
Miércoles, 20/5/2020 Hola, Todos – Starting next week, I’m going to take a week’s vacation. No, I don’t have any secret knowledge or contacts, so I’m not going anywhere. I just need a break. Actividades – De la pagina cultural – Maratón de Cuento – The Girándula-Asociación Ecuatoriana del Libro Infantil y Juvenil (Girándula-Ecuadorian Association...
The U.S. State Department said Wednesday it is considering an air travel ban for all South American countries with a decision coming within a matter of days. The statement followed remarks by Vice President Mike Pence who said the U.S. is especially concerned about the Covid-19 outbreak in Brazil that has claimed more than 18,000...
Reaction to President Lenin Moreno’s deep budget cuts range from high praise from business interests to threats of national strikes from labor and indigenous groups. The cuts, the deepest since the 2000 financial crisis, make dramatic reductions to the public payroll, abolish and consolidate government functions and liquidate seven publicly owned companies. At Tuesday afternoon...
Martes, 19/5/2020 Hola, Todos – Actividades – Nada. Otras cosas – Titular – Comercio, en amarillo; autoridades discrepan (Commerce, in yellow; authorities disagree) – The economy and unemployment are in the red numbers. Merchants have taken on the yellow light, and the citizenry is on the move in green. <Citizens seem to be ahead of...
By Gonzalo Solano and Michael Weissentein  Beyond the hot spots of Brazil and Mexico, the coronavirus is threatening to overwhelm Latin American cities large and small in an alarming sign that the pandemic may be only at the start of its destructive march through the region. More than 90% of intensive care beds were full...
This morning’s announcement by President Lenin Moreno that the government will liquidate the assets of publicly owned Tame airlines came as a shock to the management of several airports, including those in Cuenca and Manta. Although Tame has been heavily subsidized for decades, it has been the backbone of the national air service in recent...
The coronavirus health emergency is putting “catastrophic strain” on Ecuador’s largest provider of health care, the Social Security (IESS) system. According to unnamed officials, the system faces collapse without a substantial infusion of funds. Monthly contributions from IESS members and their employers has dropped by about $100 million a month and is expected to drop...
Lunes, 18/5/2020 Hola, Todos – Actividades – Del cuerpo del periodico – Semana Internacional de Biodiversidad – Ecuador is planning for the 2020 International Biodiversity Week which will be held virtually from the 18-22/5 with conferences featuring specialists in the fields of biodiversity and health; science and knowledge; and biodiversity and bio-economy. There will be...
By David Morrill A mainstay of the Cuenca expat community since he moved here from the U.S. Pacific Northwest in 2016, Robert Bradley has suffered a series of devastating medical crises since late last year. In October, he had a bad fall, breaking four ribs and his clavicle, requiring surgery. Unfortunately, the surgery resulted in...
By Eoin McSweeney and Emmet Lyons The U.S. state of Georgia allowed restaurants to reopen on April 27. The three owned by Ryan Pernice are still shuttered. The entrepreneur hasn’t opened his restaurants, Table & Main, Osteria Mattone and Coalition Food & Beverage, since March 16. Pernice is worried about the health of his employees...
Health officials worry that the epicenter of Ecuador’s coronavirus outbreak is shifting from Guayaquil to Quito, as the number of deaths in Quito grew by 83 percent from Thursday to Saturday. They are also concerned about the growing number of infections in the country’s coastal region. According to the Ministry of Health, confirmed Covid-19 deaths...
By Jack Kelly The coronavirus pandemic has caused a large number of casualties—lives, economic ruin and massive unemployment. There’s another looming issue that we’re not talking about. Frightening disruptions to the normal course of social and business routines are allowing the government to bring down the hammer on people’s lives. Afraid for their own jobs,...

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The Cuenca Dispatch

Week of September 29

Cuenca’s Deluge: Rains Bring Relief and Risks After Prolonged Drought.

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Government’s Decision to Relocate CELEC Headquarters Sparks Local Backlash.

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Eight years and counting…

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How to Receive Amazon Orders in Ecuador for Just $5 with the New ‘Flat Rate’.

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