Ecuador News

Ecuador joined the U.S., Argentina, Uruguay, Peru, Panama and Costa Rica over the weekend in recognizing Edmundo González as the winner of last Sunday’s presidential election in Venezuela. Although the Venezuelan elections commission claims Nicolás Maduro was reelected with a 52% majority, only a handful of countries are accepting the results. Before leaving for a...
Viernes, 2/8/2024 Hola, Todos – Titular – Pintado entra al Olimpo (Pintado enters Olympus) – See today’s (viernes) article in CHL for the story. Ecuador has had 6 medalists in the Olympics starting with Jefferson Pérez in Atlanta, 1996, when he won the gold in the 20 km. speed walk. He also won a silver...
A series of Tuesday and Wednesday meetings of political leftist movements failed to form a common front to challenge President Daniel Noboa in the February election. “We agreed on many objectives and agreed to continue our dialog but we were not able to coalesce around a presidential candidate for next year election,” said United Workers’...
Twenty-eight-year-old Brian Pintado of Cuenca won Ecuador’s first gold medal in the 2024 Paris Olympics Wednesday, finishing first in the 20-kilometer race walk. He becomes the second Cuencano to win the event, following Jefferson Perez’s 1996 victory in the Atlanta Olympics. Pintado surged to an early lead in the race and led the field by...
Miércoles, 31 /7/2024 Hola, Todos – Actividades – Casa de la Cultura festeja 79 años con agenda de eventos (Casa de la Cultura celebrates 79 years with an agenda of events) – La Casa de la Cultura (CCE) “Benjamín Carrión” Núcleo del Azuay will commemorate its 79th anniversary with events and activities from el 30/7...
Ecuador’s National Assembly voted Monday to reject the reelection of Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro, calling it “fraudulent and fabricated.” Presented by Assemblyman Diego Matovelle, the motion “supported the people of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela to freely and fairly elect” the leadership of their choice. The motion passed 79 to 11 and was supported by...
Lunes, 29/7/2024 Hola, Todos – Actividades – De El Mercurio del sábado, 27/7 (3 articles<): Tributo sinfónico al rock (Symphonic tribute to rock) – The Orquesta Sinfónica and the Coro Polifónico of the U. of Cuenca will present a Tribute Sinfónico-Coral del Rock el viernes, 2/8 in the Teatro Carlos Cueva Tamariz. They will play...
“Show me the signed contracts,” Cuenca Mayor Cristian Zamora demanded Friday following the announcement by the Transportation Ministry that it will construct four overpasses on the Cuenca-to-Azogues autopista. “If I see proof this will happen, I will celebrate, but not before. Otherwise, I am reminded that we are entering the election season when promises are...
By Vanessa Bauza Once underappreciated, mangroves are having a moment. From global initiatives to community-led efforts, work to conserve these climate superstars is gaining traction. Now, a landmark US$ 45.9 million project aims to give Ecuador’s degraded mangroves a new lease on life, local news reported. The six-year project to protect and restore mangroves in...
Viernes, 26/7/2024 Hola, Todos – Actividades – Presentación de la obra “Crime Brulé” (Presentation of the play “Crime Brulé”) – “Crime Brulé,” the new work by dramaturgo (playwright – your more or less useless word for the day unless you are one) Martín Peña Vázquez will be performed on el 31/7 and el 1/8 a...
Following hours of protest at government headquarters on Parque Calderon, the Social Security Institute and Health Ministry announced Thursday night it will make short-term payments to maintain dialysis treatment for local kidney disease patients. A crowd of about 100, mostly patients, their family and friends, gathered early Thursday at the government building and the Parque...
By Sergio Saffon Latin American drug networks are increasingly using unmanned vessels and employing new methods to chemically transform cocaine to move large drug shipments. InSight Crime spoke to Frigate Captain Glehiston Hernández Gutiérrez, director of the International Center for Research and Analysis against Maritime Narcotrafficking (Centro Internacional de Investigación y Análisis contra el Narcotráfico...

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The Cuenca Dispatch

Week of September 22

Ecuador on the Brink: Corn Shortage Sparks Food Crisis.

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Country Faces Severe Rainfall Deficit Across Multiple Regions.

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The United States Clarifies No Plans for Permanent Military Presence in Ecuador, Amidst Growing Cooperation.

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Fund Grace News