Whale conservation, Electronic money, Waking the sleeping god, Don’t toss burning butts

Sep 4, 2017 | 0 comments

Domingo, 3/9/2017

Hola, Todos –

Pagina cultural –

Upcoming and ongoing agenda events –

Exposición – For the Año de la Cultura (Year of Culture) being celebrated in Cuenca, the pen and ink exhibit, “Cuenca: Arte, Tradición y Patrimonio” by Jaime Lara will open el próximo miércoles a las 19:00 in the Museo de la Ciudad. The show will run hasta (to/until) <this was a word you were supposed to remember> 30/9.

Jornadas – Las Segundas Jornadas about Oralidad y Docencia: Los cuentos y la ciencia (The Second Session about Orality and Teaching: The stories and science) will run desde (from) el lunes hasta el miércoles. <Doesn’t say where, but it’s not as if you were going to go anyway, right?.>

Concierto – “We And The Machines,” a solo project by Quiteño Diego Recalde will be performed on 16/9 in the MMAM (Museo Municipal de Arte Moderno – Municipal Museum of Modern Art) <Just remember MMAM – I’m tired of typing the whole thing along with the translation every time.) <And there is no time given so don’t ask.>

Saturday’s agenda items –

Títeres (puppets) – The 7th Titiricuenca Festival will be from 14-26/10 with shows in San Blas, Teatro Sucre, and Teatro Pumapungo with artists from Colombia, Ecuador, Perú and Argentina.

Taller – Sign up for the 4th straw weaving workshop at the El Economuseo Casa del Sombrero. Registration starts on 14/9.

Festival – the XI Edition of the Festival Escenarios del Mundo (Stages of the World Festival) will be from 20-30/9.

Articles about –

Circo ruso (Russian circus) – The performance of the 15 children that “brillan como el oro” (shine like gold), was reviewed. The last performances in Cuenca are hoy a las 11:30, 15:30 and 18:30 in the teatro Pumapungo. Get your tickets at the theater box office. Cost: $20 & $25 for lower level, and $10 & $15 for the upper level (balcony?).

“La Otra Orilla” (The Other Bank/Shore) – This festival of arts and literature will be in Guayaquil and Durán starting el próximo miércoles. It is a parallel project to the Feria Internacional del Libro (International Book Fair) which is organized by the Municipio de Guayaquil.

Teatro – “Las Bacantes. El grito de la Libertad” (The Bacchantes. The cry of Freedom) will be presented on domingo, 24/9 during the Festival Escenarios del Mundo (Stages of the World Festival). The play by the Spanish group Sennsa Teatro Laboratorio is based on The Bacchantes by Euripides.

Otras cosas –

Titular – La Agenda Cantonal de Juventud mira a lo rural (The Cantonal Youth Agenda looks at the rural) Young people met in Chiquintad yesterday to talk about the needs of youth in rural areas. Topics of concern were intra-family violence with young women being the most vulnerable, migration because some youth are interested in migrating even before they finish their schooling and because many parents are outside the country, and employment. In 2010, the census counted 103,184 youth between 15 & 29 years, 20.4% of the population of the canton of Cuenca. According to projections, the percentage will be 27% in 2017.

Electronic money – The accounts and electronic money system run by the Central Bank is running normally. The announcement that electronic money will be taken over by private banks does not change the current operations.

Whale conservation – Experts from Ecuador, Colombia, Panamá, Perú and Chile will meet this week in the Parque Nacional Machallila at the First Regional Workshop on Whale Conservation. The workshop was organized by the Subsecretary of Marin and Coastal Management of the Ministry of the Environment, with technical and financial help from the World Wildlife Fund.

Campaign against fires – The Fire Department, Citizens’ Guard, Army, ETAPA and others relaunched the “Yo Cuido los Bosques” (I take care of the forests) in San Juaquín with games and information. 95% of the forest fires originate from careless acts and could be prevented. Never toss burning cigarette butts or lit matches into dry grass. <I wouldn’t think that this needed to be said except that some people are truly clueless or drunk.>

Condor census – The Amaru Zoo and the Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja are looking for volunteers for a national condor census on 27 & 28/9 in Oña, Nabón, Saraguro, Cariamanga y Zaruma. Volunteers should have field experience, binoculars, and GPS or cell phones with photo positioning registration technology. <I imagine that there would be lots of you capable of counting and registering condors -assuming your eyesight is up to it.>

Barrios del sur – 23 neighborhoods in the south of Cuenca, mostly in the Yanuncay and Baños Parishes have united to get more municipal attention in the area. The main problem is roads – in some sectors there aren’t sidewalks or paving and other sectors need sewers. Another need is health services so the Union de Barrios del Sur are asking for a medical center.

From Saturday’s paper –

Heart transplants – The “José Carrasco Arteaga” Hospital is getting ready to perform heart transplant surgeries and is the only institution in the country with this certification.

Actualidades – If you are interested in more information than the short summary of each article, go to www.elmercurio.com.ec for the full articles.

Los Salesianos – A history of the 129 years that the Salesianos, founded by don Bosco, has been in Ecuador. The order came in 1888 to save the original people. <From what? Their colonizers?> There is a monument in the highest point of the lookout of Turi which is in the El Pan cantón, with murals of the historyof the Salesianos.

Cars – 5 cars that changed the world. <You’ll have to read the article on your own to find out why.> The cars are the 1886 Benz Patent-Motorwagen which had 3 wheels, one gear, a single 462 cc. cylinder engine and a top speed of 17 kph; the Willis which was the first off-road vehicle; the Ford Model T, the VW Beetle (Escarabajo); and the Mini.

“El despertad del dios dormido” (El nuevo hombre de la era) (The awakening of the sleeping god (The new man of the era)) – I have no idea what this article is about. Above the headline is something about Cuencano holograms to restore humanity and a Message to the World). <If one of you can read it and tell me, I’d be appreciative. It might help comprehension if you are a Vilcabamba type of person.>

Pagina Interculatural – The article is about the history of Sucúa which took its name from the “suku” (ortiga – nettle) plant.

Salud – The health page is about Fibromyalgia and physical activity.

Amenidades –

Tommy Torres – The Puerto Rican singer, composer, arranger and producer will include Cuenca on his Latinamerican tour. He will be in Cuenca on 23/9 in the Teatro Carlos Cueva Tamariz. Ticket available at the Almacenes la Victoria. Cost: $25, 35, & 45.

Internacional –

Colombia – Pope Francis will be in Colombia desde el 6/9 hasta el 10/9 as a “garante” ( guarantor) that the peace process will continue. He will be coming to a different country than the one Pope John Paul II visited 30 years ago as a “peregrino de la paz” (pilgrim of peace). He will beatify two people.

Venezuela – Lilian Tintori, wife of jailed opposition leader Leopoldo López, has been prohibited from leaving the country. She was scheduled to travel to Europe to meet with the leaders of Spain, France, Germany and Italy.

And that´s all for today so Hasta Mañana –



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