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Here at FAAN Headquarters, we’ve been asked for auction ideas by our animal-loving friends.
So, here goes… a FAAN-Tastica Friday brainstorm of 10 potential items you or your favorite business can donate in our live and silent auction to help us build the most modern animal shelter in South America.

1) Travel experiences including whole house getaways, Air B and B’s, and luxury hotels in Ecuador or the Americas
2) Home Entertainment: Great for foodies who love to entertain their friends. Consider hosting a themed luncheon or dinner party as we are.
3) Private Concerts, Cooking/Tech Lessons, Photo Sessions and Other Talents
4) Art, Antiques, Jewelry, Fashion and Home Accents
5) Dinner Certificates at your Favorite Restaurants—consider combining in a gift basket that speaks to your restaurant’s cuisine.

6) Speaking of Baskets, Baskets and More Baskets: We love baskets puts together with love for just about every interest (Food, Wine and Chocolate, Coffee Lovers, Pet Supplies, Pampering Spa packages, High-End Liquors, Cigar Enthusiasts, Fashionistas, Christmas, Chef’s Basket… use your imagination )
7) Nature and Cultural Experiences (Guided Tours, Hikes, Fishing Adventures)
8) Travel Accessories
9) One of a Kind, Behind the Scenes or VIP Access to (A Celebrity Meet-Up, Concert, Sporting Event)
10) Something Big… like a Car, Luxury Furniture or a tech treat like a tablet or smartphone.

Write us with your items for the FAAN Auction Palooza.
Together “We’re making Cuenca known as the City that Cares” about animal welfare.

Contact information:




Cuenca Monica relocation consultant services is the best option to get your visas in Ecuador and many other services that you need it.

I can really get done with the chore you assigned to me. That’s the best and the most important difference. Stop throwing your money; come with a real professional team that really works for you.

I have been almost a decade working with the expat community. In all this time I have never had a visa denied, so I have all the necessary experience to obtain your:

– Temporary or permanent resident visa

– Ecuadorian citizenship

– Cedula

– Transfer visa

– Visa renovation

– Resident Visa for Spain, and other countries.

– Driver license

– Marriage registration

– POA (Power of Attorney)

– Wills and End of Life plan (consult me for this special services)

And more.

Contact me now and we can make a Zoom meeting, a WhatsApp call, (come to Ecuador with the right paperwork to make your life easy when you apply for your residency of Ecuador

Or you can come to my office located in downtown Cuenca.

Contact information:

Cuenca Monica relocation consultant services



The registration period is now open for regular Spanish courses starting on September 4. Open spots are available for beginners, intermediates and advanced students.

Our regular group courses have a maximum of five people per class and they last for 6 weeks (24 hours of class). They take place two days per week, two hours each day. The course fee is $150 and it includes a workbook and access to the school cultural workshops such as guided visits to the city museums, fruit tasting events, cooking classes and Latin movie screenings.

Besides, we are celebrating our anniversary! The school is one year old and to celebrate it we will have discounts and gifts for all students who enroll in the courses starting in September. We are very thankful and happy to share with you this first year of success.

An initial assessment will be provided in order to know your level and place you in the correct group.

At ¡Vamos! we aim at making the experience of learning Spanish as enjoyable and gratifying as possible. The two foundations of our method are: 1) A communicative approach with meaningful and engaging teaching materials. 2) Fully qualified and experienced teachers that understand the process of learning a language and take into account its rational and emotional components.

Please contact us in order to know the exact days and hours for each group.

Contact information:

Vamos Spanish School



Hi! I’m considering a move to Cuenca, and I’m looking for work as an instructor, preferably with a local college or language school. I have over 30 years’ experience teaching every grade from K to college, but prefer adult students. I am also interested in schools that can provide accommodations.
Thank you!

Contact information:

Amy Cook



With RioCargo, we prioritize your convenience and security. Now, you can easily view your received packages, completely free of charge.
Our transparent and reliable tracking system allows you to keep an eye on the status of your shipments. Whether it’s a small parcel or a large order, we ensure you have all the necessary information.
Shop with confidence, knowing that your packages are in safe hands. Our commitment to safety and peace of mind means you can enjoy a worry-free shopping experience.
At RioCargo, customer satisfaction is our top priority. We want you to feel assured every step of the way, from the moment you make a purchase to the arrival of your packages at your doorstep.
Experience the convenience of viewing your received packages with RioCargo. Trust us for all your international shipping needs and embrace a stress-free shopping journey.

