Robert Bradley

By Robert Bradley To have come to this season, part II. They are stringing the lights for Christmas around Parque Calderon. The blue CUENCA sign across from the Cathedral is a huge hit already. Teens are grouping together in sizes that stretch beyond the limit of a selfie, so like a paddling of ducks, they...
  Photos by Robert Bradley, Text by Charles Dickens It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, It was the season of Light, it was the season...
By Robert Bradley It is early morning in Vilcabamba. Roosters are crowing and dogs are barking, each clamoring for attention and stating their purpose and intentions for the day  —  a cacophony of insistence and urgency that is oddly enjoyable. The air is still, weighted with the scent of flowers desperately advertising their most outlandish...
By Robert Bradley I – ​  It is another one of those days. A stop in your tracks, fresh as new spring day that feels just like the time when you did the best thing ever and even the breeze seemed to be congratulating you. I feel warmth and reassurance. ​II – ​  As I...

By Robert Bradley The air is speckled with puffs of gunpowder from the firecrackers. The breeze is warm like the best day of spring. Cuenca sparkles. Independence Day.

By Robert Bradley I often traveled to northern Idaho ​when I was younger, ​and always loved it. ​I saw a​n incredible variety of migrating birds ​at rest in the wetlands of Lake Ponderay, or among the bugs in the aspens, hawthornes, and cottonwoods leading to the mountains. They relied on ingrained memory to guide them...
By Robert Bradley Artisan Craftsmanship has long been heralded as a defining characteristic of Cuenca. Marco Antonio Machado Delgado lived among the metal workers — a craft honed by his father and grandfather. As a very young boy, he would often spend the day in the home of a nearby family of weavers. He soon...
By Robert Bradley I was stopped on the street the other day by a chap who did a double-take as he passed. He turned right around, called me by name, then asked if it was true. “Are you Robert Bradley?” “Why, yes, I am,” I replied, with a combination of surprise and dread. “Do you...
By Robert Bradley I’ve been busy producing an exhibition and art show for the Municipal Museum of Art Modern. VINCULO: Reunion de Arte y Artesanias Municipal Museum of Art Modern (MMAM) November 1 to  November 10 Working in consort with the University of Cuenca, VINCULO brings together artists and artisans in common cause to support...
By Robert Bradley My reading habits are pretty broad. I enjoy the derring-do of Jack Reacher with the same enthusiasm as when I read literary fiction, biographies, periodicals, or poetry. I’ve recognized that in every genre the subject of mindfulness in some manifestation arises and states the obvious: Being aware of your surroundings is a...
By Robert Bradley The news is laced with tragedy, destruction, fear, and foreboding. Seemingly, at every turn, there is danger beyond understanding or even recognition while we are subjected to chattering pundits who pontificate on who did what to whom. It can be so confusing. But, not for me. I hold fast against the tidal...
By Robert Bradley The tragedy of natural catastrophe we witness in the news is a stern warning to prepare and appreciate our bounty every day. Too clearly we have seen that generations of memories and the accumulation of centuries can be swept away … like water. It is all so heart-rending. Yet, far beyond the...

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The Cuenca Dispatch

Week of May 19

Expulsion of Ecuadorian Migrants by US Surges 200%, Calls for Policy Action Rise.

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How to Obtain a Criminal Record Certificate in Ecuador.

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President Noboa Plans to Refine Fuel Subsidies, Targeting Extra and Ecopaís Gasoline.

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Hogar Esperanza News