
Cuenca’s iconic flower market and the artisan markets at Rotary Plaza, San Francisco Plaza and Calle Santa Ana are scheduled to reopen on Monday. Under rules established by the local Emergency Operations Committee, the markets will be allowed to work at 50 percent capacity, rotating vendors on alternate days. In addition, the COE will reopen...
What will air travel look like when it resumes next week? “It will be radically different than it did before the coronavirus,” says Marco Subía, president of the Ecuador Airline Association. “At the beginning, service will be very limited and people who need to fly, either within the country or internationally, may find it hard...
By Alex Ward South America has become “a new epicenter” of the coronavirus pandemic, according to the World Health Organization (WHO) — and it looks like the situation there is going to get worse before it gets better. The region officially has more than 671,000 confirmed cases and more than 48,000 deaths as of May...
Claiming that the risks of the Covid-19 virus are declining, the National Emergency Operations Committee (COE) relaxed many of the health emergency restrictions that have been in place since mid-March. “We have endured 77 days of isolation and extreme restrictions on our lives and because of the progress we have made we feel comfortable accelerating...
By John Ioannidis A person suddenly collapses on the floor — what do you do? Given the choice between acting or not acting, surely every reasonable person will say we need to act without hesitation. But how? We first quickly collect the available data: we check whether the collapsed person has a pulse, whether he’s...
By Louis Genot More young people are dying of Covid-19 in Brazil than other countries, a trend driven partly by demographics — the overall population is younger — but also by poverty and the need to work. The South American giant of 210 million people is the latest flashpoint in the coronavirus pandemic, rapidly rising...
By Ed Konderla I am always surprised how many people are amazed that I’m unabashedly pro-President Trump. When he won the election my feet didn’t touch the ground for three days. I was elated by the shock and pain I saw in the eyes of liberal progressives, especially Hillary Clinton. I still look back at...
The government is warning protesters in Cuenca, Guayaquil and Quito that they risk arrest for violating social distancing protocols. “We respect their right to assembly but we are in a public health emergency and if the rules are not followed we may ask the police to intervene,” said Interior Minister María Paula Romo Tuesday afternoon....
In two days of transporting passengers, Cuenca’s tram has put at least one skeptic’s prediction to rest — that no one will ride it. “We have more than twice as many passengers than we expected and have to ask some people to wait on the plaform for the next train,” says Gustavo Ramirez, a conductor...
Venezuela’s low case count and death toll from the coronavirus are likely false and could in fact be thousands of times higher than official figures, according to the Human Rights Watch (HRW) and Johns Hopkins University. In fact, the country may lead all Latin American countries, including Brazil, in the grim toll, they say. President...
Demonstrators defied coronavirus safety restrictions to stage protests in Quito, Guayaquil and Cuenca on Monday and Tuesday against President Lenin Moreno’s drastic economic measures to tackle the country’s economic crisis. Moreno last week announced deep public spending cuts including the closure of state-owned companies and embassies around the world, but trade unions Monday said workers...
Despite Ecuador’s decision to resume domestic and international air travel on June 1, there is growing concern about what that service will look like. On Monday, Latam, Ecuador’s largest commercial carrier filed for bankruptcy, less than two weeks after Avianca, the country’s other commercial airline, did the same. Government officials are counting on the two...

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The Cuenca Dispatch

Week of September 29

Cuenca’s Deluge: Rains Bring Relief and Risks After Prolonged Drought.

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Government’s Decision to Relocate CELEC Headquarters Sparks Local Backlash.

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Eight years and counting…

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How to Receive Amazon Orders in Ecuador for Just $5 with the New ‘Flat Rate’.

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