Contact information:
Telephone: 07409133

Contact information:

RioCargo Express


1. Before renting or buying, why might it be wise for an Expat of any belief to see how far their home is from a Catholic Church?
2. There is at least one thing that should never be done with an apostilled document. What is it and why?
3. Why might Airbnb or a similar company be beneficial for an Expat even if they decide to move here?
4. Like most international airports there are two immigration lines here in Ecuador. However, when might an Expat be allowed to use the Ecuadorian line, and only under what circumstance should they do so?
5. What’s a matricula and how much can they cost?

0. Strongly recommend going to
1. Probably best to go to
2. Consider going to
3. 50/50
4. You might be ok without
5. I need to talk to you about being a content provider. Please go to and click Support.

Alternatively, one can go to Amazon and buy the book Mas Despacio 1,000 things to consider before moving to Ecuador for only $9.99.

Stay tuned for more questions in a few days.
(For those who’ve read more than 10 quizzes, aren’t you even a little curious? It’s only $10 or $20.)

Contact information:

Rick Ochoa


Deep tissue massage benefits fall into physical and well-being camps. While most massages focus solely on relaxation, deep tissue massage benefits help with aches, pains and joint stiffness.

The benefits of deep tissue massage include but are not limited to:

1) Reduce pain and muscle tension:
This treatment can help with chronic lower back, hips, shoulders, and neck pain. It will loosen tight tissue clusters that cause pain and can be more effective than over-the-counter pain relief.

2) Bring down your blood pressure and heart rate:
That’s right; a deep tissue massage can reduce blood pressure. The stimulating massage will positively impact your whole body, including your blood pressure.

3) Suffering from insomnia:
A deep tissue massage. This treatment can reduce pain and tension and ease anxiety and stress for better sleep quality.

4) Break up scar tissue:
If you have scar tissue and pain from a former injury, this massage can help break up the painful scar tissue and improve your quality of life.

5) Heals the body:

Increasing blood flow will help combat inflammation and promote a faster healing process.

Schedule your in-home massage on the day and time that suits you best.


I am available to help you outside of Cuenca on Saturday only.

Contact information:

Elsa Rojas


Stress, food intolerance, a medical illness and GI conditions can inhibit the absorption of essential substances such as calcium, magnesium, zinc, selenium, vitamins B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B12, C, folic acid, Glutathione, or biotin.

Anyone can benefit from IV therapy, but some more likely candidates or conditions include athletes, adrenal fatigue/ insufficiency, common old, weak immune system, fatigue, hormone imbalance, low mood, digestive disorders, skin issues, heavy metal buildup, brain fog, upper respiratory tract infections and many more.

Zinc and selenium help support the thyroid, immune system, and insulin deficiency.

Zinc and selenium are two trace elements that are required for human health. These minerals play an essential role in the body, and insufficient levels can lead to various health problems. In addition, zinc and selenium are required for healthy immune function, making these nutrients vital for keeping the body free of disease and common illnesses.

Selenium is an essential mineral that must be obtained through your diet.

Selenium deficiency refers to not having enough selenium in your system. This can cause several health problems.

• Muscle weakness.
• Fatigue.
• Mental fog.
• Hair loss.
• Weakened immune system

• Slows the progression of age-related skin and body concerns
• Boosts immunity
• Minimizes oxidative damage

Schedule your in-home IV on the day and time that suits you best.

Cost of IV: $60 + $5.00 transportation fee.

Contact information:

Elsa Rojas


I recommend the lawyer Rafael Arizaga, he advised me at all times in his temporary visa process in Ecuador, he always responds promptly and is one step ahead of problems, he offered me solutions when other facilitators did not respond or wanted my case, I fully recommend.

Name: Rafael Arizaga

Phone: 0967032414

Contact information:

Laura Sanches



Hello there! As a dedicated general physician, I specialize in providing comprehensive primary care services within the familiarity of your home environment. My suite of services encompasses:
+ Personalized postoperative care, carefully executed in the comfort of your residence.
+ Accompanying you to vital medical appointments with specialized practitioners.
+ Expert wound treatment methodologies aimed at fostering speedy recovery.
+ Customized care catering to individuals managing chronic ailments or confined to their beds.
+Positioned in Cuenca, Ecuador, I am also fluent in English and French.

If you seek further insights or have inquiries, please don’t hesitate to contact me.

+ Current fees: $30
+ Appointments available from 6am – 10 pm Monday- Friday
Weekends 9am up to 20pm

Feel free to let your email or contact information for further personalized information.

