Carnival revives traditional characters; Recurring landslides block travel; More businesses welcome pets; City begins radar ticketing despite warnings
Lunes, 20/2/2023
Hola, Todos -Titular –
Carnaval revive a los personajes tradicionales (Carnival revives traditional characters) – Thousands of local and foreign tourists enjoyed Carnaval in Gualaceo at the “Carnaval del río Gualaceo” parade. Contingents from schools, communities, and businesses marched, sprayed water and foam, and drank chicha de jora <I wonder if some of the marchers from schools managed to sneak some chicha>. The themes of many of the comparsas (troupes) recalled Carnavals of the past with shared food and typical sweets, old costumes, dance, music, andean cultures, and the origens of the Cañari people.
Cuenca –
Maquinaría se mentendrá en la Cuenca-Molleturo (Machinery to be kept on the vía Cuenca-Molleturo) – A new landslide Monday morning has closed the Cajas highway although crews worked through the day to reopen it. After a slide el último sábado at km 78 on the vía Cuenca-Molleturo-El Empalme, MTOP (Ministerio de Transporte y Obras Públicas) will keep machinery on the road to clean up any new slides. Saturday’s landslide was cleared by Sunday morning and traffic resumed until Monday’s slide, in the same location, closed the road again. It is recommended that motorists drive with caution due to rain and fog. Because of the bypass at km. 49, MTOP is restricting passage to vehicles under 6 tons and 13 m. long. The vía Loja-Catamayo was closed yesterday morning due to an earth slide in the sector of the entrance to Chuquiribamba.
De El Mercurio del domingo, 19/2/2023:
Las mascotas tienen lugares amigables (Pets have pet-friendly places) – Cuenca has more than 20 places that are pet friendly including hotels, cafeterias, bars, and more. Being pet-friendly is more than allowing pets inside. It can include free water and food for dogs and cats, and creating a space where multi-species families can feel comfortable. The location should also have clear signs about the rules of the establishment, indicate where the dog bathroom is, and if there are water bowls. Various pet-friendly businesses include Wellness yoga salon; The Terrace-Restaurant, including hotel stays; and the Selina Hotel Cuenca which is designed for comfortable and peaceful pet stays, with special beds and food and water bowls.
Although establishments don’t have a specific pet menu, the Selina Hotel Cuenca is working on creating dishes for 4 footed guests. <Would human guests on crutches qualify for that menu?> Until then, pets are greeted with water and kibble, usually delivered under or next to the table of the paying guest. Pet-friendly restaurants include Distrito Lounge Bar where pets are allowed to sit at the tables. <Which the dog is not allowed to do at home. The cats, being cats, sit wherever they want.> At Casa Azul, pets are allowed in the outdoor seating areas, but not inside near the kitchen.
Dog influencer Oso Manchas visited Cuenca recently and had this advice. Find out if the pet is welcome before entering an establishment and if there is an adequate space for him/her/it/them. Know your pet and be able to tell if it is uncomfortable. Practice responsible ownership and have your pet’s vaccinations and parasite controls up to date. Be aware of your responsibilities. It’s not pet-friendly if people around you have a bad experience. Your pet should be leashed, not be anxious or do its business inside the restaurant. Pet-friendly means taking responsibility for these acts. Damage caused by the pet should be taken care of by the owner and not the establishment. <With that in mind, bone appetit.>
De El Mercurio del sábado, 18/2/2023:
Al límite de tiempo para impementar los radares (Approaching time limit to implement radars) – Thursday night, EMOV announced that the photoradars installed by Movil Technology Ecuador would be issuing fines starting between 18 & 24/2. This is in spite of recommendations from the Federal Prosecutor’s office, the National Assembly Audit Committee, and Mayor-elect Cristian Zamora that out-going mayor Pedro Palacios not activate the radar system. Palacios commented that Zamora can do whatever he wants in May when he takes office.
The following infractions will be sanctioned immediately: speeding, illegal turns, running red lights, and blocking intersections and pedestrian crossings. <What’s an illegal turn in a redondel? Driving around in a clockwise direction?> Current locations for the photo radars are at the following redondeles (roundabouts): Tres Puentes, Av. 3 de Noviembre y Simón Bolívar, sector Colegio Corazones, Av. De las Américas y Av. Turuhuayco, Av. 1° de Mayo y De las Américas, Av. Paseo de los Cañaris y González Suarez. They will also be at the following intersections: Av. De las Américas y Av. España, Puente Fabián Alarcón, Av. Del Toril y Chasquis, Av. De las Américas y Av. Del Chofer, Sebastián de Benalcázar y Nuñez de Bonilla, Av. De las Américas y Av. México, Av. De las Américas y Av. Amazonas, Carlos Arízaga y Roberto Crespo.
And that’s all for today so hasta ? –