Jueves, 2/6/2016: Earthquake price tag is $3.34 billion; Drunks and speeders arrested

Jun 2, 2016 | 0 comments

Hola, Todos –

I will take a long weekend next week from Thu. 9/6 through Sun. The periodicos will resume on Monday, 14/6.chl jeanne logo

Pagina cultural –
Upcoming events –

Exposición de máscaras (Mask exhibit) – The “Muestra de máscaras” opened Thurs. with a performance and live music in the centro cultural “Chaguarchimbana” (in the Plaza del Herrero) and will run to August.  The goal of the exhibit is to recover and support Ecuador’s immaterial heritage.

Tattoo conference – “El tatuaje.  Un amor controversial en el cuerpo” (The tattoo.  A controversial love on the body) will be tomorrow at 19:00 in Espacio Psicoanalítico Cuenca (Sucre y Miguel Vélez).  Psychoanalyst Saúl Jerves will talk about tattoos and people who are tattoo fans.  (Bikers for one, and surprisingly to me, lots of grannies for another.  If you get a tattoo, just remember it’s pretty much a life long commitment and can outlast several marriages.)

Finished and continuing events

“Abya-yala.  Tierra de leyenda” (Abya-yala.  Land of legend) – The theater/puppet group “Gotas Mágicas” (Magic drops – hmmm – are these kind of like the “spoonful”? The song’s probably deep in your memory somewhere.) performed Thurs. in the Teatro Sucre as part of the “Titiricuenca 2016” festival.

Microteatro – The 2nd season of “Microteatro Cuenca” started Thurs. with 5 works in 5 salons simultaneously in the Salón del Pueblo de la Casa de la Cultura and runs to Sat. Cost: $5.00 for each work.  (I’m still unsure as to how these performances work.  Do you switch rooms after every performance and fork over another $5.00 until you’ve seen them all?)

Articles about –

Reading marathon – “A todo libro.  Historias para grande y chicos” (All about books. Stories for old and young.  That was not a literal translation, by the way.) was a reading event yesterday since a liking for reading is instilled at an early age.

Exhibit – The show “Pinturas Parlantes” by Ñusta Juliana Vega opened Thurs. at the Alianza Francesa (Tadeo Torres y Solano) and runs until 24/6.

Otras cosas –  
Titular – Reconstrucción costará 3.344 millones dólares (Reconstruction will cost $3.344 billion)  This estimate includes $1.369 billion for the social sector (health, education, housing and public and patrimonial buildings – 41%), $1.032 billion for the productive sector (agriculture, manufacturing, tourism and commerce – 31%), $862 million for infrastructure (roads, water and sanitation, telecommunication, electricity – 26%), and $81 million for other areas such as environment, security and risk management.  The impact of the earthquake will lower the GDP by .7% and it has caused the loss of 21,823 jobs, both formal and informal.

Ley Solidaria – Unions are arguing that 3 articles in the law are illegal.  Those articles deal with the “día de sueldo” where workers making over $1,000/mo. will contribute one day’s earnings to the reconstruction efforts.  (I would guess that they’re afraid this might become a permanent contribution.  Why else would anyone object to helping to the tune of $33 for a worker making $1,000 divided by 30 days?)

App – “Recetas de Chile” (Recipes from Chile) is a new app available on Android and iOS with Chilean recipes.  (So is Chilean food as good as Peruvian food?)

Road work – Next week repaving will start on Camino Del Tejar from calle Grevilla to its end in the sector Santa María de Sayausí where it connects to av. Ordóñez Lasso.  Ordóñez Lasso should be reopened completely this coming Mon.  (So Ordóñez Lasso should be functioning before they start work on Del Tejar which is the alternate route to O. Lasso.)  Another project will be construction of El Recreo park at av. Primero de Mayo y Gaspar de Carvajal.  The work to build multi-use sports fields, walkways, a children’s area and Wifi zone will take 3 months and cost $280,000.

Police page –

Police ticketed 66 people in May for drinking in public spaces. The controls are on weekends from Thu. afternoon to 4:00 am on Sun., and are concentrated on Remigio Crespo, Otorongo, Plazoleta El Farol, around Turi, Calle Larga, Feria Libre, Totoracocha, San Roque and various parks.

There were traffic controls for speeding yesterday on av. De las Américas in the Miraflores sector where the road slopes from the Basílica towards the Parque Industrial.  12 drivers were cited, but no one was taken to jail because of a lack of cell space.  Las Americas has several speed limits ranging from 30-70 kph.  (So pay attention to the signs.  It would be your luck to blow past the radar on a day when the jail cells aren’t full.)

Amenidades –
X edition of Designer Book – The event is to showcase the work of Ecuadorian designers and craftspeople.  Tonight’s event at 19:00 in the Casa de la Provincia (I think it’s the newly restored building on the west end of San Blas) will include a runway show led by designers Danny Arias, Carolina Meneses y Silvia Zeas and featuring the work of 7 others.

Discuentos y compras –
Sukasa – a raffle for a 10 day/9 night all expenses trip to Croatia for 2 – one ticket for every $100 in purchases from 2/4 to 3/7, 2016.

Juan Eljuri – auction of motos, cuadrones y UTV’s (motorcycles, 4 wheel somethings and ATV’s?) – motos from $200 – Sat., 11/6 at the old Coca Cola warehouse in the Industrial park.  Sign up from Wed, 8/6 to Fri, 10/6 between 8-18:00.

SanaSana pharmacy – 10, 20 30 & 40% discounts on selected merchandise – from 1-3/6.

And that´s all for today so Hasta Mañana –




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