
Only hours after Ecuadorian voters approved sweeping new anti-crime measures, police announced the capture of the fugitive leader of one of the country’s most powerful criminal gangs. Fabricio Colón Pico, leader of Los Lobos, had been on the run since escaping prison in early January and was included among the country’s “most wanted” men. Officials...
Ecuadorians voted overwhelmingly for President Daniel Noboa’s referendum questions to fight crime in Sunday’s national referendum, particularly ones that allow the armed forces to assist police. On the other hand, voters rejected two unrelated questions, signaling they are not willing to give the president a blank check. Two questions that passed will allow the armed...
Ecuador’s new Energy Minister Roberto Luque said Saturday that electric power blackouts will resume Monday, but suggested blackout periods may be reduced. In two Saturday interviews, Luque blamed the crisis on “rare and extraordinary climatic conditions” but said “ineffective communication and possibly incompetence” led to a lack of preparation. “We understand citizen indignation for the...
By Michelle Cohan In 1960, on the banks of Lake Tanganyika, Tanzania, one young British woman would set out to change what we know about primates forever. Jane Goodall defied conventional scientific methods by immersing herself in the jungle, which led to groundbreaking discoveries about chimpanzees; most notably that they use tools, are omnivores and...
Viernes, 19/4/2024 Hola, Todos – Actividades – Dos artes en el escenario (Two arts on the stage) – The Compañía de Danza and the Orquesta Sinfónica de la U. de Cuenca will present “Mixturas,” a dance gala el jueves, 25/4 and el viernes 26/4 a las 20:00 in the Teatro Carlos Cueva Tamariz. Tickets are...
President Daniel Noboa declared a 60-day national emergency Friday aimed at “managing the commotion and public calamity” of Ecuador’s electricity crisis. “Current conditions require urgent state intervention to protect and guarantee electricity service to citizens,” the government said in a statement. The new emergency expands and extends the emergency declared on Monday, which the presidential...
The manager of the Rio Paute-Mazar hydroelectric complex in eastern Azuay Province is disputing a claim that the release of water at the Mazar reservoir was an act of sabotage. “This information is incorrect and no actions were taken at Mazar to disrupt electric generation,” Jose Gomez of Celec Sur said Thursday. “All procedures at...
By Juana Casas Latin American nations must be on high alert as the weather phenomenon known as El Niño rapidly switches over to La Niña, experts said on Thursday, leaving populations and crops little time to recover. El Niño and its usually abundant rains could soon turn into droughts caused by La Niña as well...
By Dana G. Smith According to some estimates, consumers spend $62 billion a year on “anti-aging” treatments. But while creams, hair dyes and Botox can give the impression of youth, none of them can roll back the hands of time. Scientists are working to understand the biological causes of aging in the hope of one...
The government has ordered a “work holiday” Thursday and Friday as part of the national energy emergency. According to acting Energy Minister Roberto Luque, the suspension of public and private working hours will allow the government to impose longer blackout periods to make repairs in hydroelectric power generation equipment. All public and private school classes...
Miércoles, 17/4/2024 Hola, Todos – Actividades – Presentación de libro — There will be a book launch of “Los recicladores” by José Luis Crespo el jueves, 18/4 a las 18:30 in the Salón del Pueblo Efraín Jara Idrovo (Sucre y Benigno Malo). Free. Taller de danza Shuar – The FIDAF Ecuador will hold a Shuar...
According to hydrology professor and consultant Marcelo Iglesias, the government should have prepared Ecuadorans for an electricity shortage in February. “This is when the reservoir levels at the power plants began to drop after a brief rise in December and January,” he said. “It was clear then that we were in a drought of historic...

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The Cuenca Dispatch

Week of September 15

The Massive Blackout of September 2024.

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Getting Rid of Verónica Abad: The Conflict the Government is Racing to Resolve.

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Puerto Cabuyal: the commune that protects a marine reserve in Ecuador.

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Amazon eco lodge News