
Former Guayaquil mayor and leader of the Social Christian Party (PSC) Jaime Nebot denied a claim by former director of the Guayas Judiciary Council María Josefa Coronel that he was aware of the illegal activities of National Assemblyman Pablo Muentes. Muentes, a Social Christian, was arrested Monday on corruption charges related to activities in the...
Miércoles, 6/3/2024 Hola, Todos – Titular – Prisión par exasambleísta del PSC (Prison for former PSC assemblyman) – See article in today’s CHL for story. Cuenca – Reconocimiento mundial a gastronomía cuencana (World recognition for Cuenca’s gastronomy) – In an awards ceremony yesterday, Cuenca received the “Culinary Capitals” certification from the World Food Travel Association....
By Jules Ownby Colombia is the deadliest country in the Americas for human rights defenders. The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) has been warning of the problem for years, and on Tuesday, it published a report that revealed the situation remained the same in 2023. According to the IACHR report, 126 human rights defenders...
A judge has ordered nine defendants, including National Assemblyman Pablo Muentes, held in pre-trial detention following Monday’s arrests connected to the Guayas Provincial Court. Attorney General Diana Salazar had asked that 11 of the 12 arrested on organized crime charges remain in jail but said she is satisfied with the ruling by Judge Javier de...
Martín Pallares, former editor of the 4 Pelagatos investigative news site, says arrests in the Guayas Provincial Court case and other corruption cases could have far reaching effects on Ecuador’s political landscape. “The involvement of key political figures with organized crime has been an open secret for the past three or four years,” he says....
A volcano has erupted on an island in the Galápagos where the last known survivor of a species of giant tortoise was discovered. The La Cumbre volcano on Fernandina island began erupting on Saturday night, lighting up the nighttime sky as lava tumbled down its sides toward the sea. Fernandina was home to Fernanda, a...
By Jeremiah Reardon Maestro Bolivar Sarmiento Regalado recently underwent surgery. I met Bolivar at Casa del Alfarero Cultural Center in barrio Convencion 45 where he gave me free guitar lessons over eight months. Up to a half dozen guitar students came for lessons, daily, over those weekday afternoons. He also performed free concerts in its...
Lunes, 4/3/2024 Hola, Todos – Titular – Culminan los 60 días del Estado de Excepción (60-day state of emergency ends) – See Monday’s CHL article for story. Cuenca – Se prevé una reducción del consumo por alza del IVA (Consumption expected to fall due to VAT increase) – In the industries of Cuenca, most of...
By Queen Mary University of London staff New findings reveal that the body undergoes significant, systematic changes across multiple organs during prolonged periods of fasting. The results demonstrate evidence of health benefits beyond weight loss, but also show that any potentially health-altering changes appear to occur only after three days without food.  The study, published...
A former National Assemblyman and six judges are among 12 people arrested early Monday in Samborondón and Guayaquil in connection with the Metastasis corruption case. Among those taken into custody are former assemblyman Pablo Muentes and former president of the Guayas Provincial Court of Justice Fabiola Gallardo. Attorney General Diana Salazar said the arrests are...
Ecuador’s Constitutional Court ruled Friday that the 60-day state of emergency imposed by President Daniel Noboa on January 8 is constitutional. In a statement, the court said the measures adopted during the state of emergency, which include the mobilization of the police and the armed forces, are justified by circumstances. The court also said that...
By Liam Higgins As President Daniel Noboa completed the first 100 days of his presidency last week he enjoys record high levels of public support for militarizing the fight criminal gangs and cartels. Many experts say, however, that he may be ignoring problems underlying the criminality. “As the old saying goes, you can’t argue with...

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The Cuenca Dispatch

Week of September 15

The Massive Blackout of September 2024.

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Getting Rid of Verónica Abad: The Conflict the Government is Racing to Resolve.

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Puerto Cabuyal: the commune that protects a marine reserve in Ecuador.

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