Miércoles, 28/9/2016: $1 billion bond offer, Karen Kennedy recital, Traffic problem, 10k night-time run, Flamenco performance

Sep 29, 2016 | 0 comments

Hola, Todos –

¡Miércoles!  (That’s your word for the day to be explained below.) Sorry about yesterday’s non-issue.  If you’re aggravated at not receiving it, think about how I feel after working on it for 2 hours and finding out the chl jeanne logoonly thing to go thru was a few words.

Now to “Miércoles.”  What would you say if if you were reading the paper on your computer, eating pancakes, and you knocked the jug of maple syrup over onto your keyboard and flooded it?  Now what would you say if your 4 year old grandchild was watching you?  That’s Miércoles – you say that when you don’t want to say “m***da.” Google “s**t” and see what the Spanish word is and how Miércoles could be a substitution.  (Sometimes Spanish can be fun.  And this word could be handy.)

Pagina cultural –

Today’s (Miércoles – the day, not the cuss word) agenda events –

“Paco Loco” – The show is part of the “Cuenca en Cuentos” (Cuenca in Stories) series by the Teatro Barojo.  It premiered Wed. at 20:00 in el Sono (Borrero 6-83). Cost:  $5.00.

Música – The Sonora Club (av. Doce de Abril y San Roque) will have live music today with artists playing rock, hip hop, techno, punk and post punk.  (It’s a night club – you think they start at 7:30 in the morning?  Just show up at 9 pm and take your chances they’re getting going.)

Tomorrow’s (if today is Miércoles, that would make tomorrow Jueves – that’s the way it happens every week, folks.) agenda events –

Fotografía – “Anima,” a photograph exhibit by Gabriela Parra will open Thurs. at 19:30 in the Teatro Casa de la Cultura.  Duetto, Theatrum and Kamermusic will also perform.
Recital – Artist Karen Kennedy will present “Mi propio canto” (My own song) Thurs. at 20:00 in the Teatro Casa de la Cultura.

Novela – A novel by Raúl Vallejo Corral about Velasco Ibarra, a controversial 5 time ex-president, will be launched Thurs. at 19:00 in the Museo de Arte Moderno.

Libro – “Ensaya para Compañía de responsibilidad limitada como Empresa Familiar” (Test for Limited Liability Company as Family Business – ensaya is also rehearse, but that didn’t make all that much sense either) by José V. Flores González will be launched Thurs. at 18:30 in the Sala de Conciertos.  (It actually sounds like a thesis for a business administration degree.)

Articles about –

Arts converge at two cultural events this weekend – La Caminata del Arte (Art Walk) will be inaugurated on Fri. at 19:00 in the Galería de la Alcaldía and take place over the weekend.  The walk will visit 55 locations for art and gastronomíca including galleries, workshops, art centers, bars and restaurants.  The Noche de Shungo will be on Sat. from 11-23:00 in the Pumapungo and will have dance, music, bands, yoga classes and art.  For these activities citizens can borrow bikes from the parque Calderón and Museo Pumapungo.  You have to leave your cedula.  (The accompanying photo shows an Art Walk announcement to the press with photo including Kara V.)
Flamenco – There will be a flamenco show with troupes from Guayaquil, Cuenca and Loja composed of guitar, percussion, bass, singer and dancers on 27/10 at 20:00 in the Teatro Sucre. Cost: $5.00.

“Pase de la Tía Lulú” – Every December 24 for 50 years, Lulú Torres and her husband Guillermo Aguilar have organized the family’s activities for the day.  The book is a collection of photos taken since 1965 of the family – the children in their Christmas costumes with their parents, the Christmas characters, the food, the altar and church.  (Living history.)

Abanderadas – On Mon., high schools picked their standard bearers and escorts. These are students who have achieved the highest qualifications.  At the Colegio Militar Abdón Calderón, all 7 of the color guard (which seems like what this is) are women. (Go, girls!  I wonder if there are enough women students in US military schools to make up a color guard?)

Book launch – “La vida exterior”, the 4th book by Carlos Vásconez will be presented tomorrow at 19:00 in the ex Escuela Central/Museo de la Ciudad.

Otras cosas –  
Titular – Mejora movilidad en zona industrial (Better mobility in the industrial zone).  30,000 vehicles circulate in the area of the parque Industrial, of which 3,000 stay in the area.  Traffic is complicated by the number of large trucks, sometimes double parked.  The park occupies 48 hectares with 120 businesses and 6500 employees. Measures taken by the city such as street widenings, new paving, and redirecting streets have helped.  A future by-pass would take traffic to Ricuarte out of the Industrial Park.

Cattle – The Ágencia de Calidad Agropecuaria, Agrocalidad del Azuay (The Agricultural Quality Agency – Agrocalidad del Azuay) is pushing to get tags on livestock, mostly cows, for quality control.  Currently, there are 60-70,000 untagged cows, a good number of them recently born calves, and others belonging to people who regard the $3.80 cost of the tag as a tax.  In Azuay, 174,000 cows have been vaccinated and of those, 110,000 are tagged. Untagged cows can’t be sold commercially.

Bonds – The Ministry of Finance is offering $1 billion in bonds in the international markets at a rate of 10.75% which mature in March, 2022.  The offering attracted 119 investors from N. America, Europe, Asia, the Middle East and S. America including investment banks, insurance companies, trusts and others.

Matriculación – If your license plate ends in 8, you have until Fri. to get your car registered for the coming year.  (If you wait until the last day to get the annual vehicle inspection, better bring a bottle to piss in – the lines can be long.)  Hours for the offices at Capulispamba, Mayancela, Terminal Terrestre and in the parking lot under parque De La Madre are 8-17:00, M-F.

Amenidades –

Yoga – A practical yoga and stress workshop will be given on Sat., 1/10 from 9-12:00 in the Centro de Yoga “Adhikara” (Remigio Tamariz 2-40 y Federico Proaño.) by Alexandra Molina. Go to marialexmolina@hotmail.com for more info.  Cost:  $40:00.

Deportes –
Ruta Nocturna 10K – This night run will be on 29/10 starting from parque El Paraíso. Register until 23/10 at Mi Boletería in Mall del Río and Fybeca Bolívar.  There are spaces for 5,000 runners. The route is El Paraíso, 10 de Agosto, Luis Moreno Mora, Solano, 12 de Abril, Unidad Nacional, 3 de Nov., Condamine, calle Larga, Huayna Cápac and 12 de Abril.  Cost:  $10 for over 15 years.  50% off for younger than 15, disabled and seniors.

And that´s all for today so Hasta Mañana –



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