Water conservation urged, Building permits increase, Tattoo and barbershop exhibit, Overhead cables

Oct 4, 2017 | 0 comments

Martes, 3/10/2017

Hola, Todos –

Pagina cultural –

Today’s agenda events

Dance – There was a dance performance by the Compañía de Danza Contemporánea of the U. of Cuenca Tues. in the the postgraduate building of the Faculty of Architecture.

Upcoming and ongoing agenda events –

Congreso de Comunicación – The “Segundo Congreso Internacional de Comunicación: Interculturalidad, Relaciones, Públicas y Realización autiovisual” (Second International Congress on Communication: Interculturality, Public Relations and Audiovisual Realization) will be from mañana hasta el viernes. The sessions for mañana y el jueves will be in the Teatro Sucre, and the morning of viernes the session will be in the auditorio of the Casa de la Provincia and later in the Auditorio César Dávila Andrade at the U. of Cuenca.

Exposición – “Indeleble: la cultura del tatuaje y la barbería “ (Indelible: tattoo and barbershop culture) will be at the MMAM from mañana hasta el viernes. <Note that you need to have hair in order to participate in barbershop. Or you could just have hair tattooed onto your head – maybe even harder to believe than Trump’s combover.>

Articles about –

“Hugh Hefner de los libros” (The Hugh Hefner of books) – Maruicio Ponce <whom you could say looks kind of like Hugh Hefner> has a location at Luis Cordero and Pres. Córdova where he has collected and sold publications of all sorts. <Book store lovers – this looks like a wonderful place to spend a couple of hours poking around.>

CCE – This week’s schedule includes a book launch, workshop and film. Cine Ecuatoriano starts hoy and ends el jueves. The movies will be at 10:00 in the Sala de Conciertos. Tuesday’s film was “Chacón Maravilla” with “Jaime Roldos” mañana, and “Con mi corazón en Yambo el jueves. In conjunction with the presentation of “Cierta manera de la luz sobre el cuerpo,” the author, Aleuyda Quevedo will give a workhop about reading and writing.

Bienal – La Fundación Municipal Bienal de Cuenca is calling for proposals from Ecuadorian artists for the 14th Bienal which will be in noviembre of 2018. Submit your digital portfolios, web page links, and brochures to comunicación@bienaldecuenca.org with “Portafolio XIV Bienal” as your subject line. You can also bring stuff in an envelope to their offices (Bolívar 13-89 y Estévez de Toral). Put your name on the reverse side of the envelope.

II Festival de Teatro – This theater festival is in Pucará and will end el domingo.

Otras cosas –

Titular – <double header headline today>
Glas amanece detenido en cárcel de Quito (Glas’ dawn was detention in jail in Quito)
La corrupción y reelectión van a consulta (Corruption and re-election to to referendum)
See Tuesday’s articles in CHL for more information.

Conserve water – The low flows in Cuenca’s rivers is worrying ETAPA which is asking everyone to save water. The flow in the Tomebamba is at 2.1 m3/sec. It’s normal flow is 6. All four rivers are similarly below normal.

Sala multisensorial – The University of Older Adults (Estévez de Toral between Simón Bolívar y Gran Colombia) has a multi-sensory room to stimulate patients suffering from Alzheimers and other illnesses that affect memory and cognitive functions. <Memory loss? Sign me up.>

Building permits – There was a 5% growth nationally for construction permits from 2015 to 2016. Guayas had the most growth with 49.11% and Loja shrunk with 25.07% fewer permits. 9 out of 10 permits were for residential construction.

Overhead cables – Untangling the overhead lines is a task still pending. The Empresa Eléctric Regional Centro Sur owns most of the posts, but the rolled up or dangling wires are not electrical since rolling electrical wires can cause short circuits. 95% of the wires hanging on posts are for telecommunications.

ARCSA – The agency that regulates and controls sanitary issues will celebrate it’s 5th anniversary el jueves from 10-14:00 at PRAC <Huayna Cápac y Bolívar>. Small artesanal producers will be recognized for receiving their sanitary permits. There will be 18 tents for vendors from Azuay, Cañar and Morona Santiago selling coffee, granola, chocolates, sweets and more.

LGBTI diversity – “Divercity” is the first National Festival of LGBTI businesses, Culture, Music and Gastronomy. It will be on the 6, 7, & 8/10 at PRAC.

Road closure – The vía El Descanso-Puente Europa at El Tahual will be closed from 9-17:00, Mon-Fri until 24/10.

Pagina intercultural – The article is about the symbolism in the Ecuadorian Andean poncho. The ponchos are woven and worn by the men. Traditionally, they were woven of lambs wool, but are now mostly orlón.

Amenidades –

Sinfónica de Cuenca – The Ecuadorian Society of Orthopedics and Traumatology are inviting the public to a concert el 6 de octubre a las 20:00 in the Iglesia del Sagrario (Catedral Vieja).

And that´s all for today so Hasta Mañana –



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