
By Stacey Colino As you gaze across the rows of brightly colored fruits and vegetables in the produce section of the grocery store, you may not be aware that the quantity of nutrients in these crops has been declining over the past 70 years. Mounting evidence from multiple scientific studies shows that many fruits, vegetables,...
Last week I boarded the bus from Loja to Vilcabamba during peak afternoon hours. It was crowded with weary commuters and students munching chatara. The aisle was free but the seats were jammed. I had a fifty minute ride ahead of me and was nursing a knee injury. I’ve never chosen to play the tercera edad (elderly)...
Miércoles, 2/11/2022 Hola, Todos – Actividades – From El Mercurio, martes, 1/11: Cuenca acoge la Feria Nacional de la Cerámica (Cuenca hosts the National Ceramics Fair) – The Feria Nacional de Cerámica opened el martes in the Casa de Chaguarchimbana with 15 Ecuadorian exhibitors. Hours are from 10-22:00 until el 9/11. In addition to the...
At least three police officers are dead and several more are injured following attacks on police vehicles and headquarters Monday night and Tuesday in Guayaquil. Attacks on police facilities included at least three explosions as well as drive-by shootings. The violence followed a decision by prison officials to remove 400 to 500 suspected gang members...
Ecuador’s government predicts its budget deficit will narrow to $2.63 billion next year as it benefits from more economic growth and oil production, according to a draft spending blueprint announced by the economy ministry on Monday. The draft was delivered to the National Assembly on Sunday amid complaints by critics that it is too austere...
By Haley Zaremba In no uncertain terms, the world is facing the ‘first truly global energy crisis’ according to a new report from the International Energy Agency (IEA). While Europe is the epicenter of the current volatility and scarcity in energy markets, the problem is far from isolated. Continuing to refer to the current circumstances...
Lunes, 31/10/2022 Hola, Todos – Happy Halloween. I hope none of you ladies who’ve been collecting Social Security for at least a decade scared any little kids by walking through Parque Calderón in your Hooters costume. Actividades – From El Mercurio del domingo, 30/10: Yurak Allpa abre granja interactive (Yurak Allpa opens interactive farm) –...
By Liam Higgins The practice of criminal gangs demanding money from businesses for “protection” or “security” services has been going on for years in Guayaquil. Since 2020 however, police say the practice has spread to Quito, Cuenca and other cities and that the number of cases is on the rise. Borrowing terminology from the Covid-19...
Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva has been elected the next president of Brazil, in a stunning comeback following a tight run-off race on Sunday. His victory heralds a political about-face for Latin America’s largest country, after four years of Jair Bolsonaro’s far-right administration. The 76-year-old politician’s win represents the return of the left into power...
Periodico – Independencia de Cuenca supplement – sábado, 29/10/2022 Hola, Todos – I’m too tired to proofread so read at your own risk and verify for yourselves. Actividades – Conciertos, para todos los gustos (Concerts, for every taste) – Sábado – 29/10, 20:00 – Pimpinela Argentinean cuo with 98 gold, platinum or diamond discs) –...
By Deke Castleman Heading southwest from Cuenca on the road to Machala and Loja, you leave the city behind fairly quickly and enter the ranch country of the Tarqui Valley, with cattle grazing on rich green grass and the Andes towering over everything. You pass a couple of dairy stores, such as Lacteos Compero, which...
Viernes, 28/10/2022 Hola, Todos – Actividades – There is a special magazine section with billions of events. I don’t have the time or energy to list those today, so I will regalarles with a special post tomorrow. <I hope you appreciate all this work.> See article in Cuenca section for locations of crafts fairs. From...

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The Cuenca Dispatch

Week of September 15

The Massive Blackout of September 2024.

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Getting Rid of Verónica Abad: The Conflict the Government is Racing to Resolve.

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Puerto Cabuyal: the commune that protects a marine reserve in Ecuador.

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