Weather warnings, Bus security systems to be installed, Mining referendum goes to court, Hungry teachers, Arts festival in Macas

Jul 31, 2019 | 5 comments

Martes, 30/7/2019

Hola, Todos –

Actividades –
De la pagina cultural –

Teatro – The Teatro Brujo will present “El Diablito” el viernes y sábado próximos a las 20:00 in the Prohibido Centro Cultural.

Festival de Artes Selva – The Simbiosis festival de Ciencias y Artes will be el 4-10/8 in Macas, capital of Morona Santiago Province. The festival will exhibit biodiversity in the Amazon through distinct artistic languages. <Whatever that means – remember I can’t translate Artspeak.> There will be exhibits, Mapping, workshops, music, and conversations with people involved with culture.

Encuadernación – There is a bookbinding workshop running from yesterday a mañana from 10-13:00 in Saladentro (Paseo Tres de Noviembre 4) for children between 7 & 14.

Del cuerpo del periodico –

San Juan Bosco stands watch on the Sevilla de Oro plaza.

Cantonización de Sevilla de Oro – The Sevilla de Oro canton will celebrate its 27th anniversary from 15-18/8. Activities will in include a clean up minga el jueves, 15/8 a las 8:30 in the centro, and cultural activities in the afternoon. The 16th will have the classic “Amanecer Sevillano” (Sevillian Sunrise – <and no, that’s not a variation on the Tequila Sunrise>) at 5:30 with a band and a mural painting contest. <Sounds little early for a band. I’d be upset if a band started playing within earshot at 5 frickin 30 am.> On 17/8 there will be a feria with agricultural products, crafts, food and tourist stuff with a show. On 18/8 there will be a civic parade a las 10:00, a mass a las 12:00, and the rally cross Sevilla de Oro 2019 a las 14:00. <Bring your camera <or phone> and join the fun. Bring some money, too, for shopping and supporting the local economy.>

Festival <This is for all 23, or is it 27 of you gringos who like cuy.> – There will be a Festival de Cuy este domingo a las 9:00 in the Parque Central “Velasco Ibarra” in Biblián. The festival is part of the celebration of Biblián’s 75th anniversary of cantonization.

Otras cosas –

Titular – Los viajes en buses serán grabados (Bus trips will be recorded) – The 475 urban buses in Cuenca have cameras that can transmit video and audio to ECU 911. ANT (National Transit Agency) started the installation of the security kits in 2013, but the systems deteriorated due to a lack of locations for maintenance. The Cámara de Transporte de Cuenca (CTC) has solved this by opening a shop next to the Terminal Terrestre to install, remove and maintain these units. The drivers have panic buttons which will alert ECU 911. Passengers can also use wifi (4G) on the buses for 30 minutes by entering their Movilízate card number and cedula number.

Clima extremo – The Instituto Nacional de Meteorología y Hidrologiá (Inamhi) is forecasting high levels of ultraviolet (UV) radiation (13-14) in Azuay until at least this weekend with temperatures around 23 C. <I think any European would think they’d died and gone to heaven with temperatures like we’re going to get.> Until 1/8, the minimum daily temperatures will vary from 0-6 C. especially at altitudes over 2,700 meters. At higher altitudes, the temperatures will be 0 or less with possible frost. <So a tank top in the middle of the day and 3 Dog Nights.>

Hunger strike – Retired teachers have been on a hunger strike for 7 days with no response from the government. Teachers who retired after 2015 are asking the government to pay them what they are owed, both lump sum severence and monthly pensions which are close to $1,000.

Vacations – Teachers’ vacations start tomorrow and will last until 19/8.

Bonos sociales (Social certificates) – The safety net administered by the Ministerio de Inclusión Económica y Social (MIES) includes payments to people with limited resources. These include monthly payments of $240 to the family or caregiver for severely and completely disabled people; $100 to seniors who are more than 40% disabled, in poverty or extreme poverty and not affiliated with IESS; $50 to disabled and poor people under 65; $50 to families in poverty; a similar variable payment of $50-100 to families considering the number of children up to 3; $100 to seniors in vulnerable conditions. <Wouldn’t cover some peoples’ Starbucks habit for a month.>

Referendum – The anti-mining referendum question was submitted to the Constitutional Court this morning and asks, “¿Está usted de acuerdo que se prohíba sin excepción las actividades de prospectión, exploración, y explotación
de minería metálica en fuentes de agua, páramos, humedales, bosques y zonas de recargas y regulación hídrica? Si o No.” (Do you agree with prohibiting, without exception, the activities of prospecting, exploration, and exploitation for metal mining in areas of water sources, páramos, wetlands, forests, and water recharge and regulation zones? Yes or No.)

Paper straws – Tetra Pak is showcasing its line of paper straws to encourage its collaboration with industry in developing alternatives to single use plastic straws in drink cartons. <Have you noticed that Tutto Fredo uses them with their take out drinks now?>

Grant – US non-profit Plan Internacional will donate over $45 million to Ecuador to support projects focused on education, early childhood, active citizenry, and sexual and reproductive health as well as protection, economic empowerment of youth, and disaster resilience.

Intercultural – Today’s article is about indigenous organizations. The basic organization for indigenous peoples for 6,000 to 8,000 years, has been the community although they were only recognized legally in 1938. The rest of the article talks about more recent organizations such as the pioneering Federación Ecuatoriana de Indios (FEI), founded in the 70’s, the diversity of indigenous peoples, and their struggle.

And that´s all for today so Hasta ? –



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