 6-33.
18:00 – Inauguración del showroom: Peke-Peke, la tienda para tu bebé (Showroom opening: Peke-Peke, the store for your baby) – Calle los Manzaneros, between Av. Gran Colombia y Av. 3 de Noviembre. Local #3. <I don’t know how many of you have babies, but the only ones in my life have 4 feet and I don’t think this is a pet shop.>
20:00 – Presentación virtual de mariachis: Tributo a nuestros seres queridos (Virtual presentation of mariachis: Tribute to our loved ones) – Facebook Live @EMUCE.EP.

31 de octubre, 1 & 2 de noviembre:

Triduo de acción de gracias, durante las celebraciones eucarísticas de cada parroquia (Thanksgiving Triduum, during the Eucharistic celebrations of each parish) – Parish churches of Cuenca Canton.

And that’s all for today so Hasta ? –


Editor’s note: Jeanne’s Periodico is a translated digest of news from the Cuenca daily newspaper El Mercurio. If details, such as event dates and times, do not appear in the translation, they did not appear in the newspaper. The text between the carrots, or guillemets (< … >), is Jeanne’s personal opinion and not part of the news translation.


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