Women march against violence; Biggest Christmas tree erected as Cuenca prepares for the holidays; Women rappers wanted; Hitman-style murder

Nov 26, 2022 | 0 comments

Viernes, 25/11/2022

Hola, Todos – 
So how did you like that game today? I’ll take a tie – with the Netherlands – oh, yeah.

Actividades – 

Agenda cultural (Cultural Agenda) –

26/11 – Concierto – Plaza San Francisco a las 19:00 – La Doble, Sobrepeso, & Apha Logic.
27/11 – Cine – Teatro Sucre, 10:00-18:00 – children’s films.
30/11 – Danza – Teatro Pumapungo a las 20:00 – Hay alguien en la casa.
1/12 – Literatura – Antigua Escuela Central las 17:00 – Book launch of “Y la vida sigue crepitando.”

Hundreds of women, many from the city’s six universities, marched against gender violence in the historic district Friday morning.

Cuenca, sede de la liga femenina de freestyle nacional (Cuenca, home of the national women’s freestyle league) – A group of women wants Cuenca to be the first city to have a national women’s freestyle league and is looking to have a space for improvised rap for women. Currently, there are women performing rap, but the national leagues are all men. They are organizing an event for el 14/1/2023 in the Teatro Sucre, and are calling for women to submit videos. You can get more information on the Instagram account, @ligafemeninafreestyle.ecu. <If any of you adulto mayor gringas gets on the program, count me in for a ticket. If any of you adulto mayor gringas even submits a video, count me in as surprised as hell.>

Titular – 

La violencia y acoso rondan universidades (Violence and harassment haunt universities) – Students and teachers from the U. of Cuenca marched Friday morning for the Día Internacional de la Eliminación de la Violencia contra la Mujer. They were joined by students from other universities in Azuay such as the U. Católica de Cuenca, UPS and UDA. According to a study by the Programa Prevenir Violencia contra las Mujeres (Program to Prevent Violence against Women), 11% of university women in Ecuador have suffered sexual violence. The study which included 16 universities, concluded that the universities assume $67,833,079 in indirect costs annually. This is the equivalent of 3,664,409 lost days from a total of 252,429 students and professors affected by machista violence. The analysis also showed that 7 out of 10 students both male and female, who witnessed situations related to violence, did not intervene for various reasons.

Cuenca – 

From El Mercurio del jueves, 24/11/2022:
Árbol de Navidad de 41 metros estará en el parque Miraflores (41-meter Christmas tree will be in the Miraflores Park) – Installing the largest Christmas tree in Ecuador started last week. The 41 meter tree will be 6 meters higher than last year’s. Last year, Machala had a 35m. tree, and Guayaquil one of 25 m. So this year Cuenca increased the height to keep its tree the highest in the country. The installation of the structure started el 17/10 and should be finished este sábado. The electrical work will start el lunes, with a testing phase, and the tree lighting is scheduled for el 4/12. 900 sets of pernos, tuercas, y arandelas (bolts, nuts & washers – your words for the day. <Seems like they might be useful – if not now, then on your next home improvement project.>) were used. There will be 22,000 LED lights as well as sets of stars. The lights are programmable to create animations, combinations, colors and shapes.

In addition to the tree, Miraflores will have the largest Parque Navideño in the country for the 2nd consecutive year. The 450 illuminated figures will be accessible to all and some areas will be pet friendly. <Like installing all electrical connections and light bulbs above pissing height for a dog. Their owners should know better than to piss on an electrical connection. If he doesn’t, nominate him for a Darwin Award. Actually, the tree will be grounded.>

Installation of scenes related to Christmas will start this week in different parts of the city including San Blas, San Sebastián, and Parque Calderón; along the banks of the Tomebamba between El Vado and El Centenario; along av. Solano; and at 5 spots along the ciclovía.

Sucesos – 

From El Mercurio del jueves, 24/11/2022:
Asesinan a disparos a un ciudadano en cantón Paute (Citizen shot to death in Paute canton) – David Leonardo C.C. was killed el miércoles, 23/11 around 7:45 in the middle of Paute. Witnesses said the hitmen <I’m assuming, probably safely, that they were men.> arrived at the victim’s house and asked for him. When he answered he was shot at least 3 times. Police are investigating and security cameras show the shooters were travelling in a double cab pick-up and moto. A few hours later, the burned shell of a double cab pick-up was found in the El Salado sector of Sinincay Parish. Neighbors said 3 people arrived at the site, set fire to the truck and fled. Police are connecting the burned truck to the one used to transport the shooters in Paute.

And that’s all for today so hasta ? –



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