Contact information:

Dr. Juan Carlos Cárdenas



1. An Expat is shown a beautiful home where they can hear the sound of the river from their patio. What would it be wise to consider before renting or buying this home?
2. What item found in around 50% of all U.S. homes is absolutely forbidden when shipping household items to Ecuador?
3. What is one way of handling U.S. mail while living in Ecuador?
4. When flying to Ecuador, there is one thing that is easily overlooked when booking an airline ticket? What is it?
5. What’s a standard fare for taking a taxi from the airport to downtown: Cuenca, Guayaquil, Quito? Why is one of them so very high compared to the others?

0. Strongly recommend going to
1. Probably best to go to
2. Consider going to
3. 50/50
4. You might be ok without
5. I need to talk to you about being a content provider. Please go to and click Support.

Alternatively, one can go to Amazon and buy the book Mas Despacio 1,000 things to consider before moving to Ecuador for only $9.99.

Stay tuned for more questions in a few days.
(For those who’ve read more than 10 quizzes, aren’t you even a little curious? It’s only $10 or $20.)

Contact information:

Rick Ochoa


This massage releases your muscles and calms your nervous system –the perfect recipe for relaxation. Everyone could benefit from a Relaxing massage – whether you’re struggling to sleep, have deadlines to hit, or want quality time. Feel pampered and relaxed in the comfort of your home.

Benefits of Relaxing Massages:

• An improved night’s sleep
• A drop in cortisol levels
• Muscles that feel looser and more relaxed
• Reduce tension
• Enhance concentration and focus
• Improves circulation
• Reduce fatigue

Schedule your in-home massage on the day and time that suits you best.

Massage costs USD 45

Contact information:

Elsa Rojas


We know you know we’re raising funds to build Ecuador’s most modern animal shelter and you’ve probably heard about Gala FAAN-TASTICA on October 7th when our community of animal lovers dresses up and goes all out for the Dogs.

What you may not know is there are Business and Community Partners and Volunteers of FAAN (Fundacion Familia Amor Animal) like Ital Deli and Prime PET who are helping us feed the over 150 abused, rescued, and senior dogs in our care every day.

FAAN’s President, Jose Gomez who every day drives up the mountain to care for our dogs was thrilled and emotional to accept 300 pounds of fresh dog food for our pups from Prime Pet. (Wowza–if we could show you how happy our dogs were their fresh feast)

It takes each of us and all of us to make Cuenca known as the “The City that Cares about Animal Welfare.”

Join us as a Volunteer, Business Sponsor, Adopter and Guest at
GALA FAAN-TASTICA on October 7th.

To Get your Tickets and Donate to our Auction Palooza, visit our Gala Headquarters or write us at

Contact information:




In nearly 6 years of specializing in health insurance, I’ve gained significant experience and insight. One of the most critical aspects I’ve come to understand is the necessity to declare ALL pre-existing conditions. This is fundamental to ensure no insurance company can deny coverage to its clients. For expatriates, this concept may be particularly confusing, given the differences in healthcare systems between their home country, such as the U.S., and their new residence.

My role as an insurance agent involves clearly explaining what a pre-existing condition means within the context of their health insurance. Typically, each pre-existing condition has a coverage limit, which currently stands at approximately $8,500 per condition, and after a two year waiting period.

To simplify this process for our clients, we provide a comprehensive questionnaire. This document includes various questions designed to help clients recall past surgeries, illnesses, or health complications.

Once it is completed, it establishes a level of confidence for both the client and myself as an agent. It’s a reassurance that, after a two-year period, all declared pre-existing conditions will be covered by their insurance plan.

Therefore, it’s always advisable to read through the insurance documents thoroughly and ask questions if anything is unclear. This underscores the value of having an accessible, dedicated agent who can guide you through the process and ensure your health coverage is tailored to your needs.

Click here to know more about us

Contact information:

Daniela Cordero


Hey there! If you’ve been looking for someone else to do some tasks which you don’t have time for: THIS IS YOUR CHANCE! My name is Sebastian Ordonez, 28 years old, and English fluent, I’m PATIENT and ready to help. I have a college degree in Tourism and Hospitality Management. I’ve worked as a tour guide and front desk agent; my last job was in Hyatt Regency New Orleans as a rooms division trainee. I can assist you to do the tasks that you don’t have time for, such as:

-Drive you to any place you need
-Walk your dogs.
-Do your proceedings and procedures.
-Do your shopping.
-Get your medication from the pharmacy.
-Help you with your Spanish lessons.
-Tours around the city.

…And a whole lot more!

My rate is $10 per hour, and I assure you that you’re going to have excellent service (NO ECUADORIAN TIME, I believe in good manners and punctuality is a show of respect for everybody). I am looking forward to make your life easier.
Feel free to reach out any time if you are interested, so we can schedule your appointment.

