Ecuador News

By Lucia Diaz Madurga The ancient inhabitants of the Andes believed that no important activity would prosper if it was not accompanied by coca. In the indigenous worldview, the coca leaf is what makes human activities sacred. It is what blesses the land and the crops, the food that provides energy and vitality to carry...
The National Electoral Council (CNE) approved the presidential candidacy of journalist Christian Zurita Wednesday night. His application to replace the murdered Fernando Villavicencio was approved unanimously after an objection by the Citizen Revolution party was thrown out. Zurita was a close friend and colleague of Villavicencio, collaborating with Villavicencio on more than a dozen investigative...
Miércoles, 16/8/2023 Hola, Todos – Actividades – Actividades en casas patrimoniales (Activities in heritage houses) – Art and music have been scheduled for 2 patrimonial houses. At the Casa de las Posadas (Calles Baltazara de Calderón y Octavio Cordero), there will be guided tours on the 17 & 19/8 to see the show “Del caos...
Candidates for the presidency and National Assembly are taking special safety precautions in the final week of campaigning for the August 20 election. Most candidates are avoiding large rallies, focusing on small gatherings and television and radio interviews. The emphasis on security follows the last week’s assassination of presidential candidate Fernando Villavicencio, as well as...
Lunes, 14/8/2023 Hola, Todos – Titular – Debate: ataques y propaganda (Debate: attacks and propaganda) – See today’s (lunes) CHL for story. <At least the candidates stayed at their respective lecterns and didn’t wander around the stage. There was a countdown clock which changed color at 10 seconds and then started beeping at 5 seconds....
By Sylvan Hardy Roughly 675 million people speak Spanish as their first or second language. Along with Mandarin (a billion speakers) and English (900 million), Spanish is one of the three most widely spoken languages in the world. It’s also one of the six official languages of the United Nations. Spanish is the native tongue...
In a presidential debate most notable for the absence of Fernando Villavincencio, seven candidates described how they would confront Ecuador’s crime wave and restore a flagging economy Sunday night. Following Wednesday’s assassination of Villavincencio in Quito, the topic of crime was on everyone’s mind. According to several analysts, the debate produced no major surprises. “There...
The Construye Movement announced Saturday that Andrea González will be the party’s presidential candidate, replacing Fernando Villavicencio who was assassinated Wednesday. In a statement, Construye said that González “will guarantee that Villavicencio’s legacy will continue.” Movement leaders added that González’s “friendship and partnership” with Villavicencio made her the “logical choice” to see the campaign through...
Viernes, 11/8/2023 Hola, Todos – Titular – Unidad y paz contra violencia (Unity and peace against violence) – Responses to the assassination of Villavicencio were published. Ex-president Rosalía Arteaga <she was the VP who ascended to the presidency after Abdalá Bucaram was removed from office. She served for 2 days until the old boys network...
By Pablo Ferri No other country handles such a high ratio of tons of cocaine per capita as Ecuador. The South American nation, a hinge between the two major coca leaf producers in world, Colombia and Peru, has become logistical platform for large transnational criminal organizations over the past 15 years. Among these, the Sinaloa...
On a day that mixed outrage and sadness, the six Colombians accused of assassinating presidential candidate Fernando Villavicencio made their first court appearance in Quito. In addition to murder, the suspects are charged with drug and arms possession. Also on Thursday, police took an additional 10 people into custody on suspicion of involvement in the...
Assassinated presidential candidate Fernando Villavicencio’s name will appear on the August 20 election ballot, National Electoral Council President Diana Atamaint said Thursday. “Because the ballots are already printed there is not time to make a change to a replacement candidate,” she said. “Under article 112 of the Democracy Code, the Construye Movement is allowed to...

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The Cuenca Dispatch

Week of September 15

The Massive Blackout of September 2024.

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Getting Rid of Verónica Abad: The Conflict the Government is Racing to Resolve.

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Puerto Cabuyal: the commune that protects a marine reserve in Ecuador.

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