Contact information:

Sebastian Ordonez



Vitamin C, ascorbic acid, is a powerful antioxidant crucial to overall health.

High-dose Vitamin C is crucial to a healthy body and contributes to your immune defence by supporting and directly stimulating various cellular functions of the innate and adaptive immune systems.

Vitamin C is an essential antioxidant and is responsible for many functions in the body. While not all oral supplements are fully absorbed, IV Vitamin C delivery ensures that 100% of the vitamin is bioavailable. In addition, when given high doses, Vitamin C converts from an antioxidant to an oxidative therapy.

Failing to get enough vitamin C can result in deficiencies that may result in poor wound healing, easy bruising, bleeding of the gums, and anemia. In addition, since vitamin C aids in iron absorption, a severe deficiency may cause scurvy, a disease categorized by extreme weakness, bruising, bleeding, and lethargy.

I may suggest a high-dose vitamin C IV drip if:

• You spend much time in the city, travel a lot, and are frequently exposed to pollution
• You suddenly feel run down
• You have gastrointestinal issues
• You have a chronic infection
• You have a vitamin deficiency
• You have problems with malabsorption
• You have recently undergone chemotherapy

• Helps clear infections
• Strengthens the immune system
• Helps prevent degenerative diseases
• Protects the body from free radical damage
• Decreases oxidative stress in cells

The cost of IV is $50 + a $5.00 transportation fee.

Contact information:

Elsa Rojas


We have two beautiful, well-behaved doggie girls in need of a forever home who have been loved and cared for these past years and a community member who now needs our help.
It could happen to any of us… A change in life circumstances, and a need to return to the US, prompting an impossible choice to leave our beloved pets behind. Our friend who has rescued animals all of her life is bringing three pets home with her, however, if any of you know the difficulty and expense of bringing a pet into the US, you already understand an impossible choice.

Sophie is five years young and was rescued tied up at a rural restaurant in the CAJAS. She is a mixed breed which makes her an original and loves being inside and out.
Sophie loves children, all people and gets along with other dogs.
Maisey’s story starts on the side of a hill in Sustang which is near the only golf course in Cuenca.
Her mother had dug a hole there and given birth to a litter of puppies and luckily a loving animal-lover came to the rescue.
Maisey is a 6-year-old poodle/terrier mix on her mom’s side combined with something a little bigger (maybe Border Collie?) on her dad’s side which resulted in a unique, medium-sized dog.

It is hoped our girls, Sophie and Maisey will be adopted as a pair but this is not required.
Transport within 5 hours of Cuenca to a loving home.

Contact information:




Hi. I am Ray Huntley, owner of Osaka Ramen on San Sebastian Plaza. I would like to thank cuencahighlife and the Cuenca expat community for their support in helping us to reach our goal of raising $55,000 to open our third Osaka Ramen.

We were able to raise the money in just six weeks, which has to be a record!!

My thanks also goes to Tom Northcote. His experience and expertise in dealing with the potential investors and raising money was truly extraordinary. I would not have been able to do this without Tom and I sincerely appreciate his achievement.
I look forward to seeing you at the new Osaka Ramen when we open in October.

Contact information:

Osaka Ramen


Education is a key pillar of our work at FAAN (Fundacion Familia Amor Animal). Here’s a community resource we would like to share with you.

Download this new digital Bilingual Coloring Book “Be-Kind” “Se Amable” created by FAAN’s Education Team.

Be Kind Tip: Buy some Crayons at your favorite tienda and share this resource on animal kindness with a young person in your neighborhood.

FAAN invites you to Become Part of the Solution. Volunteer, Adopt and Donate and be sure to get your tickets for GALA FAAN-TASTICA on October 7th
Together we’re making Cuenca known as “The City That Cares” about Animal Welfare.

Contact information:




I highly recommend Sabrina Candela as a paralegal and facilitator. She is the best I have ever had the pleasure of working with. With her exceptional legal knowledge as a last year law student, she offers invaluable assistance in various areas, such as banking processes, IESS, real estate advice and more. Sabrina’s dedication, expertise, and reasonable fees make her the best facilitator in the whole world. You won’t find anyone better to handle your legal needs. Sabrina’s legal knowledge surpasses expectations, and her ability to navigate complex processes in any public and private institutions in Ecuador is just amazing!

But she can also help you facing all the challenges that expats face in a new country on their day-to-day life such as medical appointments, internet, water and electricity services and more!

Her skills and professionalism are unmatched and she speaks great English.

I would hire her a million times again!!

Name: Sabrina Candela

Phone: +593 93 906 2758

Contact information:

Tom Northcote

Blue Box CP

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